Thrilla in Religia-Apologies to the Marquis of Queensbury


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
I may be wrong about this but it appears to me that at some point in history theism probably took a legitimate right cross to the head that sent it reeling towards the canvas. Having enjoyed a pretty good run, has theism lost its ability to punch back and is the knockout blow inevitable?

If you believe theism has been staggered, is there a specific event, invention or new ideology that delivered the shot that wobbled the knees of theists? If so then did theists become too overconfident and take their atheist challenger too lightly? When do you think atheism got off the mat and started to believe it can punch back?

Will theism be saved by the bell before counted out? What can happen to enable theism to rebound and take over control of the bout? When will the bell ring? I await the judges' decision:D
What you are experiencing is entropy and Atheism has just increased the rate of entropy of humans- Its not a blow to anything- its natural.

Peace be unto you ;)
What you are experiencing is entropy and Atheism has just increased the rate of entropy of humans- Its not a blow to anything- its natural.

Sounds ominous.:eek: Of course theism never makes contributions towards anything degenerate. :rolleyes:

I like an Awakening instead. However at some point atheism saw the opening or accidentally made one, I just need to know when that took place. When did society start to decline, can you give me a starting point?
They, as in Atheists? When did atheists start to exist? How did it happen?

No I was referring to the existence of a 'society' or one could call Humans since we are specifically talking about them.

So to rephrase it:

From the very time society started to exist.... (there were probably some positive times but in the long run the trend has been decline)

Peace be unto you ;)
So to rephrase it:

From the very time society started to exist.... (there were probably some positive times but in the long run the trend has been decline)

Did theism contribute to our decline? If theism did not then what purpose did it serve since society, as you say, is in decline anyways?
Did theism contribute to our decline? If theism did not then what purpose did it serve since society, as you say, is in decline anyways?

Can you first please explain to me what you mean by 'decline' - just want to be on the same page.

Peace be unto you ;)
Can you first please explain to me what you mean by 'decline' - just want to be on the same page.

Peace be unto you ;)

Maybe you should tell us what definition of entropy you're using. Here's one from that I thought you were referring to.

entropy: a doctrine of inevitable social decline and degeneration.

I don't know how one can exclude theism from this meaning
Maybe you should tell us what definition of entropy you're using. Here's one from that I thought you were referring to.

entropy: a doctrine of inevitable social decline and degeneration.

I don't know how one can exclude theism from this meaning

Entropy is not constant and neither is the rate of increase/decrease in Entropy constant. Atheism has no real bearing on the social well-being of anything because we're just meaningless things that are made up of chemical reactions. Theism on the other hand puts meaning on life in a mandatory fashion. Atheism increases the rate of entropy, theism tries to give order but the humans can not completely accept that order or follow it in a absolute manner and also Humans have certain qualities that increase entropy so the entropy slows but still continues to increase- So a society in its final trend is always with increasing Entropy (decline)

The difference between Atheism and Theism is simply the rate at which Entropy is increased. Theism slows Entropy down a little, Atheism doesn't :D

Peace be unto you ;)
The difference between Atheism and Theism is simply the rate at which Entropy is increased. Theism slows Entropy down a little, Atheism doesn't :D

So then, you're saying theism does contribute to the decline of society? Slow or fast would be irrelevant in the end.
So then, you're saying theism does contribute to the decline of society? Slow or fast would be irrelevant in the end.

Not quite, Entropy doesn't need Theism or Atheism- Entropy is simply a natural phenomenon- Some call it the ULTIMATE Law. Theism is there to lower the rate of Entropy- although Humans can use it to increase it- Entropy increases on its own- Theism doesn't increase it (although Humans can do that)- it only slows it.

You are kind of like saying. If a war broke out and I as a doctor saved 1 person that I had something to do with everyone else dying.

Peace be unto you ;)
I may be wrong about this but it appears to me that at some point in history theism probably took a legitimate right cross to the head that sent it reeling towards the canvas. Having enjoyed a pretty good run, has theism lost its ability to punch back and is the knockout blow inevitable?
Funny enough, theism's life blood is insecurity and fear. As society become more secure and less fearful, they become less theistic. When they are scared shirtless of what the future holds - then they become more theistic.

Do you see the world going in the direction of more or less security?
I may be wrong about this but it appears to me that at some point in history theism probably took a legitimate right cross to the head that sent it reeling towards the canvas. Having enjoyed a pretty good run, has theism lost its ability to punch back and is the knockout blow inevitable?

If you believe theism has been staggered, is there a specific event, invention or new ideology that delivered the shot that wobbled the knees of theists? If so then did theists become too overconfident and take their atheist challenger too lightly? When do you think atheism got off the mat and started to believe it can punch back?

Will theism be saved by the bell before counted out? What can happen to enable theism to rebound and take over control of the bout? When will the bell ring? I await the judges' decision:D


/psychoticepisode taps out

Needless to say, it stands to be a staggering moment ...
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Funny enough, theism's life blood is insecurity and fear.
actually insecurity and fear is the lifeblood of material existence. If you don't believe me just compare how much pleasure your big toe can cause you compared to how much pain it potentially has on offer. What makes religion unique is that it has the most effective means of dealing with the problem of material existence (so perhaps you could argue it throws a greater ante on the table)
As society become more secure and less fearful, they become less theistic. When they are scared shirtless of what the future holds - then they become more theistic.
When a society becomes more secure it becomes more fearful on the resources that operate such security. For instance, around the turn of the industrial revolution a country would be more likely to invade another for securing rubber instead of oil.

Do you see the world going in the direction of more or less security?
I see it going in the direction of more material security, which simply means a tighter pinch as conflict abounds for resources that are not inherently related for meeting the bare necessities of life - for instance you have people going hungry because their food crops are used for synthesizing ethanol for cars instead of feeding their families.

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Less security- so it seems Theism will win in the end- :D

Peace be unto you ;)
I tend to agree. And it's not about "winning". Yes, in the now and near future people will be theistic. I have never argued otherwise. I simply think we should decide what the theisms teach people. Monotheism as in the Puff Daddy in the sky is on the way out - mostly. Polytheisms are making inroads. Buddhism is making very strong inroads in some countries. Alienisms are interesting. Polyalienisms are even newer. I feel overall that principals being taught theistically are going in the right direction. There's still a long ways to go though.
actually insecurity and fear is the lifeblood of material existence. If you don't believe me just compare how much pleasure your big toe can cause you compared to how much pain it potentially has on offer. What makes religion unique is that it has the most effective means of dealing with the problem of material existence (so perhaps you could argue it throws a greater ante on the table)

When a society becomes more secure it becomes more fearful on the resources that operate such security. For instance, around the turn of the industrial revolution a country would be more likely to invade another for securing rubber instead of oil.

I see it going in the direction of more material security, which simply means a tighter pinch as conflict abounds for resources that are not inherently related for meeting the bare necessities of life - for instance you have people going hungry because their food crops are used for synthesizing ethanol for cars instead of feeding their families.

well, it is a correlation. I don't know, maybe we should open a new thread. I'm still leaning towards insecurity tends to feed theism. Look at people on that plane that was crashing on 911. "Oh God help me, Oh God help me". You know, the whole, there's no atheists in foxholes idea.
well, it is a correlation. I don't know, maybe we should open a new thread. I'm still leaning towards insecurity tends to feed theism. Look at people on that plane that was crashing on 911. "Oh God help me, Oh God help me". You know, the whole, there's no atheists in foxholes idea.
Insecurity feeds solutions.

the only question is to what degree they work or not
