Thoughts on the abduction phenomena


Registered Senior Member
I remember an instance after being taken one night where I ended up outside of the house at around 3:00AM or so in the morning. I had to bang on the door for a while, until my mother woke up and opened the door for me.

I always thought of that since as them having a sense of humor.

Of course I had no way of explaining what I was doing outside in the middle of the night with the doors locked.
are you able to descern to a point of conclusive self actualisation that you did not teleport yourself?

i am being seriouse not trying to be silly or rude.

i once made a telephone call in a sleep walking situation
which caused a few seriouse issues with a long term friendship i had,
and had no recolection of the event
unfortunenately the friendship did not survive the consequential situation.
my previouse question was/is seriouse
if you wish to know of the reasons and motivators for
stereotyping group factualisation of the "human condition"
i would be happy to give you a pm to explain it to you.
however i am a little surprised that you do not already know why how or for what purpose...

groove on :)
How do the aliens get into the house when all the doors are locked?

Wait, don't tell me. They're magical aliens who can walk through walls, right?
Oh, come on, James R, don't tell me you never saw Star Treck! The alien equivilent of scotty just beams them directly into Jocariah's room, clearly.
Silly me. I forgot that these aliens are so powerful they have teleportation. Yet, strangely, they seem to have nothing better to do than to do sexual experiments on people and mutilate a few cows.
Oh man.

It's BS. Actually, it's a psychological phenemona called "night terror" or something. Er, at least that's the most plausible explanation I've heard. Basically there is a percentage of the populous that has a sleep disorder where their chest gets tight and they wake up conscious but it's in the part of sleep where your muscles are all disconnected from your will, so you feel paralyzed. This contributes to the tight chest thing which leads the sleeping (but weirdly conscious) brain to fill in the details. Whatever popular folklore tends to fill itself into that deficit of input and now you end up with "abduction phenomena".

It was either something on the science channel or Penn and Teller's: BUllshit!
Acctualy what you're describing, wes, is sleep paralysis which is a bit different from a night terror. In a night terror the body isn't paralized (Because it is only in the first stage of sleep, which is also when we normaly experience REM, and dream, that the body is paralized, but it is in the 4th stage of sleep that these night terrors occur, they are essentialy dreams, except your body is at least semi-mobile, so you could consieveably end up walking out of your house, or hurting yourself, or whatever.)
James R

remember it is possible through our current mainstream physics to actualy pass things through walls

but the morons are soo up thier own arses they have no real hope of playing connect the dots till they get it handed to them on a plate.
just like most science like that
the lazzy brained scientists sit back and say NO YOU PROVE IT im the real scientist.
while they are bound by legal employment contracts so everything they might design or build is taken by the company for profit only NOT FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY.
its easy to pass tests that test for things that are considered normal
yet most scientists wish to be considered normal
go figure
ohh thats right a good scientist is one that makes a virus and waits to sell the the vacine when the price reaches the Pharmasuitical companys target profit margin.
sorry i forgot
silly me

groove on :)
Hey, could we maybe set up a kids table forum, and send ripple of death there when he gets too loud and obnoxious for the grown-ups?

<i>remember it is possible through our current mainstream physics to actualy pass things through walls</i>

Not without damaging the wall. :)

<i>but the morons are soo up thier own arses they have no real hope of playing connect the dots till they get it handed to them on a plate.
just like most science like that</i>

You don't know many scientists, do you?

<i>the lazzy brained scientists sit back and say NO YOU PROVE IT im the real scientist.</i>

In science, the burden of proof is always on the claimant.

<i>while they are bound by legal employment contracts so everything they might design or build is taken by the company for profit only NOT FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY.</i>

Many scientists are employed by the government rather than private industry.

<i>yet most scientists wish to be considered normal</i>

They don't believe they are special, if that's what you mean.

<i>ohh thats right a good scientist is one that makes a virus and waits to sell the the vacine when the price reaches the Pharmasuitical companys target profit margin.</i>

Scientists usually have little choice in such matters. If it was up to the scientists, vacines would be free. But somebody has to make them, and that costs money. And yes, pharmaceutical companies make huge profits, but that's not the fault of scientists.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle.

What an interesting concept - I wonder if he classified everything he encountered into either belief or disbelief?

Simply because we can’t seem to imagine how things are – doesn’t mean we ought automatically rule them out. Our imaginings may merely be lacking.
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Originally posted by Jocariah
Simply because we can’t imagine how things are – doesn’t mean we ought automatically rule them out. Our imaginings may merely be lacking.

aren't you doing the same, because you rule out the possibility that you are not a hybrid alien/monkey?
James R
Scientists usually have little choice in such matters
sounds like another argument for a serial criminal to me!
if you see my point

or are you suggesting that the scientists that work for the government
the bulk of them as you say
are forced to stay employed and not to start thier own work
after making lots of money and then taking a part time job to continue thier
as you suggest
loudly stated free choice of vocation
or are most scientists only just existing on the hand to mouth level financialy
or have they chosen to be a soo called scientist because they just find it an easy way to make lots of money and be labeled as a higher social lader rung

i am genralising about the genral productive level of mainstream scientists
and how some who have such passion to study the life cycle of a desert cactus soaking up hundreds of thousands of grant money to make a new moisturiser for women between the ages of 50 and 50.5 years old
do you understand my derection of my post now?

and it is possible to move things through walls as you put it by using current scientific methods and techniques
but no ones handing me any money so there it stays!
its all about profiteering through manipulation and idea theft/corprate espionage and im just a nobody so you may continue to think as such
i have researched it myself and found it to be fairly easy but needs a certain level of money to aquire and build the equipment
and then what use would it be?
not much i suspect
next someone will be telling GM that hydrogen combustion doesnt work
i think it is them that are about to release the prototype first
and so they will get my vote for being first.

groove on :)
The way in which we see ourselves and the world around us is based on information. Over the years I have received a lot of information that I am a white, six-foot two male. Likewise, over the years I have received a lot of information that I am a hybrid. It is possible that I am neither a white six-foot two male nor a hybrid, absolutely – but the probability, based on the information I have received, is high that I am both.

Absolutes may exist, as it pertains to this phenomena, but I seldom think in those terms.

there are different types of as you identify monkey neaderthal
so there are different types of hybrids as there are different types of races of people for an example
maybe you could explain the reason and process of how asian and western brain functions vary from location to location and thus what left handedness then entails as a process of pure evolutional process
why do you think there are some animals that share our dna
and some that dont
should we not all share a common link of dna based on the natural proces of pure evolutional development

with a clear definition of system of change through current alterations possible through current science
but ohhh nooo
i doubt it
but i am interested if you understand the concepts of what dna
evolution might entail

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it - Aristotle.
thank you i hope
and such a vast casim that devides
i am a bridge building specialist :D
groove on :)
Our thought process (e.g., our belief system along with those paradigms that we adhere to) can go about to limit what information is and is not entertained within the mind. If we expect to entertain non-traditional concepts, it seems imperative that we understand how it is that our thought process can go about to limit us.
and heres me thinking i was normal while not being the same
yet being the same and yet not being normal
but know i realise that normal is soo far out of date for such concepts that it only serves to help remind what the true nature of the potential range might be like in any direction
please answer my question from the other thread if you might feel so inclined
a PM of your thoughts on you current perception of the nature of my question would be quite desirable, in light of any information that might be too inflamatory.

but to have a thought and to call it your own
in light of truth of knolledge gives rise to soo many different
realities of where one might travel to seek truth in self actualisation is a concept of almost evolutionary ponderance in such a reality.
although i am still happy to bang my head against a wall to give loved ones slight comic reliefe as i dwel in someone elses time frame
im soo crazzy i love it :D
too much sometimes i suspect

groove on
Originally posted by ripleofdeath

why do you think there are some animals that share our dna
and some that dont
should we not all share a common link of dna based on the natural proces of pure evolutional development

what makes you think that there are animals that do not share any genomic information with us at some level?
Originally posted by ripleofdeath

there are different types of as you identify monkey neaderthal
so there are different types of hybrids as there are different types of races of people for an example

modern humans arnt monkeys and they arnt neanderthals, and if you think you are talking genetics i would point out that from a genetic standpoint races dont exist. There isnt enough difference in the genes of somone from one race vs somone from another race to make any kind of distinction based on that. People from different races function more or less exactly like one another.

also i would like to ask are you for real? Your posts are nearly completely incoherent, colored with self rightiousness, and lacking in anything that could be called information. You dont even almost sound like you know what you are talking about in a single one of them.