Thought Itself is an Agent of Oppression

Is political correctness a good thing or a bad thing?

the term "political correctness" means people using civil rights policy in a litigious manner to hurt others.

you may as well be asking if civil law suits for emotional damages in the USA should be banned.

such is the very nature of the "correctness"
the term "political correctness" means people using civil rights policy in a litigious manner to hurt others.

you may as well be asking if civil law suits for emotional damages in the USA should be banned.

such is the very nature of the "correctness"

Tech , means little , political correctness has been going on for many , many , many , years . Where have you been ? In a grotto ?
Tech , means little , political correctness has been going on for many , many , many , years . Where have you been ? In a grotto ?

alt right apply the term "political correctness" to liberals in an attempt to undermine equal rights.

if you accept the alt-rights version of "pollitical correctness" then your subscribing to validate patriarchal facism.

can an officer of the government use a gun in a pollitically correct manner and if yes, how ?
alt right apply the term "political correctness" to liberals in an attempt to undermine equal rights.

if you accept the alt-rights version of "pollitical correctness" then your subscribing to validate patriarchal facism.

can an officer of the government use a gun in a pollitically correct manner and if yes, how ?

Since when is " political correctness " fettered " to any political party ?

I validate Patriarchal facism ? What does that even mean , explain further ?
Since when is " political correctness " fettered " to any political party ?

I validate Patriarchal facism ? What does that even mean , explain further ?

can an officer of the government use a gun in a pollitically correct manner and if yes, how ?

#i note your selective reading & selective interpretation
you appear to be reading around what i have said to create the nature of your intended perception.
i suggest you take a moment, clear your mind, then read my reply again.
"RainbowSingularity, post: 3519946, member: 285295"] can an officer of the government use a gun in a pollitically correct manner and if yes, how ?

Depends on his orders .

#i note your selective reading & selective interpretation
you appear to be reading around what i have said to create the nature of your intended perception.
i suggest you take a moment, clear your mind, then read my reply again.

In what way or form do I need to " clear my mind " ?
the term "political correctness" means people using civil rights policy in a litigious manner to hurt others.

you may as well be asking if civil law suits for emotional damages in the USA should be banned.

such is the very nature of the "correctness"
I'm not certain I follow. Political Correctness seems more an intolerance of opposing views.
RainbowSingularity said:
the term "political correctness" means people using civil rights policy in a litigious manner to hurt others.

you may as well be asking if civil law suits for emotional damages in the USA should be banned.

such is the very nature of the "correctness"

I'm not certain I follow. Political Correctness seems more an intolerance of opposing views.


Political correctness is about the meme of society.
I'm not certain I follow. Political Correctness seems more an intolerance of opposing views.

I put it more than intolerance

More "I am offended therefore I must be right and no matter what you have said it's wrong and as soon as I can find a smart lawyer who can turn my manufactured outrage into a medical condition which you have inflicted on my fragile inner spirit I will see you in court and make you pay you pig of a excuse for a human"

You note the last few words directed at you do not count as intolerance of you because "they" are correct

Going off half cocked is not being true to oneself.
Oneself includes reflection, second thoughts, the lessons of experience and understanding.
That's not a superficial overlay - it's the foundational and essential nature of human life. Like trees, we get deeper as we get older by nature. We're born shallow.
Going off half cocked is not being true to oneself.
Oneself includes reflection, second thoughts, the lessons of experience and understanding.
That's not a superficial overlay - it's the foundational and essential nature of human life. Like trees, we get deeper as we get older by nature. We're born shallow.
But do we have to respect our "half cocked" nature also?

I remember being told at school that this was a lesson to be drawn from Euripides' play, "The Bacchae"
Is political correctness a good thing or a bad thing?

Temporarily placing aside whatever voguish label is correlated to a specific speech-patrol and the era such resides in... The "outrage and shaming" activity may enter the territory of being excessive and tyrannical when it acquires a soap-box lecturing, zealous ideological or religious-like passion.

A debauched lifestyle or impious circle of beliefs was sometimes reflexively projected upon those who cursed / uttered profanity in formal settings back in older days (which could also result in being dismissed, fired, shunned / ostracized, etc). Similarly a vast network of horrible inclinations, harmful beliefs, conspiracy, and evil philosophy is automatically attributed to modern violators of code. Judgement handed out to even careless and negligent (unintentional) lack of respect for today's revered boundaries for proper conduct and respect for standards outputted by vigilant institutions and cultural establishment.

However... Just as "scientism" has a pejorative function but also does reference a defended thought-orientation, political correctness in the context of its usage and the source wielding it likewise applies.

A broader category which it can be subsumed under should be what is actually addressed. Since playing around with a particular or narrower form like PC is simply going to arouse the robotic, ideologically driven passions and rancor of the current political divide (i.e., a shouting match of mutually exchanged negative character generalizations rather than disciplined discourse). "Political correctness" as a quasi-recent or revived label and evolving trend (actually has a long or twisting history) is just another specialized turn of the moral, sacrosanct, and "protection from vulgarity" micro-management of language. Which has been transpiring as a general feature of society and its varying belief and administration systems since the introduction of civilization (and crudely before).

ABSTRACT: Many words and expressions are viewed as 'taboo', such as those used to describe sex, our bodies and their functions, and those used to insult other people. This 2006 book provides a fascinating insight into taboo language and its role in everyday life. It looks at the ways we use language to be polite or impolite, politically correct or offensive, depending on whether we are 'sweet-talking', 'straight-talking' or being deliberately rude. Using a range of colourful examples, it shows how we use language playfully and figuratively in order to swear, to insult, and also to be politically correct, and what our motivations are for doing so. It goes on to examine the differences between institutionalized censorship and the ways individuals censor their own language. Lively and revealing, *Forbidden Words* will fascinate anyone who is interested in how and why we use and avoid taboos in daily conversation. --Forbidden words: Taboo and the censoring of language

George Carlin had a rather clunky or earthy way of gesturing at a need for a general category residing over these various, mutable developments throughout deep history. By dissing both current propaganda factions:

Censorship from the right is to be expected [but] censorship from the left took me by surprise. And I’m talking, of course, about what originated as campus speech codes at eastern universities and has come to be called politically correct language. [...] The habits of liberals, their automatic language, their knee-jerk responses to certain issues, deserved the epithets the right wing stuck them with. I’d see how true they often were. Here they were, banding together in packs, so that I could predict what they were going to say about some event or conflict and it wasn’t even out of their mouths yet. I was very uncomfortable with that. Liberal orthodoxy was as repugnant to me as conservative orthodoxy." --Last Words .. 2009 (posthumously published)​

Thought has become manipulated by the powers that be , through words .

Money , power , media , repitition of words , the foundation of ideas , becomes thought , molded by psychology , into truth . Whether actually true or not .

And this has been going on for hundreds , if not thousands of years .
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Put women in men's football, I want football equality.

Not even sarcasm here, men's football is boring and I want to see an epic battle of the sexes.

If this happens I will praise political correctness and liberals, for a few days at least.