Though shalt not kill. Would you do so for your God?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Though shalt not kill. Would you do so for your God?

Scripture is full of people who killed under God command. He ordered women raped and babies heads smashed against stones and his followers did just that. Even though they only had voices in their head and what could have been an illusion like a burning bush. Further, scripture says that Satan has the power to deceive the whole world. How could those followers have know for sure that what they were hearing was God or Satan? How could you?

God himself is shown as killing in scriptures. Even setting up the first born of Egypt. God even sets the conditions to murder his own son needlessly.

It was God's plan from the beginning to have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. This can be demonstrated by the fact that the bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as his ransom for the forgiveness of sin, before he even created human beings or sin.

If God had not intended humans to sin from the beginning, why did he build into the Creation this solution for sin? Why create a solution for a problem you do not anticipate?
If he did anticipate it, why not make a different plan insuring that sin does not come up?

God knew that the moment he said "don't eat from that tree," the die was cast. The eating was inevitable. Eve was merely following the plan.

What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

Only an insane God. That’s who.

And here I had the foolish notion that religion and God were all about the veneration and celebration of life. Bah. It is my view that bible God does not venerate life at all and should be rejected by any moral man who does. Seek God my friends. You already live by a better law in secularism. This is wise. You have already rejected God’s law, now all you need do is follow your heart and seek a better God. There is a better Gods out there.

God and scripture indicate that an eye for an eye represents a fair penalty for offences.
God then turn around and kill for many reasons that are way less than an eye for an eye. Unruly children and fornicators and many more are condemned for infraction that are nowhere near killing.

Does though shalt not kill mean anything to God?
He disregarded it constantly and has men kill for him for mundane reasons.

Is God sanctioned killing murder if the stipulated eye for an eye is exceeded?

Would you do as the ancients did and kill babies by smashing their heads on stones or stone your own unruly child? Would you rape and kill even if you thought that God was real and directing you?

Because it's a myth?

Didn't all the Creator-gods of antiquity do a lot of kicking ass and taking names?

I would offer (though not a believer) that the adaptation in the Bible, and the development of an ethos out of a mythos, gave Hebrewism a strong gene for survival in the clash of ideologies.

So regardless of the head-smashing, etc., you can still end up with a message of "right thinking" and that has universal appeal, even for non-believers such as myself.

I think the issue that bothers me the most is, not why does God kill, but why do believers kill?
You would think that God could provide the reason easily without directly asking for something like that.
If God wants someone dead bad enough..he will drop a rock on them.
he doesn't need us to kill someone. he has plenty of options to do that himself.
The Abraham and Issac story really is the litmus test for foolish blind faith and rational thought.

If you have read this story, understand the implications, and are still faithful to the Hebrew god (who is the same one for Christian and Muslim) really need your head kicked in.
You don't think it makes a difference if a person who kills, claims to be killing in the name of God?
I am familiar with arguments (both sound and unsound) based on killing in the name of occupational duty but its kind of redundant to talk about killing in the name of god, since far from being in a position of requiring protection/establishing power, god is constitutionally bestowing it - kind of like the act of illumination with a solar powered torch becomes redundant for the purposes of illuminating the sun.

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You don't think it makes a difference if a person who kills, claims to be killing in the name of God?

Nah. It's been done throughout all of history. It means nothing. There's always an excuse to kill, religious or not.
So are you saying it is happening all the time then, and you want me to tell when it didn't?:mad:
I too would be hard pressed top indicate how a death (by whatever causes other than human) can be necessarily ruled out as beyond the means of being orchestrated by a personality credited with omnipotence.
I too would be hard pressed top indicate how a death (by whatever causes other than human) can be necessarily ruled out as beyond the means of being orchestrated by a personality credited with omnipotence.
It is surprising how often people justify deaths as God's Justice. e.g. Floods in P, millions drown, what do the westerners think? Even I struggle with that at times, they seem to bring scorn upon themselves.

Look at what is happening in Syria is anyone going to mourn when A.....d gets the gun pointed at him?
I am familiar with arguments (both sound and unsound) based on killing in the name of occupational duty but its kind of redundant to talk about killing in the name of god, since far from being in a position of requiring protection/establishing power, god is constitutionally bestowing it - kind of like the act of illumination with a solar powered torch becomes redundant for the purposes of illuminating the sun.

If a Muslim attacks you, wanting to kill you because you are an infidel, a kafir: How does that fit in with what you have said above?

Theists have, throughout history and present, justified violence against others on account that theists, because they are theists, are entitled to do so, and that others must give in to the theists.

Note that it is only the theists who justify killing others in the name of God.
Any person might kill; but only theists justify killing in the name of God; only theists claim that when they kill someone, they do so in the name of God.

Says apologist William Craig, for example:

"I have come to appreciate as a result of a closer reading of the biblical text that God's command to Israel was not primarily to exterminate the Canaanites but to drive them out of the land.[…] Canaan was being given over to Israel, whom God had now brought out of Egypt. If the Canaanite tribes, seeing the armies of Israel, had simply chosen to flee, no one would have been killed at all. There was no command to pursue and hunt down the Canaanite peoples.
It is therefore completely misleading to characterise God's command to Israel as a command to commit genocide. Rather it was first and foremost a command to drive the tribes out of the land and to occupy it. Only those who remained behind were to be utterly exterminated. No one had to die in this whole affair."

So, basically, if I see a theist coming to my property (material or mental), but I don't flee and instead resist when the theist seeks to take my property, and the theists harm me or kill me - I am supposed to believe that it was my fault that I was harmed or killed? And that the theists were just acting on God's command, while I was infringing on the theists' entitlement?
Because it's a myth?

Didn't all the Creator-gods of antiquity do a lot of kicking ass and taking names?

I would offer (though not a believer) that the adaptation in the Bible, and the development of an ethos out of a mythos, gave Hebrewism a strong gene for survival in the clash of ideologies.

So regardless of the head-smashing, etc., you can still end up with a message of "right thinking" and that has universal appeal, even for non-believers such as myself.

I think the issue that bothers me the most is, not why does God kill, but why do believers kill?

Ditto. Hence this O P.
