this thread is for Rpenner

No. When presented with an equation that has one unknown, you don't insert a random value for the variable, you solve the equation to find the value of the variable. You should take some remedial math too.

Then math is wrong and you're wrong!


You are trying to find the area from the radius, period! The formula is valid for ALL the different infinite possible radius that can possibly exist!
Sorry if this makes no sense to anyone my math is sloppy I leave a lot of gaps because am lazy ...I am a conceptual mathematician I just like communicating concepts like an artist you have to read between the lines and put it in your own words...
That's really not good enough. The math you (and now Motor Daddy -- but he may just be trolling) are butchering starts at about a 7th grade level. You shouldn't even be here trying to have this discussion until you make the effort to become better at math.
Then math is wrong and you're wrong!


You are trying to find the area from the radius, period! The formula is valid for ALL the different infinite possible radius that can possibly exist!
Sorry, either you didn't understand my point or you are trolling me. Either way I'm not interested.
That's really not good enough. The math you (and now Motor Daddy -- but he may just be trolling) are butchering starts at about a 7th grade level. You shouldn't even be here trying to have this discussion until you make the effort to become better at math.

While some of the equations were already known, how do you think I was able to create equations without understanding how they work????????? Why is there 4 of each, Russ? Can you answer that?

Now I'm trolling? How about you backup those equations you posted??

It's an equation with one uknown: it doesn't mean anything. It is just a cumbersome way of defining a value for r. You could make an infinite number of different relations, all equally meaningless. For example:

They don't mean anything at all.
So the link you posted is too simple, you need different math to convert the decimal 0.999... to a percentage?
No. I'm hoping that after you complete it, you will be able to answer your question; it is covered in the course.
Can you just save me the time and tell me what the percentage is?
No. If I did that, you wouldn't learn anything.

Look, I know you are trying to press your troll by instigating a discussion on your misunderstanding of how repeating decimals work, but it won't work: it isn't needed here and I won't take your troll bait.
No. I'm hoping that after you complete it, you will be able to answer your question; it is covered in the course.

But you posted a link you thought would help, and it didn't. Your credibility is fading fast. You won't tell me the percentage, you gave a link that can't do it, and now you send me off somewhere else? Why not just admit that you too don't know the percentage of the decimal 0.999...? Why send me on a wild goose chase if you know? I'll give you a like if you tell me the correct answer. Please?
But you posted a link you thought would help, and it didn't.
In order for the link to help you, you actually have to go through the lessons and do the problems. You haven't done that. I'd be more than happy to tutor you, but you should start another thread for that.
Yourcredibility is fading fast. You won't tell me the percentage, you gave a link that can't do it, and now you send me off somewhere else? Why not just admit that you too don't know the percentage of the decimal 0.999...? Why send on a wild goose chase if you know? I'll giveyou a like if you tell me the correctanswer. Please?
When trolling, it is best not to act so desperate. It is kinda pathetic - but funny!
In order for the link to help you, you actually have to go through the lessons and do the problems. You haven't done that. I'd be more than happy to tutor you, but you should start another thread for that.

Then start with your previous abomination:

It's an equation with one uknown: it doesn't mean anything. It is just a cumbersome way of defining a value for r. You could make an infinite number of different relations, all equally meaningless. For example:

They don't mean anything at all.

If r=1, what are you trying to say, that 360=3.14159? That 2.5=3.14159 too?
