This seems reasonable enough.....


Valued Senior Member
This is a simple summary of how Tibetan Buddhism came to be the State Religion of Tibet

Many of the ideas in Buddhism evolved from the beliefs of the Hindus, whose religion is obviously very much the older of the two. At some point in time, some of Buddhists crossed the Himalayan mountains into Tibet and there practiced Buddhism. It should be noted that the Himalayas are a fairly decent barrier to travel. In the isolated context of Tibet, Buddhism combined with the local Tibetan polytheistic religions and over time a new Religion emerged – Tibetan Buddhism. This is evident because some of the beliefs, religious-symbols and religious-festivals of modern Tibetans have roots stretching back far before Buddhism. For example; the mandalas is a special symbol of polytheistic Hindu origin - which now has a special place in the Tibetan Buddhist society.

After sometime in Tibet, Buddhism inspired a religious leader, Dalai Lama, and he gathered some followers and was considered the reincarnation of Buddha. Over the centuries grand Temples were built and other enlightened religious figures (Lama) became powerful. Soon the entire society repositioned its culture to worship Buddha. Incidentally, it’s not always easy to change a native religion, of course some wars were fought along the way - the Tibetan Buddhist came out on top. Although now everyone is a Buddhist, there have been arguments as to what Buddha would want and, as usually happens, other schools of Buddhism have evolved and each has many followers today: for example the Nyingma and Kagyu.

Most Tibetan-Buddhists are not very educated and would be surprised to realize many of their beliefs are pre-Buddhist and are a combination of Buddhism and Tibetan nature worship.

Anyway, now Tibetan Buddhism is the State Religion in Tibet. Most Tibetans believe in Buddhism, raise their children to believe in Buddhism and would be god smacked to think it was anything other than the divine religion they always been taught to believe it is.

Fare enough?

This is a simple summary of how Islam came to be the State Religion of Arabia

Many of the ideas in Judaism evolved from the beliefs of the Assyrians, whose religion is obviously very much the older of the two. At some point in time, some of Jews crossed the Arabian Desert into Arabia and there practiced Judaism. It should be noted that the Arabian Desert is a fairly decent barrier to travel. In the isolated context of Arabia, Judaism combined with the local Arabic polytheistic religions and over time a new Religion emerged – Islam. This is evident because some of the beliefs, religious-symbols and religious-festivals of modern Muslims have roots stretching back far before Islam. For example; the Moon is a special symbol of polytheistic Arabic origin - which now has a special place in the Islamic society.

After sometime in Arabia, Judaism inspired a religious leader, Mohammed, and he gathered some followers and was considered a prophet of Allah. Over the centuries grand Mosques were built and other enlightened religious figures (Imams) became powerful. Soon the entire society repositioned its culture to worship Islam. Incidentally, it’s not always easy to change a native religion, of course some wars were fought along the way - the Muslims came out on top. Although now everyone is a Muslim, there have been arguments as to what Allah would want and, as usually happens, other schools of Islam have evolved and each has many followers today: for example the Sunni and Shia.

Most Muslims are not very educated and would be surprised to realize many of their beliefs are pre-Islam and are a combination of Judaism and Arab nature worship.

Anyway, now Islam is the State Religion in Arabia. Most Arabians believe in Islam, raise their children to believe in Islam and would be god smacked to think it was anything other than the divine religion they always been taught to believe it is.

Fare enough?

Michael said:
This is a simple summary of how Islam came to be the State Religion of Arabia

Many of the ideas in Judaism evolved from the beliefs of the Assyrians, whose religion is obviously very much the older of the two. At some point in time, some of Jews crossed the Arabian Desert into Arabia and there practiced Judaism. It should be noted that the Arabian Desert is a fairly decent barrier to travel. In the isolated context of Arabia, Judaism combined with the local Arabic polytheistic religions and over time a new Religion emerged – Islam. This is evident because some of the beliefs, religious-symbols and religious-festivals of modern Muslims have roots stretching back far before Islam. For example; the Moon is a special symbol of polytheistic Arabic origin - which now has a special place in the Islamic society.

After sometime in Arabia, Judaism inspired a religious leader, Mohammed, and he gathered some followers and was considered a prophet of Allah. Over the centuries grand Mosques were built and other enlightened religious figures (Imams) became powerful. Soon the entire society repositioned its culture to worship Islam. Incidentally, it’s not always easy to change a native religion, of course some wars were fought along the way - the Muslims came out on top. Although now everyone is a Muslim, there have been arguments as to what Allah would want and, as usually happens, other schools of Islam have evolved and each has many followers today: for example the Sunni and Shia.

Most Muslims are not very educated and would be surprised to realize many of their beliefs are pre-Islam and are a combination of Judaism and Arab nature worship.

Anyway, now Islam is the State Religion in Arabia. Most Arabians believe in Islam, raise their children to believe in Islam and would be god smacked to think it was anything other than the divine religion they always been taught to believe it is.

Fare enough?


Obviously no history or critical insight in your post. Islam was the complete opposite of paganism and didnt come out of it. Judaism is different form Islam, but is the corrupted form of religion of the earlier prophets, Islam is the final message confirming and correcting, as well as completing the divine religion.

The only things attributed to the moon in islamic religion is the Islamic lunar calender. The star and crescent came to be a famous symbol for Islam only after the Turkish Khalifah used it as their symbol for rule. That is why you see the large star and crescent on the turkish flag.

Judaism is siginficantly different than Islam to be a completely different religion. They have a common heritage as being faiths form Abraham, but the Prophet Muhammad (s) was the Ismaili descendant of Abraham, unlike the Jews who were from Isaac.

Most Muslims are not very educated

Isn't this spreading of bigotry?

It is you who is not educated. Most Muslims know much more than you about Islam than you do.

Arabia is not a State, it is a peninsula, but I guess I was expecting too much from you anyway. For your info, only 20% of Muslims are Arabic, they are a minority among Muslims and there are many Arab Christians as well.

The arguments you mention about what Allah (swt) would want aren't arguments in Islam. Allah (swt) wants obedience and worship to Himself only and for us to recognize his earlier prophets and the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be to him). Sunni and Shiat are in total agreement with what Allah wants.

DiamondHearts said:
Isn't this spreading of bigotry?
did you read the essay on buddhism,
he states the same of them, (Most Tibetan-Buddhists are not very educated ) and he would state the same of any religion, it;'s not bigotry, just stating a known fact.
"most (place religion here) are not very well educated."
DiamondHearts said:
It is you who is not educated.
but this is flaming.
DiamondHearts said:
Sunni and Shiat are in total agreement with what Allah wants.
then why do they kill each other.
Can anybody please explain why their religion is the "only true and correct" religion? So confusing; so many to choose from. Who's to say - and justify - which is correct?
Anyone care to answer?
While Tibetans probably were largely uneducated, the same cannot be said for Muslims, it's just that the official version of history is the one everyone learns.
DiamondHearts said:
Judaism is different form Islam, but is the corrupted form of religion of the earlier prophets, Islam is the final message confirming and correcting, as well as completing the divine religion.

Since Muhammad was already a corrupt, murderous tyrant, he delivered a corrupt, murderous religion.

Isn't this spreading of bigotry?

It is you who is not educated. Most Muslims know much more than you about Islam than you do.

Just for you information, education and religion are completely different concepts. Most Muslims are seriously under-educated, that is not bigotry, that is a fact. And I would suspect that Islamic leaders would want to keep it that way since education would seriously hinder the spread of Islam.
DiamondHearts said:
Judaism is different form Islam, but is the corrupted form of religion of the earlier prophets,
the g-d of abraham isnt known for changing his mind. it is people that break away from his word that say "g-d changed his mind". if judaism is a "corrupted" version of g-d's word, then why do muslims revere moses, as he was the one who brought judaic law into effect among the israelites?
unless you want me to sling mud at your religion (something i would not normally be ready to do), i would suggest having a bit more tolerance toward people of other faiths. just because we dont constantly prosetylize to the forum members, doesnt mean that there arent jews here.

DiamondHearts said:
Judaism is siginficantly different than Islam to be a completely different religion. They have a common heritage as being faiths form Abraham, but the Prophet Muhammad (s) was the Ismaili descendant of Abraham, unlike the Jews who were from Isaac.
now it is obvious that you know nothing of judaism. judaism and islam have so much in common that in reality, they are extremely hard to distinguish between, if you put both religions on paper. there is ONE glaring difference, really. there are no more hebrew prophets, and jews do not accept mohammed as a prophet. the rest of the religions are so ridiculously similar, that there is really no point in seperating them. muslims are just like christians in the fact that they idolize a man, whilst practicing (in theory) modified judaism.

DiamondHearts said:
Isn't this spreading of bigotry?
yes, i see bigotry from you constantly...against anyone that disagrees with you.

DiamondHearts said:
Arabia is not a State, it is a peninsula,
a peninsula is a geographic label. a state is a political one. by your statement, i guess everything from alaska to the panama canal is all the same nation? get a clue.

I thought Tibetan Buddhism evolved after the Muslim invaders destroyed Nolanada (in India.) So the Mahayanas there fled over into Tibet...
DiamondHearts said:
Obviously no history or critical insight in your post. Islam was ....
DiamondHearts, a question, and I am truly curious as to your answer.

As to the initial post, the one about Buddhism, did that post sound reasonable?

Read it again just to see if there is anything that seems unreasonable or if it seems OK.

Many Thanks,


PS: Also anyone else? Do these posts sounds reasonable?
DiamondHearts said:
Isn't this spreading of bigotry?
I was refering to formal education. Not that they are stupid. One need not be formally educated to be very clever. So when I said not educated I ment "did not go to school and receive a formal education". That is: a K-12 plus university education.

DiamondHearts, I know as one of the few Muslims here you get a bit of it. But I did mean formal education and not intelligence. And I said the same of the Tibetans.


PS: So what about that first paragraph (Tibetan Buhddism)? Sound reasonable?
Xerxes said:

I thought Tibetan Buddhism evolved after the Muslim invaders destroyed Nolanada (in India.) So the Mahayanas there fled over into Tibet...
I read this from wikipedia

The most important event in Tibetan Buddhist history, however, was the arrival of the great tantric mystic Padmasambhava in Tibet in 774 at the invitation of King Trisong Detsen. It was Padmasambhava (more commonly known in the region as Guru Rinpoche) who merged tantric Buddhism with the local Bön religion to form what we now recognize as Tibetan Buddhism. In addition to writing a number of important scriptures (some of which he hid for future tertons to find), Padmasambhava established the Nyingma school from which all schools of Tibetan Buddhism are derived.
geeser said:
did you read the essay on buddhism,
he states the same of them, (Most Tibetan-Buddhists are not very educated ) and he would state the same of any religion, it;'s not bigotry, just stating a known fact.
"most (place religion here) are not very well educated."

I'm not Buddhist nor do I have thorough knowledge of Buddhism, so I don't say things about their religion because I'm not qualified. I was under the impression this was common sense, but I guess some people, no matter how unqualified, have to say something to deride Islam. No matter how untrue.

geeser said:
but this is flaming.

What I said was "It is you who is not educated. Most Muslims know much more than you about Islam than you do."

Get the whole statement next time.

geeser said:
then why do they kill each other.

Who else is uneducated here?

The Devil Inside said:
thats called being served, proper-like.

Being a Jew (practicing or not) and as most Jews believe Islam as a false religion, you would say such a thing that Islam is from Judaism. However, have you ever even read the Quran, or hadith? You will find that the basic belief in monotheism of Allah (swt) is the same, however the practices and rituals, even the history of Islam is different. We have major differences in other aspects as well. For example I wrote before on this forum that the Islamic God (swt) is transcendant and Imminenet at the same time. Allah (swt) is not comparable to man, unlike the Judaism and Christianity thats says God made man in His image (astaghfir allah). This is only one example, there are many more.

Islam and Judaism are similar, but they are significantly different so they can be classified as different religions by practice, belief, and their religious law.

Historically speaking, Judaism came first, so both Islam and Christianity have at least some roots in it.

And you didn't answer the question earlier, if sunni and shia are in total agreement about their faiths, why are they locked in combat?
DiamondHearts said:
However, have you ever even read the Quran, or hadith?

Herein lies the problem, among the many delusions residing within your frail mind is the one in which you assume we began debating Islam upon your arrival here, and that the propaganda you bleat has not yet been debated. We've already spent the time reading and understanding your religions scriptures and past history ad nauseum.

You are simply rehashing the same tired arguments and repeating the same chants made by other Muslims already long gone from here.
seekeroftheway said:
Historically speaking, Judaism came first, so both Islam and Christianity have at least some roots in it.

And you didn't answer the question earlier, if sunni and shia are in total agreement about their faiths, why are they locked in combat?

As Muslims we believe that there was one true religion. Judaism and Christianity are corrupted forms of that religion. Islam is the final revelation of the true religion which will remain perfect and complete until the end of the world.

If you are referring to Iraq, you should realize that there is tension between Sunni Arabs and Shiat Arabs because the US support Shiat Arab over Sunni Arabs. This can be seen by the way the parliament is set up. The Sunni Arab still are underrepresented and their populations are mistreated by US forces. America split up the Arabs and intigated them against each other to make it easier to control them, and to prevent a nation-wide unified resistance to American hegemony.

The modern violence in the region, is the direct result of the Masjid bombing violence which was started by the US troops and blamed on Sunni freedom fighters, subjecting the entire Sunni Arab population to reprisals by some Shiat groups. It is interesting to note that among the bombings were the bombing of tombs of saints which both Sunni and Shiat Arabs revere. Why would Sunni Muslims bomb the tombs of the saints they revere along with Shiat? You will see that this came at a time when attacks aaginst US troops was increasing and served to distract some of the freedom fighters from fighting the US to protecting their cities and neighborhoods from vigilantes and criminals seeking revenge for acts which were blamed on them by the US. They went to the great extent to blame the resistance fighters themselves, like Imam Sadr, for this, even though they said they disagreed with the reprisals and seeked the Sunni and Shiat Arabs to fight the US together, instead of fighting themseles.
