This new year.

Valued Senior Member
What do you think it will bring? Write down your predictions here. And then at the end of the year, we can see who was right and who was wrong.
I predict that this will be a very happy year, things will turn around, people will wake up and see what they are really doing to this earth and to themselves.
Although, I must admit, the first feeling of the year was sadness....
To be honest, I have a very bad feeling about this year, but I hope I'm wrong.
Well Bebelina if you must know. Lets round out my top 5:

5. George W. Bush will be shot and killed by Asguard (he just bought a high powered rifle)

4. For the 9,947 time war will break out in the middle east.

3. The USA will go to war, the draft will be reinacted, and I will have to kiss my CO (Whether or not its a he or a she)

2. Dave will remove these :m: and all other smilies to conserve bandwidth.

1. *CENSORED* Homeland secutiry *CENSORED* *CENSORED* *CENSORED* *CENSORED* big brother *CENSORED* *CENSORED* like a chinese woman on the 4th of July!
The USA will attack Iraq in February regardless of evidence or international opinion. They will leave Saddam alive and in charge. Once again, those who rise up against Saddam will have been uncovered for Saddam to harm. The USA will say "Well, people questioned our right to install puppet governments, so we gave you what you wanted, we pulled out!"

North Korea and China will sign a rather scary mutual defence pact.

North Korea will rapidly expand its nuclear capabilities.

Bombings by Palestinians in occupied Palestine will increase.

There will be an assassination in the USA, some government type will go down.

Bush will talk of the increasing threat in the War On Terror (tm), and begin talking about a change of legislation so that, to maintain a stable working government, there can be no elections in times of war. Election during war means weakness, instability. Now he has an indefinite war against an indefinite enemy. He's already said the USA is at war. He'll try to stay in.

Australia's intake of refugees and illegals both will drop to almost nothing.

John Howard will commit Australian forces to the USA's campaign in Iraq before Parliament can convene again to dicuss the matter.

I will have developed the basic framework of my own little OS, a personal project.
i wish i could say it would be a happy year.. but something is gonna happen in about a month... something else in about 5 months... i REALLY wish that something good could happen... But at this point, im afraid that i cant say that...
Write down your predictions here.

I predict those who are proponents of astral projection, OBE, NDE, paranormal, psychics, etc. will suddenly awake from their dream-states and accept reality for what it is.

Nah - that won't happen. :D
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The awareness that all the global industry of oil should be unified under one government (probably a branch of the UN) will be put forth to the public.

This is after the war (or government change) involving Iraq and whatever country gets dragged into it.

And movie ticket prices will reach an all time high of $13-18 a ticket, and you'll have to sit through 20 minutes of TV-like commercials before the sneek-previews begin.
Well, i hate to say it, but i predict the Pope will not last through October. this will then send the catholic religion into a reform. i think that after his passing, the 'Pope' position will no longer exist and in it's place i see a small group or 'cabinet' type organization.

and i think it is safe to say the economy will only get bankruptcy will be on high.

new disease will start coming out of the woodwork and small epidemics will start to show up frequently.

after that, i predict the earth will show a rise in global temp, almost suddenly, but not enough to disrupt everything will show a definate beginning to change.

(i really hope i am completely wrong) :mad:
In these turbulent times I feel that it is impossible to predict what will happen. On September 10th I had no idea that starting the following day I would be living in a world until then only brought on by scifi writers. I feel that it is extremely likely for all of you to be wrong one way or another and in most if not all cases.

It's going to be a wild ride.
some folks will kill.
some folks will be killed.
some folks will have sex.
some folks will masterbate all year long.
some people will eat cheetos.
some people will hurl after eating cheetos and riding a roller coaster.
some people will pick their noses.
some people will pick other peoples noses.
some people will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
some people will realize that light is a train.
some people will buy pets.
some people will eat pets.
some people will be eaten by their pets.

and that should do it.
---- Start of rant---

At the moment I see a world gone crazy.

Look at all the arguing going on in WE&P for instance. And this is just a reflection of what happens in the real world.

People are arguing left and right about the upcoming "possible" war on Iraq. Many are against, so they say. Nothing significant however, is done by those people who are so against the actions of this loony president, who is fighting his personal war.

It causes grieve and hatred among the peoples, which concerns much more than only the holy US.

Yes, I am very ticked off this very minute. As you probably have figured out by now.

Time for you, US citizens to come off your high horses of the so called freedom in this godforsaken country. Is it really freedom? Or is it merely pushing your almighty warplans upon other peoples in this world?

My god, really, what a great nation.

And before the usual replies come from, go back to your own country. No, that is not the solution. It is as bad in the Netherlands, although I personally believe there is much more real freedom to be found there. In any way, the peoples there are much less deluded by mr. president almighty.

---End of rant---

Anyhow, I agree with Adam, on "predictions" for 2003. :)
Start of conversation with Dubya and a reporter:
Reporter: Are we going to war?
Dubya: I might be sending 50,000 troops to the middle east, but war is "avoidable".
Reporter: What do you mean by aviodable?
Dubya: If God himself appears to me and says dont do it, then I wont go to war...
Reporter: Thats a good-
Dubya: Without the authourization of the security council.

Any more questions for Dubya?:p
i predict q will see a ghost AND an alien and still be in denial!

i predict me and bebelina will hook up and live happily ever after
Maybe some people around here will get a friggin' clue. . . but that's unlikely.

And Banshee, you DO realize how hypocritical you are, right?
Banshee it sounds like you are advocating the assasinaition of the presedent, or some kind of violent coup?

how do you sugest we damn lazy americans "Get down off our high horses" (i wonder what it is you are on as you say that)
Americans have no means at hand to stop this presedents war, he has the power to do it and with the congress's agreement to give him full control of the militaty he has been able to launch the attack at a whim for months.

Perhaps some of you have heard of a New World Order? Likely in negative connotation because that is its oppositions pet name for it. Some people cant see the puppet strings that our presedent is dancing on right now, im going to outline what i think is happening.

Iraq is what NWO type thinkers call a rouge nation. It dosnt repsect borders, treatys, UN sanctions, lies are frequently a part of its diplomatic policy, its people are in danger of their despotic government slaughtering them with weapons of mass destruction (ask the kurds)

if your opposition to the war is because you dont think iraq has it coming you aught to drop that opinion. Although the timing is akward. Sure Iraq is run awfuly by an awful government, but why are we all of a sudden attacking after tolerating it for so long? Because for the first time in this new world order era America has a republican government (their political ideology always takes root in peoples minds more firmly in times of war, its the nature of the party so they generaly do not restrain themselves less than the Democratic party)which is unburdend by threats of the soviet union, and has intrest in the middleast due to sep11

Bush is not smart. it should be apparent to anyone that he is a figurehead, just a distraction. He is not a smart or virtuous man, but was thrust on us so others could weild the presedency through him, he managed to eek by in the elections despite all his flaws.

The United Nations is the center, the embodyment of New World Oder thinking. This war is being engineered so that UN weapons inspectors can find that Iraq is in material breach of resolutions passed by the UN (hence confirming them as a rouge naton, the metaphorical barbarians that the engineered global peice and government of the New World Oder seeks to eliminate)

If the US forces a riegiem change in Iraq through a military invasoin after the UN security council officialy gives the US permission to do this, then the New World Oder philosophy wins. The UN gains more legitimacy. If it seems that the US obeys the laws of the UN even in matters of war the UN gains power in the eyes of the entire world, and we are closer to it forming one federal world government.

The US does not have the best intentions in mind, but ceasing the rule of the Despot in Iraq is a worthy cause, and is being engineered by those who think it will be a small step to achieving a unified world where things like this dont have to happen anymore.


-Iraq being naughty
-America has excuse to be in Middle east
-NWO wants to give UN's power greater ligitamacy by making it seem as if the US cares what it says about when we should go to war
-Stronger UN leads to more globle tranquility as it decides despute between nations before they attack one another.

thats whats going on, and thats why yelling that bush is an idiot wont get you anywhere, because thats what you are supposed to do while the rest of th is is executed.

these are my predictions.
Originally posted by Crunchy Cat
some folks will kill.
some folks will be killed.
some folks will have sex.
some folks will masterbate all year long.
some people will eat cheetos.
some people will hurl after eating cheetos and riding a roller coaster.
some people will pick their noses.
some people will pick other peoples noses.
some people will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
some people will realize that light is a train.
some people will buy pets.
some people will eat pets.
some people will be eaten by their pets.

and that should do it.

You forgot one:
some people will sit back, laugh and cry simultaniously at the world crumbling for a bunch of stupid reasons.

at least one.