This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

It seems that God is commanding one of his puppets to preach the truth to another of his puppets (B), while simultaneously commanding the second puppet to set the status of the first puppet to 'Ignore'.

Mysterious ways indeed.

Such is life.

See, when I look at the state of the human condition on this planet I realize that life is has meaning and that human life really is worth a lot. (Though we have a long way to go.)

Which makes the inevitable extinguishing of all human life by His Darkness all the more evil through the privation of it's worth...the loss is foreseen creating even more evil through the existence of dread.
Regardless of whether the Golden Rule applies to a god, if the omnipotent Abrahamic god exists it evidently cannot live up to what it commands humans to do/be & does not set a good example for humans to follow.

That would often be very bad.
I'm trying to think of a way it would be bad.

Most people would have good things done unto themselves, so it follows that it would be good to do that unto them.

I can't think of a single example where treating someone the way they would like to be treated would work out badly.

Even masochists would appreciate you treating them the way they would treat themselves.
I realized that no one cares about me a long time ago.

I think that not even my parents truly care about me.

I have some serious health problems which prevent me from going to work and making money but nobody gives a damn about me and my problems.

Even the doctor doesn't take me seriously.

I think that my doctor only cares about money but she doesn't care about me and trust me I think I have some serious health problems.

This world is a cruel joke where everyone only cares about themselves and their money but no one cares about someone's else health and wellbeing.

If you have some serious health problems which require treatment then no one will care about you and that's just ridiculous.
I realized that no one cares about me a long time ago.
I'd hazard that what you may be experiencing is a self-fulfilling expectation.

It is difficult to be positive about someone who isn't positive about themselves.

We each have a responsibility to be our own best friend and number one cheerleader. Others can't follow our example if we don't first set the example.
I'd hazard that what you may be experiencing is a self-fulfilling expectation.

It is difficult to be positive about someone who isn't positive about themselves.

We each have a responsibility to be our own best friend and number one cheerleader. Others can't follow our example if we don't first set the example.

IF that seems to work for you, it doesn't mean it is true for everyone.
It is difficult to be positive when it seems nearly everyone is not.

I realized that no one cares about me a long time ago.

I think that not even my parents truly care about me.

I have some serious health problems which prevent me from going to work and making money but nobody gives a damn about me and my problems.

Even the doctor doesn't take me seriously.

I think that my doctor only cares about money but she doesn't care about me and trust me I think I have some serious health problems.

This world is a cruel joke where everyone only cares about themselves and their money but no one cares about someone's else health and wellbeing.

If you have some serious health problems which require treatment then no one will care about you and that's just ridiculous.

I have the view that my parents could not help being what they were.
I have had horrible experiences with doctors.
If enough people truly cared for their fellow humans, there would be no such thing as money & most religion as we know it would be gone.

The problem with that is it shifts the responsibility for being positive onto someone else, who has the same dilemma.
If everyone relies on everyone else to take the torch, no one is taking the torch.

There was nothing negative about himself. Only views of others based presumably on his valid experiences. He is not responsible for others being negative to him.

I don't know enough to say for him but I am neither positive nor negative, just realistic. I don't try to pretend things are any better or worse than they are.
