This dude was really something

Why did a thread on a mass murdering convict become a happy birthday thread?
Ok, lets get back on topic.

Other favorite sociopathic serial killers?
I'm just curious. Why are people fascinated with serial killers/mass murderers? Is it a bit like when you rubberneck at a roadside accident?
These are the extremes of society. Like we stare at the disabled.

I wonder, In Darwinian theory, would these be the best adapted to survive ?
Why are people fascinated with serial killers/mass murderers?

Why shouldn't we? Wouldn't it be stranger if we said: oh, he is just a serial killer, nothing special...
These are the extremes of society. Like we stare at the disabled.

I wonder, In Darwinian theory, would these be the best adapted to survive ?

They don't seem to survive all that well, since society hunts them down if possible. Cheating social norms can work for a small minority, but if we were all cheaters, society would suffer.
Why shouldn't we? Wouldn't it be stranger if we said: oh, he is just a serial killer, nothing special...

People read books and books on them, that passes beyond the realms of normality to me. Eeek, that's a bit judgemental. Yeah, it's a bit weird to me how folk seem so fascinated with them.
Not strictly a psychopathic serial killer, but mad as a box of frogs and a lovely fella with it:

oh reallly?:cool: I'll see that and raise you two:


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You know who else is really crazy to read about it Albert Fish

I brought him to the Riker Avenue dumps. There is a house that stands alone, not far from where I took him. I took the boy there. Stripped him naked and tied his hands and feet and gagged him with a piece of dirty rag I picked out of the dump. Then I burned his clothes. Threw his shoes in the dump. Then I walked back and took the trolley to 59 Street at 2 a.m. and walked from there home. Next day about 2 p.m., I took tools, a good heavy cat-o-nine tails. Home made. Short handle. Cut one of my belts in half, slit these halves in six strips about 8 inches long. I whipped his bare behind till the blood ran from his legs. I cut off his ears, nose, slit his mouth from ear to ear. Gouged out his eyes. He was dead then. I stuck the knife in his belly and held my mouth to his body and drank his blood. I picked up four old potato sacks and gathered a pile of stones. Then I cut him up. I had a grip with me. I put his nose, ears and a few slices of his belly in the grip. Then I cut him through the middle of his body. Just below the belly button. Then through his legs about 2 inches below his behind. I put this in my grip with a lot of paper. I cut off the head, feet, arms, hands and the legs below the knee. This I put in sacks weighed with stones, tied the ends and threw them into the pools of slimy water you will see all along the road going to North Beach. I came home with my meat. I had the front of his body I liked best. His monkey and pee wees and a nice little fat behind to roast in the oven and eat. I made a stew out of his ears, nose, pieces of his face and belly. I put onions, carrots, turnips, celery, salt and pepper. It was good. Then I split the cheeks of his behind open, cut off his monkey and pee wees and washed them first. I put strips of bacon on each cheek of his behind and put them in the oven. Then I picked 4 onions and when the meat had roasted about 1/4 hour, I poured about a pint of water over it for gravy and put in the onions. At frequent intervals I basted his behind with a wooden spoon. So the meat would be nice and juicy. In about 2 hours, it was nice and brown, cooked through. I never ate any roast turkey that tasted half as good as his sweet fat little behind did. I ate every bit of the meat in about four days. His little monkey was a sweet as a nut, but his pee-wees I could not chew. Threw them in the toilet.[4]

Thats just crazy.

Another link:

Pedro López -

López became notorious as the Monster of the Andes. According to López, his mother, a prostitute with 13 children, caught him fondling his younger sister in 1957 when he was eight years old, and evicted him from the family home. He was then picked up by a pedophile, taken to a deserted house and repeatedly sodomized. He was later taken in by an American family and enrolled in a school for orphans. He allegedly ran away either with a teacher from his school or because he was molested by a teacher. At 18, he was gang-raped in prison and, he claimed, killed three of the rapists while still incarcerated. After his jail term he started preying on young girls in Peru. He later claimed that, by 1978, he had killed over 100 of them. He had been caught by a native tribe, who were preparing to execute him when an American missionary intervened, and persuaded them to hand him over to the state police. The police soon released him. He relocated to Colombia and later Ecuador, killing about three girls a week. López later said "“I like the girls in Ecuador, they are more gentle and trusting, more innocent." The authorities had previously believed the disappearance of so many girls was due to white slavery or prostitution. López was arrested when an attempted abduction went wrong and he was trapped by market traders. He confessed to over 300 murders. The police only believed him when a flash flood uncovered a mass grave of many of his victims.

I doubt these guys would become killers if they hadn't been abused when they were so young.