This Appeared in the Sky over Siberia


Valued Senior Member
...not long after sunset. (And you laughed at MR when he mentioned dimensional portals) My science-fiction fueled imagination likes to imagine there is some alien CERN at the other end of this, an alternate-reality high-energy physics experiment gone very awry.


Lots of weird things happen in Siberia. (Tunguska, the Denisovans...) Kind of like the southwestern desert here in the US with its Roswell and Area 51.

Yes, there's an official explanation for this Siberian apparition, but I'll leave it to our Sciforums wizards to discover what it is.
These are missile misfires, trailing fuel.

Yeah right, that's precisely what the interdimensionals want you to believe.

They open a spectacular portal to another universe, then like inspector Drebin in those old police squad movies says as all hell is breaking loose behind him, "Nothing to see here!"

Actually, you're right. That is the Russian government's explanation of this event. They say that it was an ICBM test from Plesetsk that was leaking fuel vapor in space that caught the sun's rays.
...not long after sunset. (And you laughed at MR when he mentioned dimensional portals) My science-fiction fueled imagination likes to imagine there is some alien CERN at the other end of this, an alternate-reality high-energy physics experiment gone very awry.


Lots of weird things happen in Siberia. (Tunguska, the Denisovans...) Kind of like the southwestern desert here in the US with its Roswell and Area 51.

Yes, there's an official explanation for this Siberian apparition, but I'll leave it to our Sciforums wizards to discover what it is.
Yes, there's an official explanation for this Siberian apparition, but I'll leave it to our Sciforums wizards to discover what it is.
You will be paying my travel there and expenses please and you can pick anyone else posting here as part of the team

When do we leave?

Ask James R..He thinks all anomolous lights in the sky are Venus.
Our site rules prohibit the telling of deliberate lies, and for this you could receive an official warning.

However, if you retract your lie and apologise (publically) to me in this thread, I will overlook this breach of the rules.

Of course, as an alternative, you can quote any post of mine in which I wrote that all anomalous lights in the sky are Venus. You know, of course, that no such posts exist.
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You don't sound very sincere, Magical Realist, but it will have to do I suppose. Please don't tell lies about me again, OK?
James R is forcing me to apologize or he will ban me. So I guess I apologize and retract the statement.
What! James is forcing you to apologize for outright lying, what are these forums coming to? What? Your saying james has deleted all the posts where he says '' all anomolous lights in the sky are Venus.'' If you say so MR.
What! Your saying you never said that? And that I'm lying now? Shocking.
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I personally think that anomalous events probably do happen occasionally. The reason I think that is because our understanding of the universe is incomplete and there are probably any number of things out there in the 'Unknown' that can surprise us.
I don't think anyone disagrees with you.

Addressing everything extraordinary with 'That can only have a mundane explanation' would seem to be a good way of missing the anomalies even when they are right under our noses.
I would bet money that no one has said X can 0nly have a mundane explanation. It is disingenuous (or at least an egregious misunderstanding) to suggest they have.

What skeptics have been saying all along is X has a number of possible mundane explanations; let's not hear hoofbeats and immediately conclude it must be zebras.
While I think that most of MR's examples are unconvincing, I do agree with him in principle. I personally think that anomalous events probably do happen occasionally. The reason I think that is because our understanding of the universe is incomplete and there are probably any number of things out there in the 'Unknown' that can surprise us. Addressing everything extraordinary with 'That can only have a mundane explanation' would seem to be a good way of missing the anomalies even when they are right under our noses.

I think anomalous events happen way more often than get reported. It only makes sense. At best the anomalous events that get reported are those with human eyewitnesses. This would be way less than the overall occurrence of anomalous events, if we are to assume they occur as well when nobody is there to see them. Given proper study, we begin to detect certain nomological patterns. With ufos it becomes common characteristics of luminosity, morphology, movement, intelligent guidance, and size that allow us to make generalizations about the phenomenon. It thus becomes a type of worldly phenomenon in itself in that it occurs repeatedly, has physical impact on the environment, and yet always seems to exhibit minor differences. The strangest thing about ufos to me is how many different kinds there are. Saucer shape, black triangles, cigars, domes, spheres, rockets, glowing orbs, tops. black tubes, sickles, ovals, diamonds, chevrons, etc. On many occasions they are even observed to morph in their shape. What accounts for this huge variability in the shape of these things, and what does that suggest about the source of this phenomenon?

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What accounts for this huge variability in the shape of these things, and what does that suggest about the source of this phenomenon?
Must every thread be an excuse for flogging UFOs?

This thread is about images seen over Russia. They are missile misfires.
This thread is not about flying saucers.
This thread is about images seen over Russia. They are missile misfires.
This thread is not about flying saucers.

Actually it became about anomalous events per Yazata to which you contributed and to which I contributed as well. Also refer yourself to the topic of this particular forum.
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