Third world labor

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How tentacle-rape porn going to make Americans more productive?

It works for the Japanese! And the Germans! Look, the two countries with the weirdest porn make the best cars.
Gendaken, did you just use a stereotype? Julio doesn't just work as a trashman! He's a police officer, a lawyer, and a doctor. I have seen plenty of Americans work as janitors. And janitors make a lot more than me.

And yes, I agree about the fat thing.
Xev said:
It works for the Japanese! And the Germans! Look, the two countries with the weirdest porn make the best cars.
No, the British and the Italians do. Swedish can also hold their own.
He's a police officer, a lawyer, and a doctor. I have seen plenty of Americans work as janitors. And janitors make a lot more than me.

Lies, lies and Hyperbole.

Pork barrel politics keeps bitching about Julio stealing jobs.
Its not about the second generation Mexican.
He's a citizen.
Its not about the legalized Haitian or Peruvian seeking asylum.
They're citizens.

The bitch is about the Julios and Juanas that cross a filthy river to come here to pick your produce, your trash and all your turds making rings around the fucking toilet. The white guy you see once in a blue moon rarely serves as proof that Americans would rather be Julio.

The police officers, and lawyers and doctors you're talking about are those few cases glamorized on stupid shows like Oprah. Never be so quick to mix reality with stereotypes, Couselor.
Mod Hat

Fun-fun, eh?

At any rate, before I shut down this topic, I thought I'd point out that we might as well say that America's well on the way better cars. If I look at Xev's point about tentacle-porn, I'm compelled to ask what makes that commonality any more important than any other? After all, with Bush working to start a world war for the New American Century, there's that, too, if we want to talk about Germans and Japanese.

And while porn quality--a bad term, since "quality" is subjective--might be an indicator of engineering prowess (e.g. "What is that she's hanging from? And what is that he's swinging on?")--I really do think that's more a discussion for Free Thoughts, Human Science, or WE&P.

(Yes, that last--WE&P--was a joke.)

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