Third world labor

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Registered Senior Member
Is it ethical to use other, impoverished countries as a source of cheap labor? Are we, as consumers, responsible for the working conditions of the people who make the goods we consume?
Is it ethical to use other, impoverished countries as a source of cheap labor? Are we, as consumers, responsible for the working conditions of the people who make the goods we consume?

Yes and no. If we don’t stop this than all American jobs will go over seas and to Mexico. I would rather pay $30 for a shirt (And a lot of people still pay that much), then loose my job.

I will not have Good American people loosing jobs so that Paco can make 35 cents an hour.
Oh that's nonsense, America is full of blue-collar workers and none of them will lose their jobs. It's the Indians stealing our coding jobs we have to worry about.
That is a lie, Xev. I know for a fact that it's the Japs and the Asians that are taking American jobs. How many teenagers do you know that own Hondas as opposed to Fords?

I for one, would like American jobs to stay in America. Oh, and those Indians do steal coding jobs, but they normally move to America and marry some half wit in order to stay here... Probably gay anyways.
That's only because Japanese cars are of superiour workmanship. If American workers weren't so fat and lazy and started watching tentacle-rape porn, they'd make better cars too.
Japanese cars are made out of cheap parts. American cars are made out of better parts. I've seen so many import cars on the sides of roads that it's ridiculous.

And the fast food industry has nothing to do with this. Americans are fat because they eat fast food. Fast food is a main industry in America because people can't get good jobs. The Japs stole the jobs and the people have to work at McDonalds now. Congratulations, you are working at McDonalds and UPS for a living because Julio took your job.

What I find to be sad though, are the people more concerned about gay marriage and censorship, when the real problem is jobs.
Censorship is important! If people had access to better porn and were denied access to dangerous ideas, we would all be more productive and the Japs would stop stealing our jobs!
No, censorship is a side step to our jobs. Whose going to care about censorship if we don't have any jobs?

Better yet, the Japs are more productive because they don't have censorship. It's okay to be into baku sex in Japan; they even have vending machines with already used girls panties in them.

But that does not give them a reason to steal good American jobs. What I want to know, when no one else has a job, whose going to buy their Honda's? Whose going to eat at McDonalds?
We have to keep being productive as a nation so that our goods are best, then we keep our jobs! Thus we need censorship and gay marriage.
But how can our nation be productive if we have no jobs? Censorship only plays a minor role, gay marriage plays a minor one too. Can you imagine the ecnomic boost in the wedding industry if gays were allowed to get married? Talk about a job increase.

Censorship is needed.
That's why we must pillage Japan before they take our women and our jobs and make us all sit around in our underwear watching Pokemon! If gays were allowed to marry, the fabric of society would decay.
I agree that the gays are the source of the fall of the Roman empire (Along with boylove), but at least I can recognize the possible economic benefits from them.

Japan does pay above minimum wage, but China and Asia do not. These are where our jobs are going. McDonalds is a source of problems as well, many toys are assembled in Japan.
You homophobe! They were not - everyone knows it was the meterosexuals!

I agree with you about Japan, we had better pillage China and steal their plastic toys!
I am not a homophobe. I just disagree with gay marriage taking place in a church, that's just sickening.

As for Japan and their toys: They are stealing American jobs. Just as Nike has. I no longer buy Nike shoes because Nike has children make their shoes.
It should take part in a church! The seperation of church and state demands that it take place in a church!

Children should make shoes - smaller fingers.
How tentacle-rape porn going to make Americans more productive? Japanese cars are not of superiour workmanship. American cars are.

Americans wouldn't be fat and lazy if they had good jobs NOT working at McDonalds.

U.S Exports a lot of goods to other nations. U.S is a major producer of Soybean and while soybean may not sound like an all important product it has a significant value in stock market as well as Frozen oranges (no seriously, it does).

Also the economy of U.S has been going through a change. U.S economy isn't primarily focused on material goods, as it has been for decades, but it is evolving into the "middle guy" (I forgot the correct namefor it). U.S buisness is more of a provider of services rather than producer of goods, but rest assured U.S does export a good deal of goods....stuff you don't really hear about in everyday news like raw material, agricultural good, spare parts etc.

As for Indians and Japs stealing jobs well you blame the American CEOs for choosing profits over patriotism. Tech Guys in India will do the same job for fraction of the U.S dollar equals 56 Rupees ( the rate fluctuates everyday byt 1-4 rupees) so for 15,000 rupees a month they will do the same job at less than what the tech guy would get here in a week. Profits soar. Same is the case with Japan and China (Most of Simpsons animation is done in Korea) it isn't all about U.S workers being lazy but more about exploiting cheap labor....other nations don't steal our jobs..we give it to them and they gladly accept.
And the fast food industry has nothing to do with this. Americans are fat because they eat fast food

Americans are fat becuase its automata 101: have machines do everything for you, get a job as boring as you are where the limbs atrophy doughnut by fucking doghnut, powerwalk one mile, call it excersice, come home, catch up on soaps and then take the kids out to sprinkle that boring, perfectly scripted inanity you call life with fast food.

And its not Julio taking any body's damn job, sweetheart. Truly- I wonder how much money it'd take for you to stomach the idea of you washing the toilets and wastebaskets all across the nation in Julio's stead.
Xev said:
Is it ethical to use other, impoverished countries as a source of cheap labor? Are we, as consumers, responsible for the working conditions of the people who make the goods we consume?
I would say yes, since most of us consumers know very well where these overpriced clothes were produced but we still pay for them and go on acknowleding the fact that this unfair practice exists yet we do not do anything drastic to put an halt to it.

The companies can live with the shame that we know what goes on, they are glad we do not do anything to stop it.
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