Third of Muslim Students Back Religious Killings


This Religion of Peace Moment is brought to you by Muslims attending British universities: Third of Muslim students back killings.

ALMOST a third of British Muslim students believe killing in the name of Islam can be justified, according to a poll. The study also found that two in five Muslims at university support the incorporation of Islamic sharia codes into British law.

The YouGov poll for the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC) will raise concerns about the extent of campus radicalism. “Significant numbers appear to hold beliefs which contravene democratic values,” said Han-nah Stuart, one of the report’s authors. “These results are deeply embarrassing for those who have said there is no extremism in British universities.”

The report was criticised by the country’s largest Muslim student body, Fosis, but Anthony Glees, professor of security and intelligence studies at Buckingham University, said: “The finding that a large number of students think it is okay to kill in the name of religion is alarming. ...

In addition to its poll of 1,400 Muslim and nonMuslim students, the centre visited more than 20 universities to interview students and listen to guest speakers. It found that extremist preachers regularly gave speeches that were inflammatory, homophobic or bordering on antisemitic.

The researchers highlighted Queen Mary college, part of London University, as a campus where radical views were widely held. Last December, a speaker named Abu Mujahid encouraged Muslim students to condemn gays because “Allah hates” homosexuality. In November, Azzam Tamimi, a British-based supporter of Hamas, described Israel as the most “inhumane project in the modern history of humanity”.
So what? Killing in the name of Islam can be justified, which is something I, as a Muslim, solemnly profess. Those who directly oppress or slaughter Muslims (especially within the confinement of their own lands) deserve to incur grievous penalties. Of course, the killing is only to take place on the battlefield; anything short of this standard is transgressive and unjustified. Killing in the name of Islam is not an invitation to blind manslaughter and collective genocide on the grounds of differing religions; no, killing in the name of Islam is understood strictly as a defensive principle. As for Shariah law, its incorporation into British law is an ingenious idea.

Kadark the Bull
One good thing about having left the UK is not having to deal with the PC culture reguarding minority faiths and cultures.

I wish more politicians would say "If you don't like it, get the fuck out"... or words to that effect.

In America, christianity is a lesser evil, and certainly won't allow itself to become islamosized. And yes, I know I just made that word up.
So what? Killing in the name of Islam can be justified, which is something I, as a Muslim, solemnly profess.

We already know Islam supports killing, warring and lying. No other religion supports those except Islam. YOU therefore, support killing, warring and lying as a Muslim and will justify it any way you please, to suit your agenda.

[Those who directly oppress or slaughter Muslims (especially within the confinement of their own lands) deserve to incur grievous penalties. Of course, the killing is only to take place on the battlefield; anything short of this standard is transgressive and unjustified. Killing in the name of Islam is not an invitation to blind manslaughter and collective genocide on the grounds of differing religions; no, killing in the name of Islam is understood strictly as a defensive principle.

Complete bullshit.

As for Shariah law, its incorporation into British law is an ingenious idea.

Sure, let's move back into Medieval times. I hear cave-dwelling is all the rage.
This Religion of Peace Moment is brought to you by Muslims attending British universities: Third of Muslim students back killings.

The peace in Iraq brought to you by the US citizens:


Your point? :rolleyes:
Critique against Muslims which is said by someone coming from country or belief which
has never attack other country or belief would have been acceptable. Critique coming
from YOU is full of hypocrisy. Other kills on the name of belief, you kill on the name of
democracy, the result is the same. You kill people, including the innocent ones. Shame
on you.

If I were you, I would wish to disappear.
Other kills on the name of belief, you kill on the name of
democracy, the result is the same. You kill people, including the innocent ones. Shame
on you.
that's rather easy to say isn't it. Anyway I think your post is BS but back on topic

In the report, 40% of Muslim students said it was unacceptable for Muslim men and women to associate freely. Homophobia was rife, with 25% saying they had little or no respect for gays. The figure was higher (32%) for male Muslim students. Among nonMuslims, the figure was only 4%.

Do you condone this?
The study also found that two in five Muslims at university support the incorporation of Islamic sharia codes into British law.
Do you think this is anything else but absurd?
you kill on the name of
democracy, the result is the same. You kill people, including the innocent ones.
I take it you were against World War II. Heil Hitler mein Kamarade.

If you support terrorism so much, why don't you fly to Iraq, join Al Qaeda, and blow yourself up in a crowd of I-Raqi school girls?
Thank you Al Qaeda.
Eh? Al Qaeda wasn't even in Iraq until the U.S. invaded. Saddam never let them have anything to do with Iraq, since he saw them as a potential threat to his own power. Once the U.S. invaded and half the country fell into anarchy, they poured in.
Al Qaeda wasn't even in Iraq until the U.S. invaded. Saddam never let them have anything to do with Iraq, since he saw them as a potential threat to his own power. Once the U.S. invaded and half the country fell into anarchy, they poured in.
Wrong. The US invaded Iraq BECAUSE of Al Qaeda.'eda-row.html

Abu Nidal, the Palestinian terrorist, was murdered on the orders of Saddam Hussein after refusing to train al-Qa'eda fighters based in Iraq, The Telegraph can reveal.

Despite claims by Iraqi officials that Abu Nidal committed suicide after being implicated in a plot to overthrow Saddam, Western diplomats now believe that he was killed for refusing to reactivate his international terrorist network.
Corroborate here:,2933,48822,00.html
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Bush's administration tried to claim that he was killed because he wouldn't train al qaeda, but many people disagree - other sources say that he was killed by saddam because saddam found out that the U.S. had been bribing him to help with the U.S. invasion.

From wikipedia:
Other sources disagree about the cause of death. Palestinian sources told journalists that Abu Nidal had in fact died of multiple gunshot wounds. Marie Colvin and Sonya Murad, writing in The Sunday Times, say that he was assassinated by a hit squad of 30 men from Office 8, the Iraqi Mukhabarat assassination unit. [17] Jane's reported that Iraqi intelligence had been following him for several months and had found classified documents in his home about a U.S. attack on Iraq. When they arrived to raid his house on August 14 (not August 16, according to Jane's), fighting broke out between Abu Nidal's men and Iraqi intelligence. In the midst of this, Abu Nidal rushed into his bedroom and was killed, though Jane's writes it remains unclear whether he killed himself or was killed by someone else. Jane's sources insist that his body bore several gunshot wounds.

Jane's suggests that Saddam Hussein may have ordered him arrested and killed because he regarded Abu Nidal as a mercenary who would have acted against him in the event of an American invasion, if the money had been right. [48]

Half of your links didn't even mention al qeada, but other terrorist groups. You DO realize that not all terrorists=al qeada, right? Many of the ones that did mention a link were from dubious sources.