Third Graders Plot to Kill Teacher


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
Apparently, a group of third graders were found to be plotting to kill their teacher.
Eleven students got together and plotted to kill their teacher, even going so far as to bring handcuffs and a knife to school, Waycross police said.

One of the teacher's relatives said each child at Center Elementary School in Waycross had a job to do, including one assigned to wipe up the blood.

The plot unraveled over the weekend when a student tipped off police, Local 6 reported.

School officials said they never imagined that some of the 8- and 9-year-olds boys and girls at the school would think of bringing physical harm to a teacher, WJXT reported.

"A plan had been developed amongst several of our third-grade students to allegedly do harm to their teacher," said Theresa Martin, of Ware County Schools. "It's shocking that they would think of this at their young age. I think that is probably the most shocking part for all of us," Martin said.

In addition to the knife being found, the school officials said other students had duct tape, handcuffs, ribbon and a heavy crystal paperweight.

The police chief in Waycross said that he believes the plan may have been developed because one of the students was punished with some sort of time out. However, that theory remains under investigation.

"I can't believe that -- because he's a third-grader. You know, I cannot believe that. Especially, for here," said parent Doris Rowland.

The children could face expulsion and criminal charges pending the investigation.
I swear, this is what happens when parents teach their kids "Don't let nobody disrespect you" while not teaching them to respect others.
Or, their 8 year old minds are easy influenced that thar devil's rap music. :)
I think the Arts have an influence on children, we are what we eat. If a young child is fed a steady diet of violence through the Arts and media than it can't help but have some impact on the child's life. I'm not for censorship but I feel parents should take an active role in their child's diet.
I think the Arts have an influence on children, we are what we eat. If a young child is fed a steady diet of violence through the Arts and media than it can't help but have some impact on the child's life. I'm not for censorship but I feel parents should take an active role in their child's diet.

I agree.
Of course it's a scifo custom to ask you to provide an unbiased link to back up that claim.
As a mother of four, i can see this type of thing happening more in smaller towns... what else have the kids got to do.... fewer teachers in the classrooms, the teachers that are there have fewer options for disciplining, as do parents. As far as media and arts go I believe that its a parents job to supervise these things.
However the truth of the matter is with things like the internet and cell phones and all the rest of it... its impossible.
I save my kids msn history, but couldn't possibly look at all of it all the time, i take a quick look at the browser history regularly but look mainly for the standoutish stuff... anything with an X or certain words and i am a stay at home Mom i couldn't imagine having to work outside the home as well.
I am Canadian and am not aware of what the U.S. laws are on teacher student ratio or what restriction are put on discipline matters in regards to parents or teachers.
As a mother of four, i can see this type of thing happening more in smaller towns... what else have the kids got to do.... fewer teachers in the classrooms, the teachers that are there have fewer options for disciplining, as do parents. .....

What else is there to do? In 3rd grade?! :bugeye:
I grew up in a small town and am raising my kids in a small town. As a small town we have a tighter control on our kids than in a larger town. Its easier because we all know each other and nothing happens without someone telling.
What else is there to do? In 3rd grade?! :bugeye:
I grew up in a small town and am raising my kids in a small town. As a small town we have a tighter control on our kids than in a larger town. Its easier because we all know each other and nothing happens without someone telling.

I live in a very small town as well... our public school has 152 students, but amazingly enough not all the students nor all the parents get along, one would think that for the sake of the students the parents would, but hey we are all human. I feel completely safe in allowing my kids to go to the playground all by themselves so that i can get supper made and what not, because i know everybody and if theres a "problem" of some sort i will get a call about it, it not a big deal... and thats where the problem lies in small towns... the children are not always as well supervised as they are in large towns and cities, so the "time" to plot these types of things are more readily available.
This whole thing likely started with one kid making a comment, it likely started very innocently (at least i hope so) and grew... i think that by looking around this forum you might be able to understand how that could happen.

and for the record i like my small town... and would never more to anything larger... my kids are safer for the most part and i am still there main influance.
I would say they got this idea from the media. Kids are very sophisticated these days, i guess that includes plots such as these.
Ever watch Pet Semetary and Chlid's Play. I can see where a child thinks they could stab someone to death. How it went from drawing pics of Mrs Cootie Head Stinky Butt to plotting her death....
Somehow saying 'kids now days' just does not cut it in this situation.:bugeye:

Did they get their idea from the general media? I'd have to say yes, to some extent. After all, I doubt children in third grade could come up with a plan to tie up their teacher and then stab said teacher, without first seeing or hearing about a similar crime in the first place. They could have watched the news and have heard a plethora of stories related to crimes, not just movies and even some cartoons. Even some kids books have the villains planning to commit similar crimes.. Hell, I remember even Tom and Jerry cartoons where one would be tied up and about to face a chainsaw, etc. In other words, it is quite difficult to stop children gaining access to violence on TV. As a parent of a 2 and a half year old and a 1 year old (my baby's growing up :bawl:), I monitor everything they might happen to view on TV. Actually, the only TV shows that is allowed to be on while they are awake is morning TV which has shows like Sesame Street and Play School on, or sometimes, we'll put in one of the Baby Einstein DVD's or something similar. They don't watch a lot of TV, but if and when they do, that is what they are restricted to. Am I paranoid? Hell yes, and after reading of this story, I feel somewhat comforted that I may be on the right path.

ang2223 said:
what else have the kids got to do....
Ah geez, I don't k now.. play? You know, actually play.. outside.. sports.. games.. anything really but to plot to kill their teacher?

However the truth of the matter is with things like the internet and cell phones and all the rest of it... its impossible.
How so? Don't let them have a computer in their room, and have the computer that can access the internet be in a public area of the home (eg. family room) where you can keep an eye on them at all times while they are online. Don't let them have a cell phone. Or if you want them to have one, you can get the phones that restrict who they can call.. as in they are only able to call and receive calls from 4 numbers which are usually the parent's phones and are not able to SMS, etc. Phones that are designed for kids basically for safety purposes only.

I save my kids msn history, but couldn't possibly look at all of it all the time, i take a quick look at the browser history regularly but look mainly for the standoutish stuff... anything with an X or certain words and i am a stay at home Mom i couldn't imagine having to work outside the home as well.
Make the time and have the computer with internet access in a public area in the house where they can be monitored at all times. A start, yes?


Personally I don't buy the 'small town vs large town' debate. Parents have to supervise their children and attempt to know where they are at all times.. monitor what they watch or have access to on the net. You can't blame it on the teachers who are restricted in discipline in schools, nor can you blame it on the town or on the media for that matter. Teachers are not paid to teach children to respect others, that is the parent's role. A town does not lead a child astray. As a parent, it is your job to know and monitor your child, regardless of where you live. And for media? If your young child has access to everything on TV and the net, as well as books, then it is not the media's fault, but the parent's fault for not placing limits on the child.
for the record my computer is 5 feet from my tv...i check there conversations regularly... and i don't have any third graders i have a 14 and 15 year old and a 7 and 4 year old... none of whom have a cell phone.. and are limited on there internet time and information... i was merely pointing out some of the problem areas with raising children in the day and age... my kids aren't perfect, i don't expect them to be but there not trying to kill teachers either.. there was a bomb scare at our school last week from students in neighboring high school, i'm just trying to work through these thing like everyone else.
and i wasn't saying that its a teacher job to discipline but they need to be able to or have faith in the parents too handle the situation.
i don't know what the U.S. laws are in regards to pretty much anything but on my street alone there are 2 8 yr olds left home alone for 1-2 hours everyday after school because the parents are working...
and chances are this little plan was thought out on the school playground or the local playground... where parents and or teachers where present and talking among themselves or reading a book.. quite likely with 15-20 feet of them...
for the record my computer is 5 feet from my tv...i check there conversations regularly... and i don't have any third graders i have a 14 and 15 year old and a 7 and 4 year old... none of whom have a cell phone.. and are limited on there internet time and information... i was merely pointing out some of the problem areas with raising children in the day and age... my kids aren't perfect, i don't expect them to be but there not trying to kill teachers either.. there was a bomb scare at our school last week from students in neighboring high school, i'm just trying to work through these thing like everyone else.
and i wasn't saying that its a teacher job to discipline but they need to be able to or have faith in the parents too handle the situation.
i don't know what the U.S. laws are in regards to pretty much anything but on my street alone there are 2 8 yr olds left home alone for 1-2 hours everyday after school because the parents are working...
and chances are this little plan was thought out on the school playground or the local playground... where parents and or teachers where present and talking among themselves or reading a book.. quite likely with 15-20 feet of them...

Bleh.. it's not easy at all. We dread our son's reaching their teenage years.:bawl:

There are a lot of problems and difficulties in raising children. Especially these days. We are all quick to blame everyone and anyone when children do something like this.. that is what I had originally meant. I am curious as to how they actually dreamed up the plan. What led them to even think of it and to plan it out in such a fashion. And it looks as though they had planned it down to the finest details, even deciding who was going to clean up the blood.

When I was 8, all I was interested was riding my bike, reading, painting, gymnastics (at which I was terrible, but I tried), sports... But tying my teacher up and then killing them with a knife? Errr no. We were exposed to equal amounts of violence as today's children are? Most probably yes. I think there is a lot more monitoring today than there was when I was a child. But then again, I was not allowed to watch violence on TV as a child.. Not that I didn't watch it, but at home, I was not allowed to.

It's scary in a way. Although I shouldn't be surprised by this story. My husband's best friend is actually a school teacher who teaches 3rd and 4th grade. He had this vision of making a difference, left his computer programming job in his early 30's, went back to university for a degree in primary education. His first teaching position was in a problem school in a fairly rough area. One of the 4th graders tried to stab him with a pen when he tried to break up a fight between 3 students.:( As he said back then and continues to say today, the kids are great kids deep down, they've just been exposed to so much crap that they can't take it and act it out. The children had so much freedom that they were completely out of control. And half the time, the parents did not care. Sad.