thinking about ai ..

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A large set of identical AIs that can communicate with each other about themselves and their surroundings? Surely this must be one way to truly make an AI work
Cause and effect, the medium of communication. It happens at many levels, molecular bonding, nerve responses, human language, and many more. Communication is the primary driving force of change. It is the way we change in response to communication that is important.

a simple thermostat (like in your air conditioner, or convection oven) has *senses* and *acts* on the environment too
When a thermostat gains a few feedback loops, its behavior becomes more and more complex. There's a point where mortals can't predict what its going to do next. We and AI are just complex thermostats.
planaria said:
lets have a thought experiment .. you have the ability to be aware of yourself .. lets say in the sense of a computer knowing that it is turned on, it knows everything that its bios knows.. clock speed how big its hardrive is infact it could even be aware of what is inside its hardrive .. this is probably not that hard to code and i believe there are programmers who would know how to program that .. its basically a feedback loop isnt it ?

It is bad idea to program conscience.
Strong universal learning ability leads directly to conscience appearance.

So, if universal <a href="">learning</a> ability will be programmed good enough, conscience will appear just after some learning time.
spuriousmonkey said:
Are they usually focussed in the search for AI on a single entity? Did they ever try to approach this from a perspective of communication. A large set of identical AIs that can communicate with each other about themselves and their surroundings? Surely this must be one way to truly make an AI work.

It will probably not suffice to have an AI that solely interacts with humans, because the AI is not human.

You are right - society is a very important part of intelligence.
A human being cannot learn even simple intelligent things without <a href="">society</a>.

The same with computer - in order to become intelligent, computer program has to be able to communicate with society. For instance read and write.

At the same time you are wrong that AI must communicate with other AIs.
Humans' society is good enough.
(However communication with other AIs could be beneficial too).

I think there are some ideas out there how human intelligence was generated. And maybe those ideas can give an insight on how to proceed with creating AI.

I personally believe that human intelligence was created by mistake. The primary purpose of the human brain is not to think, but to store information. In order to store the maximum amount of information in a limited amount of space, the brain had to take the information that was arriving in through the senses and compress it. By associating the information and creating patterns, the brain was able to store larger amounts of information. Finally, the patterns that were created could be "uncompressed" to create new information (which is intelligence). As a result, intelligence was created as a side effect of the brain trying to store a large amount of information in a limited space.

If this is really the case, then in order to produce an AI only two things are required: An information compression/decompression algorith and a motive.
Neurocomp2003 said:
all i gotta say is...
Actions-> reaction/speech.
gating network->thalamus
STM-> Parietal/PFC
LTM-> hippocampus.[/QUO

hey a.i. guys the soul is light light is immateriaL LIGHT IS INFORMATION light is existence light is the universal oneness that connects you to your existence, wat the heck 1=0
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