Think For Yourself

would noah have been atlantean? the flood the cause of the sunken territory?
ellion said:
would noah have been atlantean? the flood the cause of the sunken territory?

It is said that the atlanteans were giants, noah isn't represented as a giant, because the mosaic deluge might be just an imitation of some earlier stories, back to the story about atlantis.

there has been many great floods. some of them are probably not even "real" but astrological or something. since the flood is said to have happened about 4500 years ago... scientists say that sahara became dry 4500 years ago... i think that something happened there and caused a flood....... but.... i dunno.

helena says about noah...

the Chaldeo-Babylonian triad placed under Ilon, the unrevealed deity, is composed of Anu, Nuah, and Bel. Anu is the primordial chaos, the god time and world at once, the uncreated matter issued from the one and fundamental principle of all things. As to Nuah, he is, according to the Orientalist [Lenormant]:

. . . the intelligence, we will willingly say the verbum, which animates and fecundates matter, which penetrates the universe, directs and makes it live; and at the same time Nuah is the king of the humid principle; the Spirit moving on the waters.

(in the beginning of the bible, gods spirit was moving over the waters)

Is not this evident? Nuah is Noah, floating on the waters, in his ark; the latter being the emblem of the argha, or moon, the feminine principle; Noah is the "spirit" falling into matter. We find him as soon as he descends upon the earth, planting a vineyard, drinking of the wine, and getting drunk on it; i.e.. the pure spirit becoming intoxicated as soon as it is finally imprisoned in matter. The seventh chapter of Genesis is but another version of the first. Thus, while the latter reads: ". . . and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit (of God) moved upon the face of the waters," in chapter seventh, it is said: ". . . and the waters prevailed . . . and the ark went (with Noah-the spirit) upon the face of the waters." Thus Noah, if the Chaldean Nuah, is the spirit vivifying matter, chaos represented by the deep or waters of the flood.

supposedly real giant human in a coffin.


ape ancestry myth

there's many different sizes in humans.... robert wadlow was 2.72m tall. so maybe we're descendants of the giant atlanteans. who cares, knows. also.... some people are so much more intelligent than others... like the ancient greeks... there has to be some good reason.. right?
yorda said:
It is said that the atlanteans were giants, noah isn't represented as a giant, because the mosaic deluge might be just an imitation of some earlier stories, back to the story about atlantis.

there has been many great floods. some of them are probably not even "real" but astrological or something. since the flood is said to have happened about 4500 years ago... scientists say that sahara became dry 4500 years ago... i think that something happened there and caused a flood....... but.... i dunno.

helena says about noah...

the Chaldeo-Babylonian triad placed under Ilon, the unrevealed deity, is composed of Anu, Nuah, and Bel. Anu is the primordial chaos, the god time and world at once, the uncreated matter issued from the one and fundamental principle of all things. As to Nuah, he is, according to the Orientalist [Lenormant]:

. . . the intelligence, we will willingly say the verbum, which animates and fecundates matter, which penetrates the universe, directs and makes it live; and at the same time Nuah is the king of the humid principle; the Spirit moving on the waters.

(in the beginning of the bible, gods spirit was moving over the waters)

Is not this evident? Nuah is Noah, floating on the waters, in his ark; the latter being the emblem of the argha, or moon, the feminine principle; Noah is the "spirit" falling into matter. We find him as soon as he descends upon the earth, planting a vineyard, drinking of the wine, and getting drunk on it; i.e.. the pure spirit becoming intoxicated as soon as it is finally imprisoned in matter. The seventh chapter of Genesis is but another version of the first. Thus, while the latter reads: ". . . and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit (of God) moved upon the face of the waters," in chapter seventh, it is said: ". . . and the waters prevailed . . . and the ark went (with Noah-the spirit) upon the face of the waters." Thus Noah, if the Chaldean Nuah, is the spirit vivifying matter, chaos represented by the deep or waters of the flood.

thats interesting. there is an apocraphyal book about a bel.
supposedly real giant human in a coffin.

And you don't think it's a hoax?
(Q) said:
supposedly real giant human in a coffin.

And you don't think it's a hoax?

I don't think anything. I've not heard that it's a hoax. Besides, there's been many alive people in modern times who are over 2m tall.

And I KNOW there's been giant skeleton hoaxes, but also real ones I think. Helena Blavatsky said there is evidence at least.

I think that pic is pretty famous since it's supposed to be real.
I think that pic is pretty famous since it's supposed to be real.

So, you looked at the pic and decided it might be real because its famous. That's using your head.

Of course, you didn't bother to read anything about the pic.
(Q) said:
I think that pic is pretty famous since it's supposed to be real.

So, you looked at the pic and decided it might be real because its famous. That's using your head.

i looked at the pic and decided it is without a doubt either real or fake....

Of course, you didn't bother to read anything about the pic.

Nah.... the main point is that i think the atlanteans existed and they were giants and we have some relation to them and i don't know how to find proof for it because i don't care much.