Think For Yourself


Registered Member
There is a problem in today's world. The problem is in our perspective of God. Through our entire lives, and the lives of generations before us, the image of God has been painted through religion. Everything we supposedly know about God has been placed into a box. Placed there by religion. And throughout our entire lives, we are meant to focus only on that box, if we want to know God.

Since we all grew up knowing only the things in the box, this is all most people ever see about God. They think it is all God is. But i'm here to tell you it's not true. The stuff religion teaches does not necessarily have anything to do with God. We need to think outside of the box religion has placed the illusion of God in. Look beyond the portrait painted by religion. Because God is real, just not the God of current religions. Just as God does not sit on a mountain throwing lightning bolts, God does not do the things claimed in current religions. We need to distinguish the factual information about God from the non-factual. Which, of course, is incredibly difficult to do. But, the first thing any of us need to do is understand the possibility that God has nothing to do with current religions. Just as God had nothing to do with religions of old.

Think outside the box. Unlearn what you've learned about God through religion. And then maybe you'll be able to find some truth about God.
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been there, done that, and brought the t shirt, as have all atheist's.
and welcome to sciforums.
We need to distinguish the factual information about God from the non-factual.

Please do. I've yet to see any factual information about gods.

And please, before you do, let us all know which one of millions of versions of god you refer?
audible is right, if you start thinking outside the box, you start to realize that there is no reason to believe in god. its a short trip from "I don't think this religion has it right," to "I don't think any religion has it right," to "religion is crap, there is probably no god at all"
Think outside the box. Unlearn what you've learned about God through religion. And then maybe you'll be able to find some truth about God.

Found it. The truth about god is that it was a ill concieved idea to explain all the crap in the world that we didn't understand. With the advent of modern science, we no longer need such a crappy explanation for things. Mountains form through tectonic processes. The earth formed from the debris of an ancient supernova. Etc.

There ya go.
cato said:
audible is right, if you start thinking outside the box, you start to realize that there is no reason to believe in god. its a short trip from "I don't think this religion has it right," to "I don't think any religion has it right," to "religion is crap, there is probably no god at all"

Nice, you've found the other side of the circle.

But I have a new way of thinking which makes you the center of the circle where there is no religion or atheism. No light or absence of it. Just try to "think" outside your mind, without a mind, outside thinking, and outside bullshit. Be out of your mind.

superluminal said:
Mountains form through tectonic processes. The earth formed from the debris of an ancient supernova. Etc.

The 2nd funniest thing I've heard in my life.

The radiations of the Zodiak is the cause that the material world (earth) exists. These oscillations hit each other in a point in space, so that interferences occur in the energy waves and Materialisation, a compression, occured.

From the compression of her Energy radiations our earth came into being, bit by bit. The sun played a big role in this, the earth grew in the field of force of the Sun and became her satellite. The sun donates life energy to the earth, but they also receive radiations continuously of the Zodiak and her brothers and sisters, the remaining planets of our solar system.

The Atlanteans, who gave us the knowledge which is written in religions, knew everything. 100000 years ago. They knew both the secrets and laws of the world and their own mystery. A long time ago there was a race called lemurians. At the beginning, they were egg-laying beings, human form. They were androgynous but later they separated into male and female. They had jelly-like bodies and were composed of gases and stuff. Before that, there were etheric beings and before that there were astral beings. Now, humans have developed completely solid bodies.

There were giants (atlanteans) on earth, we are their descendants, why else would people be so different sizes, both physically and mentally?

Religions know that the world is metaphysical, and the ancient greeks knew it also.

I think religious texts know more than science even though they have been a bit distorted by humans.

You think science is better than religion right :) I think they're both pretty fun things to have.


~ The 35000 year old Spirit Warrior from Atlantis
So, Yorda. What I hear you saying is that you enjoy wallowing in ignorance and stupidity. Right?

You think science is better than religion right I think they're both pretty fun things to have.

Ha! That is pretty funny. You wouldn't recognize science if it walked up and rammed a beaker up you ass.

You're a mystic (befuddled) remember? You don't do the science thing.
wow, you have crossed over to insanity, I think you should seek help. moreover, you do realize that the "Zodiak" (I assume you mean Zodiac) is a series of star formations that the sun rises in front of right? that means that you have to have an earth and sun before a "Zodiak", and thus your whole idea falls apart, not that it held together before.
cato said:
wow, you have crossed over to insanity, I think you should seek help.

You're so nice.

moreover, you do realize that the "Zodiak" (I assume you mean Zodiac) is a series of star formations that the sun rises in front of right?

No. Zodiac is the 4 faces of God which are visible everywhere in nature. 2. 12. 360. If I would convert the Zodiac into colors, it becomes the known color spectrum. If they are converted into elements they become the 4 known elements. If to animals, they become the "signs of the Zodiac".

But the radiation of the Zodiak doesn't come from stars, it isn't dependent on anything physical, it is only a matter of "direction". Ezekiel said that these faces can never turn.

The "Zodiac" is manifested in the 4 winds. If the wind is cold or warm or wet or whatever, is only a matter of direction.

I'm annoyed because people today can no longer understand what the Zodiac is.

and thus your whole idea falls apart, not that it held together before.

It falls apart from your direction because you don't have enough "knowledge" about it.
superluminal said:
So, Yorda. What I hear you saying is that you enjoy wallowing in ignorance and stupidity. Right?

That's what you hear, but is that what it is? Only "God" knows, right?

Ha! That is pretty funny. You wouldn't recognize science if it walked up and rammed a beaker up you ass.

It's just that I don't agree with some things in modern science. I don't agree that gravity exists in the newtonian sense. I think he knew that the universe couldn't be explained with gravity. I know that gravity is just a form of magnetism. Planets are magnets. They rotate because of magnetism, and this rotation creates gravity. Physicists don't know it.

There's so many other things too.

You're a mystic (befuddled) remember? You don't do the science thing.

You don't have enough information about what a mystic is. A mystic is nothing. I've always been interrested in science, especially when I was an atheist. But then I became interrested in religions because I realized that they weren't bullshit and they could also explain something but it doesn't matter because the only one we must follow is ourselves and the main point is dunno.

I know that gravity is just a form of magnetism. Planets are magnets. They rotate because of magnetism, and this rotation creates gravity. Physicists don't know it.

Yorda, you are a doofus. Magnets. Ha. :rolleyes:
sometimes I wish I could argue in person, then I realize that I would probably choke the life out of people like yorda and then ask them if there is an afterlife, the police would not like that too much.
cato said:
sometimes I wish I could argue in person, then I realize that I would probably choke the life out of people like yorda and then ask them if there is an afterlife, the police would not like that too much.

The only thing that exists is the present.
Physicists don't know it.

Congratulations! You have just proved the theory that there is no limit to human stupidity.
(Q) said:
Physicists don't know it.

Congratulations! You have just proved the theory that there is no limit to human stupidity.

Yeah, it's pretty weird how physicists still haven't understood it. But they will later in the future.