things we agree on

While I agree that Dr Lou is nuts, some of his ideas I agree with.

We are creations of nature. It makes sense that our ethical views lean in the same direction. None of the things listed so far are in themselves 'wrong'. The list was just made by somebody thinking "hey, this is usually wrong". I believe the only true way to act is to do what is best for you. This is perfectly viable if you realize that being selfish is not always 'best for you', and feeling guilty is also not 'best'. It relies on our communal nature to keep us from being pricks.
Re: Re: things we agree on

1- I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
um, no.

2- Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
goddamnit i'll take whatever the hell i want in vain. jesus!

3- Remember thou keep the Sabbath Day.
yeeah, some of us have stuff to do

4- Honor thy Father and thy Mother
there are some pretty lousy parents out there who are the last to be deserving respect. father's day is a masquerade at my house. i hand my dad a card and say "congratulations on having sperm! you knocked my mom up, way to go dad!"

5- Thou shalt not kill.
self-defense? defending someone else? accident?? eating meat, wearing leather/fur

6- Thou shalt not commit adultery.
i definitely don't agree with it but who are we to say what other people should do? perhaps a married woman is in an abusive relationship and simply cannot get out of it without ending up dead and there is some guy who makes her happy and feel like she's worth more than a punching bag.

7- Thou shalt not steal.
this one is fuzzy.
there are some cases when my conscience says it's ok to steal. off the top of my head, police collecting evidence are taking things that don't belong to them. grabbing a couple extra sugar packets in a restaurant doesn't seem like a hell worthy offense either.

8- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
sometimes, it may be better to lie. while i prefer honesty at all times, lying to protect someone is not a bad thing. imagine: intruders break into your house, find you inside and demand that you tell them where your kids are. they are playing in a back bedroom but you lie and say they're downstairs to give them a chance to get away. is your god going to strike you down now?

9- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife.
unless you're a buddhist, coveting is not such a terrible thing.

10 - Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods.
I believe we can agree n that fact that Utter destruction of the Earth is a no no.....and by utter i mean swift and fast by means such as a asteroid.

But wait...leave it to a martyar to disagree on that.

The answer is that we can't agree of any subject...not fully agree anyway.
Maybe this needs to be changed a bit. Do we all agree on something, assuming we have logic to backup our belief?
Simple...We agree on almost everything

We can all agree that there is no way to change the past or even the passing moments and seconds and thus we have to accept the past for a fact, and we have no way to know precisely without resolving to forcasting what the future holds. So we agree that the future is unknown to a greater degree.

In a sense that makes that agree on almost everything but the spontantanous short speed of sound time that we are actually in control over what we do.
Am I mistaken or back on page 1 did Dr Lou tell us that we should all pee on the ground and kill anyone who gets too near, and no one had anything to say about that...

He didnt even say that about humans specificly, he seemed to implicate the entire animal kingdom. This is really an interesting type of insanity, im getting tired of getting religious arguments that make no sence tossed around, lets hear some more of Dr Lou's quasi-naturalist arguments that make no sence!
types of languages
types of mathamatical systems
genral laws of conduct of interactive behaviour between people on a physical level
a small amount of laws relating to verbal interaction between people
a shared genralised construct of the most desirable family unit
a form of barta

all these things we agree on are social laws that are contradicted by big business
but they are what the majority of people and even those people who break them while operating their big businesses expect to be used as a guide to the norm of interaction

which of course highlights the biggest accepted agreeable thing

a common sociatal disorder which remains regardless of what religion race ethnicity nationality culture
there a few rare exceptions

groove on :)
Re: Simple...We agree on almost everything

haha ok. you win that one. i meant issues we can agree on but i'll take it because you found something we actually do agree on.
- it is right to help a child in need
- it is wrong to torture people
- it is wrong to kill people
- it is wrong to disrespect other human beings
- it is wrong to be unfair
- it is wrong to be unkind
- it is wrong to be mean
- it is right to offer each other emotional support
- it is right too respect each other's independence and views
it is wrong to torture people

Wrong. Fred Durst. It would be very right to publically strip his skin from his body with broken cds.
What about masochists? As Anton LaVey quipped, it'd be cruel to deny them.
What if you were in a situation where you needed information to save, say, millions of lives, and the only way to get an informant to talk was by torturing them?

it is wrong to kill people

What if you could kill Hitler before he came to power?

it is wrong to disrespect other human beings

Then the concept of respect is moot.

it is wrong to be unkind

Kindergarten ideology should have died with the Nazarene.

it is wrong to be mean

Why? Meanness adds piquancy to interaction.

it is right to offer each other emotional support

Why? The weak would be best served if they weren't coddled.

it is right too respect each other's independence and views

If it's wrong to disrespect any view, how can you respect any view?
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I hereby authorize anyone interested to shoot me if I ever pay enough attention to that genre to not confuse albums.

Thanks sargentlard. :)
xev, amny of your counter examples rely on exceptional circumstances. I am quite happy to add another thing we agre eon to the list. Ocassionally extreme circumstances require extreme responses for survival, but hey shpould be chosen very carefully as the general rights are right.

piquancy isnt an argument for meanness. being kindergarten d=satndard isnt a reason to oppose being kind to people.

One can respect another person without practcicng disrespect to some others. Even if the concept of rspect was dependent on the concept of disresect that wouldnt mean ione had to perform both actions in order to be able to be meaningfully respectful.
the topic is things we agree on. it's not that i don't think it's nice that you act on it, but you'd have to be living in a pleasantville bubble to think they are universally agreed upon. or even agreed upon in this forum alone.

sometimes being mean is how stupid people know they're stupid. just kidding. sort of.
Please, could you make an effort to spell correctly? I don't mean "write perfect, college level English", but comprehensibility would be nice.

One can respect another person without practcicng disrespect to some others. Even if the concept of rspect was dependent on the concept of disresect that wouldnt mean ione had to perform both actions in order to be able to be meaningfully respectful.

As Socrates pointed out, our ability to comprehend a thing requires that we comprehend that that thing might not-be.
Respect is granted when a person meets a set of standards. If nobody met those standards, or everybody met those standards, judgement and respect would not be possible.
Thus, by respecting someone we judge. And if they are worthy, it follows that some will not be worthy. Men are not equal.
Thus, respecting some entails that we not respect others.