Thiaoouba Prophecy?

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    Votes: 44 62.0%
  • Believe

    Votes: 11 15.5%
  • Know

    Votes: 9 12.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 9.9%

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How do you know they haven't profitted. Because they say so?

Anyway, they don't need to be profitting from this to be false. They may believe this all to be true, and are acting accordingly. People are known to act 'selflessly' for different causes.

A perfect example is Christendom. Many become Nuns and Monks for their faith, others become volunteers and missionarys. Do their selfless deeds mean that the Christian religion is true and valid? Nope.

The book doens't need to be disproved, as the book is making a claim but without any proof. A proofless claim can be considered useless.

Therefore if I said that my dog lays eggs yet I do not show you the dog nor the eggs there is no need to consider my claim, the claim cannot be proved without the proof so to speak. But even though you can say that dogs don't lay eggs therefore it must be false, you actualy have no way of knowing that all dogs don't lay eggs because you haven't seen them all and you can't know if this particular dog does or not. So technicaly you can't disprove a claim that is proofless.

Essentialy disproving something involves showing that the proof (evidence etc..) is false or invalid.

But here we have no proof, hence it cannot be disproved.
It makes me feel sick when people say things like "It's rubbish.
Notice they are trying to sell stuff to you. It's a money making exercise."!!! The book fits almost all unproven theories and makes completely sence.... I KNOW that it e.g. exists psychic abilities like telekinesis! I f you wanna learn it, visit ... If you doubt, I'm a living proof that it is true!!! I do it every day(am no, I'm neither a maniac, has any psychological injuries or on drugs, I've never used drugs).
And think about it. Do you think 1/4 of the worlds population actully FAKES out of body experiences(OBE, astral projecting, AP, near-death-experiences, etc.)(YES, so many people has OBE's)?
And don't you think that it's a reason that EVERY religion has souls, spirits and one major God and usually many(/some) lesser gods?

Well it is up to you. But if nothing, read the book as fiction! It's good! AFTERWARDS you can comment this article :p Okay?
PS. Archeologs has found a TOTALLY square-shaped piece of metal deep under many layers of clay, and the metal-peiece couldn't have been from Nature itself after what I read... That's a proof for earlier societies!
exsto_human said:
How do you know they haven't profitted. Because they say so?

I am simply going by the prices on the website. You on the other hand seem to know they profit because.... ?

exsto_human said:
Anyway, they don't need to be profitting from this to be false. They may believe this all to be true, and are acting accordingly. People are known to act 'selflessly' for different causes.

A perfect example is Christendom. Many become Nuns and Monks for their faith, others become volunteers and missionarys. Do their selfless deeds mean that the Christian religion is true and valid? Nope.

The book is validated not by the faith of its authors, but by its intrinsic logical value. Christianity will remain invalid as long as it contains logical fallacies and contradictions.

exsto_human said:
The book doens't need to be disproved, as the book is making a claim but without any proof. A proofless claim can be considered useless.

Therefore if I said that my dog lays eggs yet I do not show you the dog nor the eggs there is no need to consider my claim, the claim cannot be proved without the proof so to speak. But even though you can say that dogs don't lay eggs therefore it must be false, you actualy have no way of knowing that all dogs don't lay eggs because you haven't seen them all and you can't know if this particular dog does or not. So technicaly you can't disprove a claim that is proofless.

Essentialy disproving something involves showing that the proof (evidence etc..) is false or invalid.

But here we have no proof, hence it cannot be disproved.

Your analogy is weak - dogs laying eggs does not logically make sense since animals of that family do not reproduce via eggs. If you could not demonstrate the dog physically laying eggs then you would have to demonstrate what makes your dog different from any other, or at least HOW this could come to happen. You can't just make a completely illogical statement and say "I have no proof that my dog lays eggs but you have no proof that my dog DOESN'T lay eggs". As evidence, I give the dictionary definition of proof:

proof Audio pronunciation of "proof" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prf)

1. The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true.
1. The validation of a proposition by application of specified rules, as of induction or deduction, to assumptions, axioms, and sequentially derived conclusions.
2. A statement or argument used in such a validation.
1. Convincing or persuasive demonstration: was asked for proof of his identity; an employment history that was proof of her dependability.
2. The state of being convinced or persuaded by consideration of evidence.

The evidence in the book is the explanation of mysteries long puzzled over by man, the completely logical analysis of our civilisation, as well as stated solutions. It lies in the common sense that every man shares concerning the truth about our 'civilisation' and our very existence.
insight1234 said:
It makes me feel sick when people say things like "It's rubbish.
Notice they are trying to sell stuff to you. It's a money making exercise."!!! The book fits almost all unproven theories and makes completely sence.... I KNOW that it e.g. exists psychic abilities like telekinesis! I f you wanna learn it, visit ... If you doubt, I'm a living proof that it is true!!! I do it every day(am no, I'm neither a maniac, has any psychological injuries or on drugs, I've never used drugs).
And think about it. Do you think 1/4 of the worlds population actully FAKES out of body experiences(OBE, astral projecting, AP, near-death-experiences, etc.)(YES, so many people has OBE's)?
And don't you think that it's a reason that EVERY religion has souls, spirits and one major God and usually many(/some) lesser gods?

Well it is up to you. But if nothing, read the book as fiction! It's good! AFTERWARDS you can comment this article :p Okay?

I have experienced many things. I have no direct experience of Telekensis and I have no real reason to believe in it.

However I have had OBE's on several occasions. Infact I trained myself to "Astral project" however doing this with an open mind, ie not believing that I will actualy leave my body just concentrating on the meditation itself.

And yes it worked marvelously. I had bells and whistles and electrical surges throughout my body and bang I was out and there was me sleeping in my bed. I went on to do this on several occasions, practicing nightly.

But my dream-like feeling of leaving the body, despite being incredibly realistic still does not constitute the truth of the 'Astral dimention'. It could have been a very realistic lucid dream as I am a frequent lucid dreamer and I have had very vivid ones. I even tried proving it with different tricks on several occasions but failed inevitably.

And, yes there is a reason why all religions have a soul teaching, thats because I believe we have one. But this soul isn't neccesarily metaphysical, it can verywell be contained solely in our physical being as science ascribes it, but that doesn't make our concious awareness anyless amazing or wonderfull.

Anyway, this discussion is not about unexplained phenomena, it's about this book.

And yes I picked up the book as a possible explenation for my experiences, I read it, found it quite entertaining. A nice little science *fiction* new-age spiritualist story. Not the most enthraling language or the most creative plot or the most well thought out esoteric references. Just a nice little read.

There were some parts that I thought were clever but a bit too obvious, for example the mystery man in the suspended state whom I assume we are supposed to assume is Jesus. 'One day he will awake' or something like that.

The delving of the psychosphere was also an interesting read as I was entertaining the idea of a universal 'akhashic record'.

So infact I am very open to metaphysical claims about the nature of the universe. My OBE experience might be actual experiences of dimentions that are unaccounted for by science.

I am OPEN to them, this does not mean I believe in them.

The elementary yet strangely convincing language of 'You must not belive this book you must know' is very, very missleading. As there is NO POSSIBLE WAY of actualy KNOWING the truth of that book without experiencing it first hand. It's not an enlightenment or a feeling that 'Yes, yes it has to be that way.', because No, no it does not have to be that way.
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Vinay said:
I am simply going by the prices on the website. You on the other hand seem to know they profit because.... ?

I never said that I know they proffit, I just assume it from the context. No better than assuming that they don't profit from it I'd say.

Vinay said:
The book is validated not by the faith of its authors, but by its intrinsic logical value. Christianity will remain invalid as long as it contains logical fallacies and contradictions.

The book contains metaphysical claims as explenations for the nature of the universe. This is as of yet untestable by scientific methods and cannot be considered from societys point of view as evidence for the validity of the book.

You cannot disprove metaphysical claims. But can't prove them either.

Vinay said:
Your analogy is weak - dogs laying eggs does not logically make sense since animals of that family do not reproduce via eggs. If you could not demonstrate the dog physically laying eggs then you would have to demonstrate what makes your dog different from any other, or at least HOW this could come to happen. You can't just make a completely illogical statement and say "I have no proof that my dog lays eggs but you have no proof that my dog DOESN'T lay eggs". As evidence, I give the dictionary definition of proof:

Admittedly my analogy was quite crap, so to redeem it I will have to make it metaphysical...

Dogs in the 7th parallell universe lay eggs. My dog exists in the 7th parallell universe. Therefore my dog lays eggs.

Good luck disproving that statement. ;)

Vinay said:
The evidence in the book is the explanation of mysteries long puzzled over by man, the completely logical analysis of our civilisation, as well as stated solutions. It lies in the common sense that every man shares concerning the truth about our 'civilisation' and our very existence.

An explenation that draws on metaphysical proof for it's own validity is certainly not viable or usable in a public situation in any way. And if I were you I wouldn't throw the 'common sense' arguement into this because of the nature of the statement 'common sense'.

Common sense implys a common consensus as to what is sensible and what is not. Today's common consensus of sensibility is to blindly accept the workings of our society. To be a passive goods-consuming cog in the clockwork of the system and to unqestioningly accept any claims of truth that our society imposes on us.

Do you want to be a cog? I don't think so.
insight1234 said:
PS. Archeologs has found a TOTALLY square-shaped piece of metal deep under many layers of clay, and the metal-peiece couldn't have been from Nature itself after what I read... That's a proof for earlier societies!

By the way I had to ignore this statement, as there is no source reference.

Google didn't help either.
Interesting that the only people who opposed my statement were people who seemed to make an account here for the sole purpouse of proving their support of this book.

I expect never to hear from any of them again on this thread.
exsto_human said:
I never said that I know they proffit, I just assume it from the context. No better than assuming that they don't profit from it I'd say.

If you look at the website's bookshop, you will see the price is US$19. I think you will find that this is pretty close to the minimum publishing cost. Here are a couple of websites I had a look at:

If you can find cheaper publishing, I'd like to see it. Even disregarding the cost of the book - it is also offered for free online! There goes your profit motive.

exsto_human said:
The book contains metaphysical claims as explenations for the nature of the universe. This is as of yet untestable by scientific methods and cannot be considered from societys point of view as evidence for the validity of the book.

You cannot disprove metaphysical claims. But can't prove them either.

I agree that metaphysical claims regarding the wider nature of the universe are hard to prove. But what about real physical knowledge that was derived from the book's 'story'? What about consistent facts concerning the history of humans on this planet? Do you really think that the author - a farmer - has the knowledge or capability to lie about things as technical as this? Or is this a conspiracy between other people and the author is just a front-man (and again I ask why? Obviously not for money or fame. You can't fault the book's morality either? Where's the motive?)

exsto_human said:
Admittedly my analogy was quite crap, so to redeem it I will have to make it metaphysical...

Dogs in the 7th parallell universe lay eggs. My dog exists in the 7th parallell universe. Therefore my dog lays eggs.

Good luck disproving that statement. ;)

First you would have to prove that your dog exists in the 7th parallel universe. You have made an illogical statement with no supporting statements.

exsto_human said:
Common sense implys a common consensus as to what is sensible and what is not. Today's common consensus of sensibility is to blindly accept the workings of our society. To be a passive goods-consuming cog in the clockwork of the system and to unqestioningly accept any claims of truth that our society imposes on us.

Do you want to be a cog? I don't think so.

That's not called 'common sense', that's called 'apathy'. You seem to be confused.

exsto_human said:
Interesting that the only people who opposed my statement were people who seemed to make an account here for the sole purpouse of proving their support of this book.

I expect never to hear from any of them again on this thread.

Getting a little ahead of yourself there?

You have yet to disprove any statement made in the book - you can't even make a vague logical dent. I would suggest you try reading the book.
:D I have read the book.

It wasn't that amazing. Just some wild claims.

But what about real physical knowledge that was derived from the book's 'story'? What about consistent facts concerning the history of humans on this planet? Do you really think that the author - a farmer - has the knowledge or capability to lie about things as technical as this? Or is this a conspiracy between other people and the author is just a front-man (and again I ask why? Obviously not for money or fame. You can't fault the book's morality either? Where's the motive?)

What physical knowledge? What consistent facts about human history?

There was, as soon as Michel is beamed up all physical knowledge ends. I have yet to see any excavations of atlantis, ancient lemuria or any evidence whatsoever of civilizations existing 100,000 years ago.

Yes, the atlantis/lemuria myths exist, that is not evidence for your claim of the turth of the book rather these myths pre-exist the book by many many years. Anyone could write a book about them.

The journey to the 9th planet as physical knowledge? Please.

Furthermore I even consulted an astrophysics phD about the possibility of the moon being a body captured from space. And he quite quickly assured me that this was impossible according to the maths we have today.

Now. I am NOT and astrophysics phD, so I can't show you the mathematics. But I damn well respect the oppinion of those more educated in the field.

That goes for the faster-than lightspeed spaceships aswell. Since I don't know any better Einstiens hypothesis that nothing can travel faster than light still holds for me.

As for the existence of other dimentions. It is granted that qantum mechanics has proved some quite anomalous behaviour at the subatomic scale which has led to the theoretical mathematics of string theory which hypothesises the existence of subatomic dimentions, up to 21 (very unsure about this number) of them. The existence of these dimentions can not be tested. So they will forever remain theoretical.

Just like this book. It can't be tested. So. It will remain theoretical.

I have no need to question the motives of writing the book indepth. Maybe they just want the attention. But it's not that incredible a book. After a couple of years of research many people with a good creative mind could write this book. It's sometimes said that everyone has atleast one good book in them. I don't know if this is true, but I realy can't see what makes this book so much more incredible or true than any other fiction.

First you would have to prove that your dog exists in the 7th parallel universe. You have made an illogical statement with no supporting statements.

You have taken my point exactly. These are the kind of claims that this book makes. Yes it has a nice story for it all. The great thaori creating the universe and all that. But the story of the creation of the universe is all metaphysical shite, so worth nothing in the context. So the claims are there bare and alone with nothing to support them.

Do you know what I am doing here. I am exercising free thought. I am using my mind. Afterall thats what Mr. Chalko is asking the world to do. To THINK FOR THEMSELVES or something like that.

Well thats exactly what I am trying to do.

Am I making the WRONG CHOICE by questioning the book? Because I have, based on logical deduction, rejected the book will I be doomed to be stuck on this 1st grade rock for an eternity of life times?

What if I have exercised compasion and love for all sentient beings. Trained my mind in tought and meditation and the arts of astral projection. Had aenemas daily and never eaten meat and only wore clothes that match my aura. But still find this book to be a load of crap?

I think Chalko makes a certain statement in his book. The freedom of choice. The whole rest of the book builds on the negation of this one question.

Can a house build itself?

Well. The answere you see. Is quite simply.

A house doesn't need to build itself because it is already a house.
insight1234 said:
PS. Archeologs has found a TOTALLY square-shaped piece of metal deep under many layers of clay, and the metal-peiece couldn't have been from Nature itself after what I read... That's a proof for earlier societies!

As one who is actively studying the field of archaeology, I would greatly appreciate a citation or more information to that alleged artifact. I doubt it will be forthcoming, however, as most supporters of new-age nonsense and rubbish such as this rarely cite actual facts in their contexts. They stick to hyperbole, out-of-context tidbits of information, and outright fabrications instead.

But since archaeology is a sub-discipline of anthropology, I'm also actively studying the power of belief systems and "magical thinking" of man, past and present. So this is an interesting subject.

I can't help but notice that there are several posters with between 1 and 6 posts: the light; purpleprincessts; Vinay; and insight1234. One must wonder if they are all connected to each other or the author in ways that go beyond being mere advocates of the book, despite their instance otherwise. Doubtless, "thiaoouba prophecy" was googled and showed the sciforums link, perhaps they are (or "he/she" is) engaging in a public relations attempt in order to counter what other "googlers" might find in searching.

To those googlers... be warned.... if you really want the book for yourself, make up a hotmail/yahoo account then go here: to "apply" for a free ebook.

For more information on the rubbish in the Thiaoouba Prophecy, see this link.

For a previous sciforums thread, click here.

Here's another sf thread... at the end of this one, even crazymikey thought it was hogwash.

Indeed, Desmarquet's marketing strategy seems to be to post to various webboards on the internet: yet another spam thread on this poppycock.

As to Dr. Chalko's paper, a student wrote a paper that concludes the following:
Michael Sephton said:
It seems that both Chalko’s model and a simpler model based on solution of the same partial differential equation, are way off the commonly accepted idea of core temperatures, presumably between 6000 and 7000 degrees. Chalko’s model is even less appropriate because it predicts an infinitely negative temperature for the core centre when less cooling is expected, a generally opposite trend to what is expected.
The paper was written by a student at the Univ. of Melbourne, the same Uni as Chalko. Looking at Chalko's paper (core.pdf), its easy to see that he's out of his field (lasers)... there's a lack of demonstrating discussion for his contention. A page and a half to demonstrate that if the Earth's core cools, it'll result in an explosion. Come on... even Paul W. Dixon would give us more than that!
after reading the book and giving it some serious thought i came to the conclusion that most if not all of your claims are somewhat valid.
there is a lot of logic behid this book (A LoT) and it will take quiet a lot of time for a person to research these materials, but it's still not impossible...
there is a contridicion in the phrase "it's not enought to believe you have to know since" since knowing involves experience, and he brings me no experience of any of the things writen about in his book,
the only reason we have for believing the book is because he told us so...
the thing that most intriuged me about this entire ordeal is that they (michael and dr.chalko) didn't do it for the money nor for fame
and it than seems pretty much pointless, unless there is some other reason' or perhapse their telling the truth.

If you want a quick laugh you should try reading a little bit of the Chalko guys book "Freedom of choice." (Get it free form the Web)

Trust me, it's hillarious.

The logic in almost each and every line is simply invalid. And the rehtoric style it is written in, while far from convincing, will keep you looking for all the tricks he uses.

It's such bullshit that it resembles more a joke than a serious book.
i'm no working for Michel or anyone associated with him,
and i'm not trying to sell you the book or convience you that what it's saying is right...just giving you my opinion.
i'm really insulted that you automatically think that because i gave the impression i believe what is said in the book (which i'm not sure about yet) it means that i work for the guy who wrote it.
and even if you wrote it as a joke it still shows that your not really open to changing your mind about the book, which prevents any real conclusions to come out of this discussion (other than the ones you came in with).
You said, "there's a lot of logic behid (sic) his book."

Anyone that would make that statement is either working for the guy, is the guy, or doesn't understand logic.
ok um well im kinda neutral in this whole prophecy thingy, im just reading it, so i'll will start with pros to the propechy and cons


1. we have seen ufo's i mean there are other civilisations around the huge galaxy, otherwise ppl wo think were alone, have a very shallow prespective of life

2,people CAN DO KI/CHI/PSI, chinese people have been teaching about it for centuraries,

3, In egypt, People have done the pyramids with laser precision, sure aint can do it with a hammer,


1, How does micheal know if they are good? maybe they are telling him lies? i mean do we have proof that they tell the truth?

2. Cant they check if hes lieing, um lie detactors maybe? cant expect 6 billion people to stop using tvs, cars and other technological devices, i mean we are doing progress, eg recycling, and ppl do care about natrue in a big or small way,

4. You cant just say one day, everything is free, from pda to tvs!!!!! i mean it would be chaos, i mean people would stop working, ppl would die from hunger,

5. about the moon crashing to earth theory, well the moon is moving precisely 1,2345 cm a year

6, they havent found a second big crater on earth just one, so were's the second one,

7, if the aliens are so smart and stuff, they should know that no one would believe micheal right? and that we woudnt change our ways right?

one thing i tthink everybody agrees on is that we dont need any politicians lol or govermentlol the guy here in ontario who wants to ban pit bulls dont know how a pit bull looks like(till they showed him lol) on tv they asked him to show a pitbull from photos, and he pointed to a german shepherd lol talk about national embarrsment
So far, a total of 6 accounts have been created on sciforums solely in order to post 1 or 2 replies to this single thread. All of these have defended the book to a larger or smaller degree.
Convenient coincidence, eh. The most likely explanation is, of course, that they are supporters requested by the author to search google and support his fiction as fact wherever they find it. Or that it is the author himself.