They finally banned violent video games in prisons

I question the value of harsh conditions and the subjective exploitation of the term <i>punishment.</i>
zanket said:
There was a prison where every inmate was in solitary confinement for the duration. Talk about keeping costs down. Problem was the prisoners came out insane, which cost society a lot to deal with.

This is actualy fairly common amoung American "supermax" prisons, of which there are a great abundance. Some inmates are kept in solitary confinement cells for up to 23 hours a day for months on end.
<i>"Some inmates are kept in solitary confinement cells for up to 23 hours a day for months on end."</i>

For their protection or that of others?
fadingCaptain said:
Surely you see that there is a subjective line drawn somewhere. Of course they should be punished beyond the loss of freedom. Do you think they should have heated pools, plasma screen tvs, and tilt-a-whirl?

No, because those are not low-cost.

Apparently, you think if they can't play video games they are being unduly punished.

No, as long as they have other forms of low-cost recreation to fill the gap. I just don't see video games as being much more of cost than books or TV.
Mystech said:
This is actualy fairly common amoung American "supermax" prisons, of which there are a great abundance. Some inmates are kept in solitary confinement cells for up to 23 hours a day for months on end.

Yeah, those particular inmates are deemed to require that, not for punishment, but to prevent the trouble they might otherwise cause given their violent nature.