These are the ones that I fear


Registered Senior Member
While browsing my favorite site ( I found another interesting site. Let me put it this way, I am a theist, but these are the Christians that I fear...

Lets put it this way:

My husband and I are a devoted to serving the Lord Jesus Christ. We work here in our computer art studio on studying 2D cell animation, 3D modeling, flash, web design, and programming. My husband is designing a game engine and working to build a game company called Mighty Land Games. He has built a powerful render farm for rendering 3D Models. My husband left his work at Microsoft to fulfill Gods promise to him in game design.

While Im sure that these people have good intentions ... eh... Its not even worth it, I think that these people are insane. Just look at the front page for Christ sakes!
lol, they're studying web design, flash and animation and their website looks like something created by a 12 year old.
It just seems to me that these people are a bit nutty. I mean come on! Her husband left his job at miscrosuck to start making games for Jesus? I dont think that thats what Jesus would want.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
It just seems to me that these people are a bit nutty. I mean come on! Her husband left his job at miscrosuck to start making games for Jesus? I dont think that thats what Jesus would want.

Cmon, how would you know? Jesus never said anything about games.
Okay, that was very scary. *shivers and wipes invisible bugs from skin*

Yes, I think they are a bit unbalanced. Not to mention their inability to use the brains God gave them:

"Do you remember how angry Jesus was when He found people selling in the temple? ... We are soon going to launch our new business. Actually I should say, God is birthing the business! ... But the real time strategy games you're seeing for game boxes and computers costing around 40 - 50 dollars in the stores cost a lot of money to make! We're going to make those kind! ;o)"
Go ahead, eve. Take a gander. The only thing that really scared me for life was the front image...

P.S. Where is your avatar from? Ive seen it somewhere before. At least I think Ive seen it somewhere before. I like it, its cool.
Cmon, how would you know? Jesus never said anything about games.

Exactly, so how would the bible cover it? ... this gives me a great thread idea though. Oops, sorry for posting twice yall.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
Go ahead, eve. Take a gander. The only thing that really scared me for life was the front image...

P.S. Where is your avatar from? Ive seen it somewhere before. At least I think Ive seen it somewhere before. I like it, its cool.

*grumble* fine fine, you who actually have a bank account and can pay, *grumble* since you don't have meddling parents, can enjoy all those sigs and avatars while the rest of us *grumble* sit in the dark and dream *grumble*
My husband left his work at Microsoft to fulfill Gods promise to him in game design.
Thats bullshit for a start, anyone who makes websites out of frontpage 2000 deserves to be sacked. As for the content's sad.

It is Ophelia by John Everett Millais


I even have a job too!!!;) :p (I'm really not making fun of you, I'm just so happy I'm able to pay for those things everyone seems to take for granted.)
a bit looks like Kylie Minogue in the video and song - Where the wild roses grow (my fav song) with Nick Cave


Where The Wild Roses Grow

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one
She stared in my eyes and smiled
For her lips were the colour of the roses
That grew down the river, all bloody and wild

When he knocked on my door and entered the room
My trembling subsided in his sure embrace
He would be my first man, and with a careful hand
He wiped at the tears that ran down my face


On the second day I brought her a flower
She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen
I said, "Do you know where the wild roses grow
So sweet and scarlet and free?"

On the second day he came with a single red rose
Said: "Will you give me your loss and your sorrow"
I nodded my head, as I lay on the bed
He said, "If I show you the roses, will you follow?"


On the third day he took me to the river
He showed me the roses and we kissed
And the last thing I heard was a muttered word
As he knelt (stood smiling) above me with a rock in his fist

On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow
And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief
And I kissed her goodbye, said, "All beauty must die"
And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth

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Kylie Minogue sang with Nick Cave! Oh, Nick has come down in the world :D Or have I missed something about Kylie? Has she somehow grown into (or always been?) something other than a shallow pop star?

I know a few people like that. Plenty of those religious folk in Calgary. TRuth is, they're not as crazy as they come across. Some religious people are mean and intolerant while others are open and....tolerant.

A bit reserved, somewhat ackward, but certainly nothing to fear. Now, none of my friends have been programming games for Jesus, but I"d imagine they're just as devout.

Either way, these people have goals in their lives and that makes them likeable enough. The people I really have problems with are those that mitigate happiness for so called "success". The moneymaker type that'll do anything for a buck. They get on my nerves. Not that I fear them, just that they're presence makes me sick to the stomach. You guys know the type. (I know some religious people like that)
Originally posted by EvelinaAnville
Kylie Minogue sang with Nick Cave! Oh, Nick has come down in the world :D Or have I missed something about Kylie? Has she somehow grown into (or always been?) something other than a shallow pop star?
it was long ago
the song was released in 1995 (90%)
:eek: it's about 8 years already :(
it's a really beautiful song
you should hear it
aaw don't cry
but there's nothing much more to say on the subject

there are crazy christians and you better avoid them
people in general are stupid, but most christians are stupid and arrogant

what else to discover?