There will be more...

If we are rolled into creation very late, then this actually gives more time for an infinite space to give rise to creatures well before our arrival here on Terra Firma. So... it's very difficult to say whether if there are any other life in the universe (which there almost certainly must be), that this particular life could have had more time to develop, and hence, become vastly more intelligent. If we are dealing with an alien race that has reached our own planet, then they will almost be more intelligent than us.
A lot of 'Ifs' considering our own known (what we know of it)creation, what gives reason for a catalyst which would give a race such a boost if all life arises from amino type acids (i'm not too sure actualy)...?
As its very difficult to say then we can only hope as it would be a bit dull to think of nothing outhere....
What if the alien life was just a spore which came down with some meteorite how much intelligence could you give it.....? There are no close examples of intelligence close to us why belittle ourselves by presuming it will be some sort of hollywood sci-fi alien with lazer guns and spaceships...?
I feel that if there is life out there we can only compare it to our own (as we have nothing else to compare it to),and at our own evolutionary pace it will be 1,000 + years before we are capable of such feats, so if the universe was created at the same time the time it takes for the essentials for life to develop should be roughly universal and can be graded by looking at the branching of life on our planet, it is very possible the some of the forks of the tree of life is different on another planet with a different type of superior being as we are the superior being's here,but why so far advanced....? and why the submissive inferiority to something which we can only hope exists....
''A lot of 'Ifs' considering our own known (what we know of it)creation, what gives reason for a catalyst which would give a race such a boost if all life arises from amino type acids (i'm not too sure actualy)...?''

Certainly a mystery. We have even simulated the same type of conditions, and we still have yet to observe the creation of a prokaryote.

''What if the alien life was just a spore which came down with some meteorite how much intelligence could you give it.....?''

According to Panspermia theory, microbes could have been sent to Earth on a comet. Most scientists would agree with the theory, but it is still, only a theory. The same elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have even been found in space itself, the same elements required for life as we know it.
'' the tree of life is different on another planet with a different type of superior being as we are the superior being's here,but why so far advanced....? ''

I would say, if we could reach them, and not the other way around, then perhaps there would be a greater chance we are more developed.