There will be more...

Not only do I believe in AI, but one of my brothers works as a computer scientist in that field. Ever played a video game before?
Well, consider this then...

I have now become a wierd believer in something. Spock once said, ''it's life Jim... But not as we know it...''

Now, life to us, is chemically and quantum mechanically seen as electrical signals interpreted by the collapse of like electrical fields (or perhaps systems...) anyway... I was sitting by my window today, watching the light from the sun pass me by and i came up with this twisted theory of how Aliens could travel great distances, if they themselves acted analogous to the speed of light itself. In other words -- a life in light, can travel great distances to our world and then back again to theirs, without a single chronon pass...

... Then i considered a galaxy moving relative to our galaxy at near light speed (which would mean they where travelling at very high speeds...) and alien race could reach us very easily using this near c-momentum.

And then it got even more twisted. I said to myself, even if these two theories are highly psuedoscientisfic, there is one thing one cannot deny... and that aliens must exist, because if they are alien to us, then we are aliens to them, and that would mean the very definition of alien is in fact, true.
Normally AI refers to artificial intelligence as utilized in computers; you seem to be referring to "alien intelligence", which I misunderstood in my initial reply.

If an alien race were racing towards us from a distant galaxy at near the speed of light, then they could reach us in what to them appears to be a very short time, yes. But from our perspective it would still take millions of years, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting if I were you.

And then it got even more twisted. I said to myself, even if these two theories are highly psuedoscientisfic, there is one thing one cannot deny... and that aliens must exist, because if they are alien to us, then we are aliens to them, and that would mean the very definition of alien is in fact, true.

No, this does not in any way, shape or form constitute a proof of alien intelligence. You're assuming from the get-go that there exists a "them" to which we are aliens, and there's no way to deduce this assumption as a principle of logic. You're basically assuming that aliens exist in the first place, then using this assumption to deduce that aliens exist- circular reasoning.

That having been said, I believe somewhere out there in the distant cosmos there probably are alien life forms. Possibly an infinite number of them, depending on the size of our universe. Unless there exists a way to actually travel faster than light, something that still hasn't been shown to be possible by any known mechanism and might well be impossible altogether, we're not going to be contacting very many of them, if any at all.
Good. But it doesn't disprove my ''pseudo-view''. It only argues other views. For this, we will just have to accept to disagree.
''depending on the size of our universe.''

Except... there is no size in factuality. There is only an infinite size that continues to expand. This seems to be a GREAT misunderstanding, even among scientists... so i have been told. And, with a little imagination, the universe cannot have an absolute size, unless we measure an instance in measurements of chronons. which... cannot be done, from human consciousness, unless under very special cicumstances.
To all of this, i will also add, that many scientists are now actually coming to except that biofields are real, but not in any ''Morphic Discipline,'' but instead seen in light of the electrical and magnatical fluctuations. So biofields turn out to be an electromagnetical field $$\pm E_{\psi}$$ where somehow it ''sparks'' consciousness itself.
I know. I think what Cpt mean't, was there was some kind of psuedo-relation between an observer that manipulated a computer itself, which, is a smart way to think about it, but only remains an analogy of AI.
Well I reckon we haven't seen any alien intelligence because simply put human energy is so dirty and would contaminate their consciousness.

Humans don't really have the capacity to think dimensionally or existentially if they could they would be able to see the layers that exist that are not only intelligent systems in their own right but are there to protect the higher vibrations from contamination. This is why the physical laws are the way they are.

Sometimes through drugs (a method of unseating the conscious mind from its regular resting place) we are able to penetrate the greater reality which is experienced as a high. Most people are not able to identify what they are feeling and experiencing mainly due to both a lack of understanding and a lack of language to descibe to complexity of existing in a transdimensional moment. But most would agree that there is something going on or something out there.

Buddha is probably the best example of someone able to verbalise how to make a possible connection to AI. Of course he didn't mention AI per se but my guess is that it is a buddhic mental state that would precipitate a possible encounter with AI. He was IMHO the ultimate Shamen.

So how as an individual do we progress towards AI?
Well we can either become it if it doesn't already exist that is or if it exists (which I believe it does), absorb it as a new frequency of existence and intelligence. We can only speculate as to what this might mean to an individual or even a collective which I suspect is most likely. Perhaps it is the amplification and realisation of a persons desires manifested and played out in reality. Maybe it is the ability to express oneself in a layered way. Or maybe there are litterally no limits and the mind is king over matter and able to manifest anything it likes. Obviously in such surroundings the last thing you would be interested in is lowering your vibration to that of a relatively flat 3D model, ie our world.

Even if we could 'make contact' how on earth would we contribute, surely we would appear like junvinial deliquents to them. I dare to think what our first question would be in such a scenario.
Any suggestions?

I would ask about the true nature of light.
Who's to say alien intelligence would be greater than our own?
Or even that it would be reognisable by us?
To all of this, i will also add, that many scientists are now actually coming to except that biofields are real, but not in any ''Morphic Discipline,'' but instead seen in light of the electrical and magnatical fluctuations. So biofields turn out to be an electromagnetical field $$\pm E_{\psi}$$ where somehow it ''sparks'' consciousness itself.
I'll support that, both parts.

First, that bio-fields have an electrical/magnetic characteristic to their fluctuations which incidentally can be said about anything that works at the atomic level. Second, that this bio-field sparks consciousness by imprinting the human brain with memories of all thoughts.

The imprinting could be characterized by the impression of high density spots within brain cells as thoughts occur making memory a product of the mechanical function of the brain and the conscious thoughts of the individual.

Consciousness then can be characterized as the result of awareness within the brain as it forms within the fetus, a natural occurrence which is not trivial. And memory is the internally stored history of awareness or consciousness of the individual. It is the beauty of self-aware life IMHO.
Memory... it's a beautiful notion.

Recently, in talkings with Dr Wolf, i had a suspicion he was going to develop a new model of consciousness, where he gave up on some of the intentions in his book, ''Spiritual Universe..''

I, by all chance, gave him an excerpt of an idea forwarded by a physicist that memory and more fundamentally, information was stored within the vacuum itself. Dr Wolf replied very quickly, ''I am developing a model that is similar to these idea's.''

We already know in physics that a particles actions is not independant of the memory of that system, so the actions taken by a particle is actually written into the infinite regions of that field propogating throughout the universe. I even offered him a new title, The Sea of Thoughts, for his paper, and he seemed very eager to use the name, so long as he gave me credit, in which case, i had to say no. (The reason why is because he has influenced me in ways no one can imagine. In fact, he was one of the soul reasons why i even took up physics, several years ago, as a educational hobby).

With all this in mind, thoughts, memory and information may all play differential roles on the atomic and subatomic levels. A single thought maybe the memory of a couple of atoms, to a couple of thousand. It's quite extraordinary.
Memory... it's a beautiful notion.

Recently, in talkings with Dr Wolf, i had a suspicion he was going to develop a new model of consciousness, where he gave up on some of the intentions in his book, ''Spiritual Universe..''

I, by all chance, gave him an excerpt of an idea forwarded by a physicist that memory and more fundamentally, information was stored within the vacuum itself. Dr Wolf replied very quickly, ''I am developing a model that is similar to these idea's.''

We already know in physics that a particles actions is not independant of the memory of that system, so the actions taken by a particle is actually written into the infinite regions of that field propogating throughout the universe. I even offered him a new title, The Sea of Thoughts, for his paper, and he seemed very eager to use the name, so long as he gave me credit, in which case, i had to say no. (The reason why is because he has influenced me in ways no one can imagine. In fact, he was one of the soul reasons why i even took up physics, several years ago, as a educational hobby).

With all this in mind, thoughts, memory and information may all play differential roles on the atomic and subatomic levels. A single thought maybe the memory of a couple of atoms, to a couple of thousand. It's quite extraordinary.

Penrose's work/theory has been known for years.
Well, i know quite a lot about the Quantum Consciousness Model. I don't actually see where it relates to these discusions, however.
Well I reckon we haven't seen any alien intelligence because simply put human energy is so dirty and would contaminate their consciousness.

Humans don't really have the capacity to think dimensionally or existentially if they could they would be able to see the layers that exist that are not only intelligent systems in their own right but are there to protect the higher vibrations from contamination. This is why the physical laws are the way they are.

Sometimes through drugs (a method of unseating the conscious mind from its regular resting place) we are able to penetrate the greater reality which is experienced as a high. Most people are not able to identify what they are feeling and experiencing mainly due to both a lack of understanding and a lack of language to descibe to complexity of existing in a transdimensional moment. But most would agree that there is something going on or something out there.

Buddha is probably the best example of someone able to verbalise how to make a possible connection to AI. Of course he didn't mention AI per se but my guess is that it is a buddhic mental state that would precipitate a possible encounter with AI. He was IMHO the ultimate Shamen.

So how as an individual do we progress towards AI?
Well we can either become it if it doesn't already exist that is or if it exists (which I believe it does), absorb it as a new frequency of existence and intelligence. We can only speculate as to what this might mean to an individual or even a collective which I suspect is most likely. Perhaps it is the amplification and realisation of a persons desires manifested and played out in reality. Maybe it is the ability to express oneself in a layered way. Or maybe there are litterally no limits and the mind is king over matter and able to manifest anything it likes. Obviously in such surroundings the last thing you would be interested in is lowering your vibration to that of a relatively flat 3D model, ie our world.

Who's to say alien intelligence would be greater than our own?
Or even that it would be reognisable by us?

I agree there is absolutly no reason to think that we are anything other than masters of this universe...there is no other living creature that can be put into any kind of comparrison to us...we are the superior race...these hacks and their Greater beings,higher intelligences...and now human beings are so dirty we would contaminate alien conciousness's JEEEZ some people should wash more and have a bit more self-respect.....
I want to believe....But i'm not going to put my race down because of a few inferiorities inmyself....

If they do exist then the Universe is massive and was created at the same time (prob) so why would they be so technologicaly advanced to cross such vast distances in a flash it might be that it would take the nearest race 20-30,000 years to be within contactable distance so perhaps we are way off meeting aliens or at least until we are able to send self sustaining ships capableof traveling for many lifetimes.
I agree there is absolutly no reason to think that we are anything other than masters of this universe...there is no other living creature that can be put into any kind of comparrison to us...we are the superior race...these hacks and their Greater beings,higher intelligences...and now human beings are so dirty we would contaminate alien conciousness's JEEEZ some people should wash more and have a bit more self-respect.....
I want to believe....But i'm not going to put my race down because of a few inferiorities inmyself....

If they do exist then the Universe is massive and was created at the same time (prob) so why would they be so technologicaly advanced to cross such vast distances in a flash it might be that it would take the nearest race 20-30,000 years to be within contactable distance so perhaps we are way off meeting aliens or at least until we are able to send self sustaining ships capableof traveling for many lifetimes.

If we are rolled into creation very late, then this actually gives more time for an infinite space to give rise to creatures well before our arrival here on Terra Firma. So... it's very difficult to say whether if there are any other life in the universe (which there almost certainly must be), that this particular life could have had more time to develop, and hence, become vastly more intelligent. If we are dealing with an alien race that has reached our own planet, then they will almost be more intelligent than us.