There is no soul and no afterlife.

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Originally posted by Cris

I believe these statements were originally made by Raithere but I find them particularly relevant here.

Consciousness seems to be a self-affecting condition of internal and external isomorphism (awareness of self and the external world) within a neural network.

Consciousness is a gestalt experience that occurs beyond a particular threshold of escalating complexity and interaction.
They're relevant, but the facts don't show them to be true.
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I believe we are far from having sufficent facts yet, and nothing that shows these are untrue. They appear valid hypotheses.
Re: Re: Babeling-on

Originally posted by Raithere

Wow... all those assertions and not a stitch of evidence or a hint of logic. Are we just to assume you're correct or do you actually want to attempt to validate any of that?


pick one assertion and we can discus it.
Re: Re: Re: Babeling-on

Originally posted by wayne_92587
pick one assertion and we can discus it.
Let's start at the top.

Consciousness, to be sensitive to, aware of, to respond to the Material World of Reality? What of the Reality that exists beyond the Material World?
Although I find the wording to be somewhat redundant I agree that the first sentence is accurate as a quality of consciousness. But from what do you infer the existence of something beyond the "Material World" and what is it?

why is complexity assigned magical qualities? for instance when complex enough, consciousness will spring forth. could a lesser complexity spring forth a lesser consciousness?

why is complexity assigned magical qualities? for instance when complex enough, consciousness will spring forth. why shoudnt lesser complexity spring forth a lesser complexity?
Construct a cube with 2 sticks.

Try -
9, ahh a triangular block
12 – ahh magic.

How about building a house with a single brick, at what level of complexity will magic occur?

How about increasing the atomic weight of an element, at 6 magic occurs since that is carbon and life appears, at 14 (silicon) computers seem to take on a life of their own.

How about the internet? This began with 3 systems in 1968, by 1988 it had 500 systems, by 1998 it had become a worldwide phenomenon and had changed the nature of business and communications for the whole planet.

Wherever we look there appears to be thresholds of complexity which give rise to unique ‘magical’ phenomena. Why wouldn’t the neural complexity in the evolution of the brain be any different?
perhaps like two different chemicals combining and giving rise to a new property that is not inherent or discernible in them individually? (or something like that)
perhaps what i described is commonplace and is not a valid comparison with objects gaining self awareness due to evolving complexity
Re: Re: Re: Re: Babeling-on

Originally posted by Raithere
Let's start at the top.

Although I find the wording to be somewhat redundant I agree that the first sentence is accurate as a quality of consciousness. But from what do you infer the existence of something beyond the "Material World" and what is it?


True it was redundant, with intent.

What is it ?
Reality created by the Imagination.

Freedom, boundlessness, emptiness, nothingness, the Singularity of Time and Space, Illusion, lies, misconceptions of truth, deception, guile, duplicity.

Ugliness, Evil, the past, the future, thoughts ideas as to the potentiality of Reality, Reality that could be, Reality as it should be.

Names given to non-existent Realities, non-Be-ings, Illusion.
Imaginary Realiities, Fantasies, Graven Images of Reality.

Man has a sense of Realities that he is not able to put into words. Free Will as an example.

What is Free Will?

Man's would not exist if it were not for his sixth sense, the Imagination, Freedom of Mind, Free Will, that is able to conceive of, that is sensible to Realities that do not exist as a Material Reality, Reality that exists only as a potentiality of Reality.

The Consciousness of the Flesh is sensible only to the Reality of the moment, the Here and Now.

Time is Temporal it is not a Physical Reality.
Originally posted by spookz
perhaps like two different chemicals combining and giving rise to a new property that is not inherent or discernible in them individually? (or something like that)
perhaps what i described is commonplace and is not a valid comparison with objects gaining self awareness due to evolving complexity
I think you were right in the first place. Self-awareness is more complex (has more parts) than consciousness. There is no evidence for or against the idea that consciousness requires physical complexity.
Originally posted by spookz
perhaps like two different chemicals combining and giving rise to a new property that is not inherent or discernible in them individually? (or something like that)
perhaps what i described is commonplace and is not a valid comparison with objects gaining self awareness due to evolving complexity

table salt
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Babeling-on

Originally posted by wayne_92587
What is it ?
Reality created by the Imagination.
Okay, more assertions with no substantiation. By what reasoning or evidence do you infer that Reality is created by the Imagination?

Originally posted by Canute
There is no evidence for or against the idea that consciousness requires physical complexity.
Can you demonstrate or depict the existence consciousness without physical complexity?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Babeling-on

Originally posted by Raithere
Okay, more assertions with no substantiation. By what reasoning or evidence do you infer that Reality is created by the Imagination?


An Illusion is a Reality, a lie is the Truth.

If an Illusion were not a Reality, the Illusion would not exist.
If Lie were not the Truth the lie would not exist.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Babeling-on

Originally posted by wayne_92587
If an Illusion were not a Reality, the Illusion would not exist.
If Lie were not the Truth the lie would not exist.
Illusions and lies are real, they're simply inaccurate. And?

Originally posted by Raithere
Can you demonstrate or depict the existence consciousness without physical complexity?

I cannot demonstrate it. This is very annoying but it's the nature of things. The best I can do for research is introspection, exploring what states of consciousness are provably possible.

Depict the experiences? I don't think it's possible to depict an experience. However it is possible to be in a state of consciousness in which one feels oneself to beyond the physical world and in which all else seems to be a mental construct. One has a strong sense that everything is part of one consciousness, which in a way is oneself, and that this is an alternative and truer way of understanding the phenomenal world than our normal way.

I could talk about bliss, emptiness, oneness, happiness and stuff, but those sort of words don't mean anything without the experience. I'm too lazy to have gone very far down this road, but I've done enough to know that these states of consciousness are possible, and that they are not mystical. They are just what's always there behind the distractions of ones mind, and that you don't have to be a monk to experience them, just a conscious being.

I think that we have to accept that consciousness can exist in the absence of physical complxity until we have some evidence that it isn't. That's just open-mindedness. If a thing can't be shown to be impossible then we must accept it is possible for the time being.

The one thing personal experience does seem to demonstrate is that thinking is not necessary to an experience of existing, and that one doesn't have to be an ageing monk to prove it to oneself. Human consciousness is at least capable of being a much simpler thing that our normal mind/matter experience of it.

That doesn't prove anything about physical complexity of course, since I am a complex physical entity. Still, it shows that simple states, states that would not require such complicated brains, are at least possible.
Sorry I didn't reply earlier everneo, I missed your post before.

Originally posted by everneo
'experience of nothing' state is a description in terms of our reality. there is no need for an absolute initial state of consciousness. states of consciousness transcends the realities is the argument of non-physicalists.
It's still creation from nothing. At some point there was a change from the experience of nothing to the experience of something.

in short, our realities (in this case visual aspect of the universe) are defined / confined by our ability
But you're referring to the spectrum of perception as applied to an existent reality. If existence is dependant upon consciousness then from where did these perceptions come from?

there is no physical means to prove / detect consciousness, objectively, is again the problem here.
I disagree. We can differentiate a conscious brain from one that is comatose or one that is dead by monitoring its activity. We are just not sure of what the precise mechanisms are necessary to support consciousness.

Originally posted by Raithere
We can differentiate a conscious brain from one that is comatose or one that is dead by monitoring its activity. We are just not sure of what the precise mechanisms are necessary to support consciousness.

Strange as it seems this first sentence is not true.
Originally posted by Canute
Strange as it seems this first sentence is not true.
I find that it is true in a gross sense. Unless you have some reason(s) to believe otherwise. Up front; I do not find NDEs to be conclusive of consciousness after 'death'. These experiences could easily be put together after the fact in the same way that dreams are.

Originally posted by Raithere
It's still creation from nothing. At some point there was a change from the experience of nothing to the experience of something.

But you're referring to the spectrum of perception as applied to an existent reality. If existence is dependant upon consciousness then from where did these perceptions come from?
From above responses i understand that you mistook my post for implying that consciousness creates reality. I am not getting into that now. Existence of reality is not denied but the observation & perception of the existing reality, is limited,defined & confined by our inherent ability / inability, imposed by our physiological & physical restrictions.

I disagree. We can differentiate a conscious brain from one that is comatose or one that is dead by monitoring its activity. We are just not sure of what the precise mechanisms are necessary to support consciousness.
By monitoring you will know whether the brain or its specific part is active or not. Monitoring does not reveal whether those activities are real cause (or effect *but again i am not getting into that now* ) of Consciousness. I am afraid you have still yet to prove, objectively, the consciousness, not the activities of the brain.
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Originally posted by Raithere
I find that it is true in a gross sense. Unless you have some reason(s) to believe otherwise. Up front; I do not find NDEs to be conclusive of consciousness after 'death'. These experiences could easily be put together after the fact in the same way that dreams are.

There is no scientist alive who would claim to be able to detect consciousness in any state. What they would claim is that they can detect behaviour which appears to be identical to those who we assume to be conscious. They would lose the jobs if they suggested more. (And what everneo said).

I agree about NDE's, although we don't know the truth about them yet, and they're better than no evidence at all.
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