There is no opportunity

who determines what "rich" is?
what is "rich"? financial or...?
what opportunities are you talking about?
who decides what opportunities are able to be opened?
who regulates the entire operation?

retire? can you retire from being rich?
that sounds more like a job opportunity rather than being "rich"

well, the opportunities in life are created. This means making the opportunity happen, usually. Sometimes it lands on your doorstep but usually it's knocking on your door because you've worked to make it happen.

What is your major in acedemia?

as for your ideas: maybe you are coming across "to" [sic] strong?

like what?
you should at least have an idea what this would be so you can work towards a goal. do you want to apply creativity and thinking troubleshooting manufacturing problems or are you more of an administrative assistant looking to find answers for a boss? Are you wanting to teach non-profit organizations methodology to enhance their output by managing volunteers or do you think you should be working a HAZ-MAT team finding creative ways to segregate chemicals on a spill so they don't go boom?
there are a lot of ways to use "creativity and thinking" ... narrowing the field would help.

then talk to this site and ask how they did it:

you really need to talk to someone familiar with marketing and learn how to sell your idea (or product)... getting financial backing isn't about how great an idea is: it's about the return on the investment or the ability to pay back the loan, etc

if this were the case, and it was valid, you would not be asking how to succeed here.
Well I already have my ideas and I've tried to market them on the internet. I will keep trying to promote myself and I may find some serious interest one day. I'm sure before my end of time on this forum I'll learn some new things as well , learning is quite fun and I love diving right into subjects , no matter what the subject. You are correct it is difficult to get a loan or pay back a loan but I'm sure I have ideas that could be quite successful. I've more ideas than just physics alone , I'm quite innovative and have diversity which means I can be creative in several subjects rather than just one specific subject.
Well, humanity is at a loss without your ideas then.

I'd rather create good science than bad science. Science that helps humanity rather than destroying it. I once had an idea to create a power plant that ran on entirely pedal power using gearing and dynamos to produce electricity. An additional part of my idea was to also open the power plant as a gymnasium , people would pay to exercise while supplying electrical energy into the mains feed. Human power is extraordinary , primitive thinking is sometimes the basic best option.
You're anti-knowledge I presume?
no, I'm not.
I just know that Science is a tool that creates knowledge. but like anything else, it's the intent of the user, or the use as employed by the user, that determines if it "helps" or "destroys" anything. technology is an excellent example of this.
Good science is helping the world where bad science destroys it , there is such a thing morally
intent and use is what determines what is "good" or "bad" science.
a perfect example of this is physics - it's beneficial and yet destructive, being able to provide us energy and destroy everything around us at the same time (like Nuclear).
I'd rather create good science than bad science. Science that helps humanity rather than destroying it. I once had an idea to create a power plant that ran on entirely pedal power using gearing and dynamos to produce electricity. An additional part of my idea was to also open the power plant as a gymnasium , people would pay to exercise while supplying electrical energy into the mains feed. Human power is extraordinary , primitive thinking is sometimes the basic best option.
You need to use the word "technology", not science. Science is the basic insight, technology is the use of insight to do things.
It would be justice if all the rich were sacked to open up opportunities.

people sack businesses to claim to be opening up greater profitability for the consumer
when that is a blatant lie.

i find that a little humerus
hyper nationalism and monopolies seems to be an interesting global moral issue

not ok to be a global climate activist
ok to be a tax scamming private globalist
