There is no opportunity

Which rich can be "sacked" - and by whom?

For whom to do what?
Good question I suppose , which rich can be "sacked" !

I suppose I really meant they should retire opening up opportunities.

To address your second question , opportunity to do anything . I can't see where in the world there is any real opportunity as my life doesn't seem to improve even though I've tried really hard with my academic studies .

Maybe I come across to strong or something with my ideas . Maybe I should dumb them down to everybody.
Good question I suppose , which rich can be "sacked" !
They're rich because they own stuff, control money, hire and fire other people.
I suppose I really meant they should retire opening up opportunities.
Again - opportunity to do what, exactly? What position opens up if Bill Gates retires?
To address your second question , opportunity to do anything .
Build birdhouses? Deliver babies? Drive buses? Improve on the lithium battery? Run marathons?
What position was opened by the death of David Koch?
I can't see where in the world there is any real opportunity as my life doesn't seem to improve even though I've tried really hard with my academic studies .
No rich people retiring will help you with that. Try doing something that needs doing.
Maybe I come across to strong or something with my ideas .
Maybe you should have an idea before coming on strong?
Maybe I should dumb them down to everybody.
The reverse would be even better!
They're rich because they own stuff, control money, hire and fire other people.

Again - opportunity to do what, exactly? What position opens up if Bill Gates retires?

Build birdhouses? Deliver babies? Drive buses? Improve on the lithium battery? Run marathons?
What position was opened by the death of David Koch?

No rich people retiring will help you with that. Try doing something that needs doing.

Maybe you should have an idea before coming on strong?

The reverse would be even better!
I want to buy some land and accommodate some homeless while creating a working farm . Additionally I wanted to do some scientific experiments of my notions while having a working farm. I do not have all the technical capabilities but it wouldn't be difficult to find someone to help with some of tech difficulties.
I've seen atoms using only a phone, I've done the dual slit experiment using a security light , I've done some testing of a laser propagating through a medium, and magnet experiments , I'm pretty capable of anything I put my mind too.
I'm pretty capable of anything I put my mind too.
Then go, do it. Use your social media to recruit like-minded people with the requisite skills; connect with a farmer who can't afford to hire labourers, pool your resources and get to work.
If you wait till all the rich people get out of the way, all the land will be under water.
Then go, do it. If you wait till all the rich people get out of the way, you'll be too old to work a farm.
I've tried believe me but without finances it is an impossible task. I've asked science , I've asked people off the Dragons den, Elon Musk , I've asked the government , nobody is interested or I would be doing it.

I even presented a flawless investment with the homeless situation for somebody , profitable guaranteed.
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I've tried believe me but without finances it is an impossible task. I've asked science , I've asked people off the Dragons den, I've asked the government , nobody is interested or I would be doing it.

I even presented a flawless investment with the homeless situation for somebody , profitable guaranteed.
Oh well, then, you're doomed to wait until the economy collapses. Position yourself for an opening then.
Oh well, then, you're doomed to wait until the economy collapses. Position yourself for an opening then.
The world ticks on academic achievements and qualifications , something I have neither or have ever required . I've never needed such as thinking ability doesn't require either.
I could make the perfect pitch on this forum but as you are probably already aware , that would be against the forum rules.
I could also explain all my ideas in full but then where does that leave me ?

The exact same place as now.

For somebody who has proved Einstein incorrect , I do find it absurd that science didn't want my thinking ability.
Get a job at McDonald's and work your way up from there. You are waiting for everyone else to do something for you. That's not how it works. That's not how the rich got rich either.

Having an idea isn't hard. Doing something with it is the hard part. Reality haven't proven Einstein wrong.
Get a job at McDonald's and work your way up from there. You are waiting for everyone else to do something for you. That's not how it works. That's not how the rich got rich either.

Having an idea isn't hard. Doing something with it is the hard part. Reality haven't proven Einstein wrong.
Yes I have and it is a shame I can't upload pics or I'd easily demonstrate this to you.
[#ImTooLazyForMyHat | #TooLazyForMyHat | #WhatchaThinkAboutThat]

Note: There's a minimum post threshold. It's an old anti-bot standard.

• • •​

I could make the perfect pitch on this forum but as you are probably already aware , that would be against the forum rules.

There's probably a reason, Einstein-slayer. Have you been told no, before, or are you just guessing about a place you've never been, before?
It would be justice if all the rich were sacked to open up opportunities.
who determines what "rich" is?
what is "rich"? financial or...?
what opportunities are you talking about?
who decides what opportunities are able to be opened?
who regulates the entire operation?
I suppose I really meant they should retire opening up opportunities.
retire? can you retire from being rich?
that sounds more like a job opportunity rather than being "rich"

I can't see where in the world there is any real opportunity as my life doesn't seem to improve even though I've tried really hard with my academic studies .

Maybe I come across to strong or something with my ideas . Maybe I should dumb them down to everybody.
well, the opportunities in life are created. This means making the opportunity happen, usually. Sometimes it lands on your doorstep but usually it's knocking on your door because you've worked to make it happen.

What is your major in acedemia?

as for your ideas: maybe you are coming across "to" [sic] strong?

I'm very humble and all I ever wanted was a decent job where I get to use my creativity and thinking.
like what?
you should at least have an idea what this would be so you can work towards a goal. do you want to apply creativity and thinking troubleshooting manufacturing problems or are you more of an administrative assistant looking to find answers for a boss? Are you wanting to teach non-profit organizations methodology to enhance their output by managing volunteers or do you think you should be working a HAZ-MAT team finding creative ways to segregate chemicals on a spill so they don't go boom?
there are a lot of ways to use "creativity and thinking" ... narrowing the field would help.
I want to buy some land and accommodate some homeless while creating a working farm
then talk to this site and ask how they did it:

I've tried believe me but without finances it is an impossible task. I've asked science , I've asked people off the Dragons den, Elon Musk , I've asked the government , nobody is interested or I would be doing it.
you really need to talk to someone familiar with marketing and learn how to sell your idea (or product)... getting financial backing isn't about how great an idea is: it's about the return on the investment or the ability to pay back the loan, etc

For somebody who has proved Einstein incorrect
if this were the case, and it was valid, you would not be asking how to succeed here.