Theory; Religion Will Die Away With Science and Evolution

Anarcho Union

No Gods No Masters
Registered Senior Member
Now before everyone freaks out on me for not having all kind of scientific evidence to support my claim let me just state now that this is more of me thinking out loud than making a serious case.
But I have this idea based on the way human progression has come about in the last few thousand years. Religion was once the center point of society. Everyone was religious, everyone believed in the gods, everyone was just about forced to. Most ancient religions were polytheist. Fast forward to where we are today and you will see a completely different world. Science has revealed many of religions "facts" wrong (such as the creation of the earth, why certain natural actions happen ect.) and much of the earth population either isnt very religious or does not believe in a higher power of any sort. My theory is this progression in the right direction will continue throughout human history until eventually the mix of increased intelligence caused by better understanding of the universe and progressive evolution causes religion to disapear completely. Thoughts?
I agree completely. We're in a transitional phase, where we are starting to get rid of primitive traditions like religion.
Now before everyone freaks out on me for not having all kind of scientific evidence to support my claim let me just state now that this is more of me thinking out loud than making a serious case.
But I have this idea based on the way human progression has come about in the last few thousand years. Religion was once the center point of society. Everyone was religious, everyone believed in the gods, everyone was just about forced to. Most ancient religions were polytheist. Fast forward to where we are today and you will see a completely different world. Science has revealed many of religions "facts" wrong (such as the creation of the earth, why certain natural actions happen ect.) and much of the earth population either isnt very religious or does not believe in a higher power of any sort. My theory is this progression in the right direction will continue throughout human history until eventually the mix of increased intelligence caused by better understanding of the universe and progressive evolution causes religion to disapear completely. Thoughts?

Religion doesn't die out. It simply takes back stage a while to give free range for base desire to be expressed

In relation to rulers

* Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.
* Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.
* People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.

[edit] In human relationships

* Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other.
* Ignorance of dharma will occur.
* People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.
* Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.
* Sin will increase exponentially, whilst virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
* People will take vows and break them soon after.
* People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.
* Men will find their jobs stressful and will go to retreats to escape their work.
* Gurus will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted, and followers of Kama will wrest control of the mind from all human beings. Brahmins will not be learned or honoured, Kshatriyas will not be brave, Vaishyas will not be just in their dealings and Shudras will not be honest and humble in their duties and to the other castes.
i think government and religion will become obsolete as communion with god is restored. being the fulfillment of the law, as christ is and as i understand it, means that the law is inherently within us. we won't need religions or governments to tell us what to do. the only reason those things exist now is because there's something wrong with us humans.
You do know that when an individual thinks the rest of the world is at fault, it's often a sign of mental illness?

you mean everyone other than myself?

that's not what i think.

the only reason i know what's wrong with the world is because i know what's wrong with me.
Now before everyone freaks out on me for not having all kind of scientific evidence to support my claim let me just state now that this is more of me thinking out loud than making a serious case.
But I have this idea based on the way human progression has come about in the last few thousand years. Religion was once the center point of society. Everyone was religious, everyone believed in the gods, everyone was just about forced to. Most ancient religions were polytheist. Fast forward to where we are today and you will see a completely different world. Science has revealed many of religions "facts" wrong (such as the creation of the earth, why certain natural actions happen ect.) and much of the earth population either isnt very religious or does not believe in a higher power of any sort. My theory is this progression in the right direction will continue throughout human history until eventually the mix of increased intelligence caused by better understanding of the universe and progressive evolution causes religion to disapear completely. Thoughts?

For millenia, man caused very little harm to the environment, and was able to live on sustainable resources.

As we tend to live nowadays, we are more and more in a Mad Max scenario, except that this time, it is for real.
the only reason i know what's wrong with the world is because i know what's wrong with me.
I agree. Seeing and dealing with the problems in ourselves is the first step... actually, it's the only step we as individuals can take.
I agree. Seeing and dealing with the problems in ourselves is the first step... actually, it's the only step we as individuals can take.

exactly. i don't know if a lot of people want to be that accountable. i think they'd rather pass the buck to an institution.
Then you simply have a lack of empathy and are projecting yourself into the lives of others.

We aren't all like you.

being able to identify with and relate to other people is the very definition of empathy.
being able to identify with and relate to other people is the very definition of empathy.

Yes, and you do no possess such a quality, as evidenced by your claim that somehow you are different and God speaks to you. You just can't see that the rest of us don't swallow that. That it is beyond reason.
Yes, and you do no possess such a quality, as evidenced by your claim that somehow you are different and God speaks to you. You just can't see that the rest of us don't swallow that. That it is beyond reason.

you're way off base regarding my empathy, and i don't care if "the rest of us" don't swallow that; apparently you're the one with the us and them mentality.
will the irony never end?

(1) Hallucinations - the person has invisible friends who (s)he insists are real, and to whom (s)he speaks daily, even though nobody can actually see or hear
these friends.

(2) Delusions - the patient believes that the invisible friends have magical powers to make them rich, cure cancer, bring about world peace, and will do so eventually if asked.

(3) Denial/Inability to learn - though the requests for world peace remain unanswered, even after hundreds of years, the patients persist with the praying behaviour, each time expecting different results.
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(4) Inability to distinguish fantasy from reality - the beliefs are contingent upon ancient mythology being accepted as historical fact.

(5) Paranoia - the belief that anyone who does not share their supernatural concept of reality is "evil," "the devil," "an agent of Satan".

(6) Emotional abuse - * religious concepts such as sin, hell, cause feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and other types of emotional "baggage" which can scar the
psyche for life.
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(7) Violence - many patients insist that others should share in their delusions, even to the extent of using violence.