Theory on the "Great Flood"

Originally posted by Avatar
Didn' t you know?
Mahmud took a lot of things from bible,
even parts of bible itself.
/at least tht I learned in my history classes/

Yes that is true. But I am not sure if you familiar with the concept or not. Basicaly all three books revealed from the Same "God". Basic message was also the same. But in time books get corroupted by people and according to Muslims belief only Quran remains in its real form. So Avatar you are right about lots of things in Quran are close to or similar to bible or Torah commonly known as old testment. But when I read Quran I find it different then Torah and Bible.
Lightbeeing, I understand what you were saing also and I didn't think that you were backing one book or another. That really is not the point here. We were only talking about great flood and the defination of it from two different books.
Sea levels rise and fall over many millennia. There are also big storms and floods from those storms, and so on. Civilisations rise and fall. None of this has any root in these various mythologies you are discussing here. These fictional stories based on normal natural phenomena are simply fictional stories based on natural phenomena. The fact that it rained here last night does not prove the Noah story is true; nor does the possibility that there was a real flood a few thousand years ago.

I would also like to point out that nobody could possibly have put two of EVERY species on board a boat, especially not thousands of years ago. As they point out somewhere on this site that would be ridiculous. Also, if it rained enough to flood the world like that, all the salt-water fish and every other sea-dwelling creature probably would have died.

This is an interesting site section in general, you might want to check it out:
We were only talking about great flood and the defination of it from two different books.

I honestly don't consider what either book has to offer on the subject. I look at the Great Flood logically and accept that it was a Natural Phenomenon. To accept the Biblical or Quranic version of the Flood is to admit that you worship a cruel and evil God. Just my opinion.

Originally posted by LIGHTBEING

I honestly don't consider what either book has to offer on the subject. I look at the Great Flood logically and accept that it was a Natural Phenomenon. To accept the Biblical or Quranic version of the Flood is to admit that you worship a cruel and evil God. Just my opinion.


lol. Ok I got it. But what is wrong if God is cruel?? Just wondering.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Adam
Sea levels rise and fall over many millennia. There are also big storms and floods from those storms, and so on. Civilisations rise and fall. None of this has any root in these various mythologies you are discussing here. These fictional stories based on normal natural phenomena are simply fictional stories based on natural phenomena. The fact that it rained here last night does not prove the Noah story is true; nor does the possibility that there was a real flood a few thousand years ago.

I would also like to point out that nobody could possibly have put two of EVERY species on board a boat, especially not thousands of years ago. As they point out somewhere on this site that would be ridiculous. Also, if it rained enough to flood the world like that, all the salt-water fish and every other sea-dwelling creature probably would have died.

This is an interesting site section in general, you might want to check it out:

We go on and on with pro athiest and pro relgion links. It is just matter what you like to look for. For me I look at any site and it doesn't matter to me, even thou I do have a religion and I do believe in God. I really don't see why would I want to impose my idea's to some one else. I just offer what I know and what I see either it is my own view or coming from other sources. I think it is just good to read and know what other likes to beleive etc. So thanks for the links. I will browse through.
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING

Worshipping a hypocritical God that commits Genocide. You don't find anything wrong with this?

Well not really. :D . I know it may sound confusing to you. But I think it is all just circle of life. God didn't came down with the stick or lightning bolts. They were just natural incidents, Just like science expalins. There are still wars in this world causing by USA, Russia or anyother country it doesn't make them evil or does it? Or the people who are living there ? Even thou Mr. Bush said that God is on his side and yet he started another war many killed right? I mean look at our recent history many wars many and many killings and we are calling God cruel? We don't go out and say that Russian persident or US president is cruel or our nation or russian nation or german nation or any other country's ruling president as long as they don't come in our way, once they are then they are evil. I hope you get my point. When we can kill and destory any counrty or civilization we like or if they are not working for our benefits then why not God? If they go rebelion agianst God why can't he kill them?
In other words if we do it, it is right and if God did it, it is curel? I know that, that's not what u were saing but I am just giving you an example.
I get what you are saying. But understand me, I am not saying that "God" is cruel. I'm saying he is portrayed in every Holy Book as being cruel. Yet people still worship "Him".

I don't believe that "God" has direct control of our destiny. Therefore, in my opinion "God" has nothing to do with these Wars. It is Humans that are cruel.

These religious people look at these Natural Phenomenons and justify it by blaming it on "God" which makes everything OK because it is "God"

It is what it is

Originally posted by Markx
If they go rebelion agianst God why can't he kill them? In other words if we do it, it is right and if God did it, it is curel?
Certainly drowing is cruel. It is slow and terrifying. God the merciful? I think not. Since he was able to just "create" man, why not simply do the opposite. No, if you believe, this is a cruel god.

Originally posted by goofyfish
Certainly drowing is cruel. It is slow and terrifying. God the merciful? I think not. Since he was able to just "create" man, why not simply do the opposite. No, if you believe, this is a cruel god.


Well God is merciful and God is cruel, I guess he is both. But hey for many he doesn't even exists so don't matter. But again it is something that I can't judge or say about something that you don't believe that exists.
For me when I believe in God, I don't believe that he is only merciful, I think he can be cruel as well. See we all have our image of God. Since I was a kid, I always thought of God as a big bright ball of light, like a powerful force. I never thought of him as long beard man or the image of christ we look today. And definatley I never thoguht of him only merciful either. Like I said before it really depends on individual's defination or thinking or what he wants to believe in. Unfortunatley for many religius people portray God as "Love" and joy and made all mushy thing. You know what i mean?

By the way thanks for the great link. I can download any book from there and it is free. Good read thou. Please browse through if you get chance they are some very interestng artlicles. I will post one about man and Ape thing soon.