Theory OF The Exictence of Plains

*Slips into her furs*


As I've yet to see any discussion of a philosophical nature, yet no reason to close, I'm moving it to parapsychology. He's not explicitly claiming it as fiction, thus neither forum would be quite appropriate.

Yes, I do. Lost too much not to, but it still sucks imo. On
that note, as I just stated in another thread, I gatta fly. :cool:

Take care,
I move it to Pseudo Science for the time being and will see where it leads.

Options stay open that it may be moved again though. No telling at the moment.
i disagree with the M10% B90%... i think that it is based on something much different than only mind and body hehe

Originally posted by matnay
Hey you guys are mean! Maro, I think your little theory was adorable. You get a happy face...:D
i think its retarded.
do u even hav proof of ur claims?
sur i lyk 2 write science fiction, and stories about interplanar travel, but hey thers still no proof.
in fact my uncle agrees with many shrodingers theories about reality shifting.
i sur dont.
they contradict einsteins theories which r based mor on logic than actual physical experiments.
i still think shrodingers stuff is completly inconclusiv.
thats not 2 say that multiple planes arnt possibl.
logic is great, buts its a limit on huma intelligenc.
anything beyond, shorts circuits the brain so 2 speak.
i think we as a species hav yet 2 acheive a metalogical intelligence.
until then, i c no harm in continued efforts 2 determine the structure of the univers.
(or multivers).
i still think shrodinger is retarded tho.
Well, I read it. Can't really say much more than that other than this doesn't sound so much like a theory as is does a religion. In fact if memory serves me, your little shpeal sounds very similar to parts of "The Simarillian" by J.R.R. Tolkein. Not saying it's not an original idea, just doesn't seem to have much substance. It might be easier to understand you if you gave us some background reasoning. Why do you believe this for example, not just >this is what I believe<, you know what I mean? Just a suggestion :confused:
I read it. I don't know what to think......besides you need spelling lessons.:)

You wrote.....if we wish to see the origan of "Aliens", we must travel to the central plain. This plain is perfectly ballanced between the physical and mental states. here these beings have the abbility to teleport, like Astral Beings, and since they have a physical state, they are able to have technologys. Now we head to the BIG PICTURE!!!!!!!! There are 2 major Plains, The Celestial plain, and the Etheroi plain. The Celestial Plain is the plain in whish only 2 different beings; Dieties and Avitars. The Dieties are the Ultimate Beings in All of the plains.

There are other dimensions, heaven is one for example...
There may be five, two above and two below us on some kind of scale, and only one of each of these may be considered a place of gathering, ...but in heaven itself are said to be many different "heavens".

Astral light is said to be the basis for psychic's abilities, but as you mentioned, there are good and evil spirits, so it's not considered by the bible to be a reliable souce for us to get information, and this method was forbidden, and considered occult.

Prophets are given visions, but the vision must still be "judged by the word" and come true to be considered of God.
Only a true prophet with the spirit of God can be 100%.
Others such as psychics use "other"spirits" to see, and can be deceived.

You wrote......."The Dieties are the Ultimate Beings in All of the plains. There are 5 Dieties, 2 evil, 2 good, and 1, the deciding factor in all decisions, who is neutral"

I believe in this physical realm, there is a need for some kind of balance between positive and negitve. Darkness and light, pain and pleasure, good and evil. Matter was seperated into contrasting opposites in everything material.

Much of this sounds like it may be describing some of the hierarcies of angels, which may exist, or have existed, many religions such as the Gnostic's and Catholics believe in multiple levels or different types of angels, prinipalities , dominions, and such... I don't have any knowledge if such is true or not and what the exact details might be........I just know Angels are seperated as good and evil, or those that kept thier "estates" and those that didn't. But angels however, are also only creations, and had a beginning and an end. As ultimate beings go, there is only One. He and His attributes, His children, which are a part of Himself, are not a true creation, their physical bodies are - but in the soul they are one with the creator and are eternal, the Sons and Daughters of God.
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