Theory OF The Exictence of Plains


Registered Member
Here I repost my Theory, so it's easier to find

First and most importantly, there are multiple plains. Second, All Beings are classified into these plains. All Mythological creatures live on the highest mortal plain; The Astral Plain. There are two attributes that matter, Mind, and Body.3rd. Humans have M10% and B90%, while Astral Beings are M100% and B0%. After we set up the boundries of the parallel plains, we must know that all capassities are in perportion. Even studies of plants seem to support my theory, sunflowers, for example, have only the concious decision of yes and no. this is proven when the sun, moving in it's regular pattern, the flowers follow the sun. Also, vines actualy make pacts with trees! this is shown as a vine protects a tree, and feeds off of the tree it'self. moving to the lower plains, we see beings who have no control over they're mentallity. They must always act as a single unit. if we wish to see the origan of "Aliens", we must travel to the central plain. This plain is perfectly ballanced between the physical and mental states. here these beings have the abbility to teleport, like Astral Beings, and since they have a physical state, they are able to have technologys. Now we head to the BIG PICTURE!!!!!!!! There are 2 major Plains, The Celestial plain, and the Etheroi plain. The Celestial Plain is the plain in whish only 2 different beings; Dieties and Avitars. The Dieties are the Ultimate Beings in All of the plains. There are 5 Dieties, 2 evil, 2 good, and 1, the deciding factor in all decisions, who is neutral. The Avitars, unlike the images on websites, are A kind of... Demi-God, with 3 Avitars for each plain. These Avitars control the fate of the inhabitance of they're plain. On the Opposite end of the Spectrum, are the Etheroi. The Etheroi, are beings of total Nothingness. Although this may seem untrue, the notion of a true Vacuum.These beings destroy other beings, as well as themselves. Now to go to the verry begining... where time began. it begins at the ORIGONAL PLAIN. here, the Dieties and Etheroi lived. While the 2 were living in the same plain, the Exthroi were Exed, and the Dieties wer Zed. After a long while, the dieties split the 2 plains apart, and a chain reaction accured. This is much more likely that a magical ball of rock appearing out of nowhere then exploding, and life spawns from it.

This is The theory of Plains Part 2, I will keep you updated if there is a change in the theory.

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by the way, if you visit this thread, please reply, even if it's just saying that you agree or disagree.. maybe even just... I read this

My aplogies, Maro. I didn't see this earlier..

Your theory is surprisingly similar to Sylvia Brownes. She's the psychic who wrote "the Other Side and Back."

Nope, Maro. She is alive and well and probably living in Las Angeles..;)

She puts a human tone on the whole multiple plane idea. Basically, her belief is of the same structure- only the 'ethori' might be to her, souls in purgetory.

Interesting , though. Might be an objective read for you..

Take care.
I will keep you updated if there is a change in the theory.

Yours is not a theory, or even a hypothesis. In fact, the only word I can think of which might plainly describe or define it would be "delusion."

Even studies of plants seem to support my theory, sunflowers, for example, have only the concious decision of yes and no. this is proven when the sun, moving in it's regular pattern, the flowers follow the sun. Also, vines actualy make pacts with trees! this is shown as a vine protects a tree, and feeds off of the tree it'self

Are you in high school yet ?
Maro; traditionally for something to be considered a "theory"... it has some proof or evidence to back it up. Or at least some reason to at all consider it a possible answer.

Your "theory" may gain a tiny bit more creidibility if you use the word <b>plane</b>, for a start, rather than <b>plain</b>. Got a dictionary? Look up the difference. If not, try on the web (I know you have internet access).
Hmm... you've made me think. It kind of sound to me like my own theory "You all came out of my ass." It's pretty convincing. Just sit down on the floor there in front of me so I can show you clearly. :D
Hey you guys are mean! Maro, I think your little theory was adorable. You get a happy face...:D
As I mentioned in your other thread, Maro, you're bordering on spamming.

*Xev grumbles, the exact term for what Maro is doing exists, but she can't remember it*
The idea forms a basis for a potentially good fantasy novel. The Lord of the Rings is of a similar nature except with that the author had superb writing talent.

This thread needs to be moved to SciFi or Art and Culture.

Not heard of Sylvia Browne? That is strange and kinda surprising imo.
It may be presumptuous of me to say this but I thought a good part
of the world that was interested in this sort of stuff had at least heard
the name at some time or other. I mean, afterall, she is in the media a
lot and everything. If this is not the case with you - I stand corrected.
Anyway, I am curious, are you familiar with this?

The Thirty-One Planes of Existence

Just a (off topic) side note here: You know what sucks? Getting booted
off the forum when in the middle of replying to a post. Bah! I hate when
that happens. :(

"Captain, the engines canna take anymore!"

Just a (off topic) side note here: You know what sucks? Getting booted off the forum when in the middle of replying to a post. Bah! I hate when that happens.
You do compose your text in an offline editor though, right?