Theory of Evolution -- Perceptions

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I've actually heard it from some people that believe evolution is a fact.
But evolution is a fact, it has occurred and is occurring. Evolutionary theories are attempts to explain how it happens.

Don't be confused into thinking that a theory is some form of inferior fact.

Darwinism --- what a weak theory.

And I suppose that a supernatural being who waved his magical hand and created the universe is a strong theory?

Or, more likely, you don't understand it?
Survival is only one aspect of fitness. In fact, it can benefit a community of animals if some sacrifice their lives for others, like when ants make a bridge out of their own bodies. It benefits an ant community for some classes to not reproduce, thus virility means different things depending on the animal. Disease resistance sounds like a good trait, except if the gene that gives resistance also has undesirable side effects. Thus "fitness" is a very general term that only makes sense within the entire context of the species/environment.

When are godtrotters going to BEGIN to understand what it is they rail against?

Almost nothing of Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" exists in the Modern Synthesis.


This is just idiotic, friend:

Darwin's Theory includes "Survival of the Fittest" as part of the evolutionary process
Yes, it did. But we now know that "fitness" is relative.

Virility is probably a good trait rather than a bad one
What the fuck ever.

What's the "virility" of Bacillus Anthracis?

Disease Resistance is probably a good trait rather than a bad one

Diseases can be nutrient deficiencies, environmental stresses, genetic defects, or fuck, infections from other organisms.


Longevity is probably a good trait rather than a bad one
Depends entirely on population per area over time.

In order for evolution to work all organisms must die, so aging helps meet this necessary purpose
No, in order for evolution to occur organisms must be able to replicate, repair, and react.

Guess what- the successful ones do.

There is no way of knowing whether any of these traits are good or bad
Again, with subjective relativism! Put DOWN the FUCKING PHILOSOPHY and pick up a SCIENCE JOURNAL.

Are you seriously high? Darwin? Mendellian traits?

Your "poll" would've been appropriate 100+ years ago.