Then, Sir, The Judge Is An Ass

Oh, sorry... read in the laws for the state of Cali, that teen birth rates fathered by men over 20 are sky-rocketted. if he got her pregnant, then he's a little more culpable than if he didn't... that's all...:)
Comicsans comicsans comicsans comicsans

I do not think that the Judge made the right call by putting that 23 year old guy away because I do not think that he did any thing wrong the 14 now 15 year old girl was just as much a part of this as the 23 year old was and an way she she told him that it was all right for him to have sex with her.

Any way after words they both got married to each other any way and her mom and dad even said that he was living with them and souuporting her while working I think that he should be let out of jail because it just as much her doing too.
What would it mader if he got her pragent because of the fact that they got married and he is soupporting her and living with her too.
Asguard, it's statutory rape here, and that's all that matters.
So, it is really a question whether a judge should just blindly apply the law or take into consideration some context before doing so.

If the first is true, why do judges exist? We could replace them quite easily with an automated process if their only function is to look up which laws were violated and what sentences would correspond to those violations.
I am not saying that we should replace the judge or any judge for that matter but the fact is that her mom and dad are soupporting the marriage and it also seems like they are also ok with her being peragent and it seems like they really like thier son in law if the mom and dad let her get married to him and are ok with her being peragent then her husband should not be in jail.
statutory rape laws are in place to protect minors.
It seems that in this case following the letter of the law has the opposite effect of the laws intent.
Is this girl better off now that her family is not being supported?
He took advantage of a child. He broke the law, and it's a law I support.

He should suffer, yes?

The problem is balancing his suffering with the harm we would do to her child - who does rely on his economic support.

Is this girl better off now that her family is not being supported?

So it's okay to break the law if you're able to pay your way out of it? Should we go back to the Danegeld? Can I kill someone I don't like if I support his widow?

I don't see why there's such sympathy for this slime.
Sentance him to hard labour if that'll provide for the kid, but for fucks sake, don't just let him get away with it.


I realize that my reaction is primarily emotional, but I really am shocked at this sympathy for a child molester. *Shrugs* Just one of the few classes of people I truely despise as classes, rather than despise simply as people.
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Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Thats why laws were passed, to protect young children. You and i both know that a 14, even a 16 year old isnt making rational decisions when it comes to love.

I think she is a little too young to know what is good for her, dont you?

I think that really all depends on the emotional and intellectual maturity of the individual.

On the whole I don't think that girls in this culture are emotionally mature or stable enough to make these decisions, but is exactly the point.

It is a cultural, societal issue.
We raise children at a certain rate.
We coddle and over protect them.
There is a reason that most girls can start reproducing at or before the age of 13.

Depending on how they are raised, I think that a girl at 13 - 16 years old CAN be mature and aware enough to make that decision for herself.

However, in this society, that girl is very few and far between, and the laws are designed to protect the majority of people.

I agree with Adam.
He should have been responsible enough to wait until she was 16 rather than risking their relationship and life together to satisfy his horny desires.
bullshit. Thats all it is.

I mean personally, I see no attraction in a 14 year old whatsoever. However, we know absolutely nothing of the circumstances of this arrangement, these people, and cannot make a judgement.
Our society wants to make laws to "protect us" against so many things... this is one of them. we're not allowed to do anything at all until our society says it's ok. Crap, crap, and more crap.

Many of us here would know that as 14 year olds, we knew so much and so little. Are we going to legisislate against what we think we know? Are we going to tell people that we know better than them? Are we going to legislate against them knowing anything at all? Are we going to tell people what is right and what is not? Enter 1984....

Fuck it. Fuck this. Her family approves, presumably she does, he does... and "they" fuck up any potential life they might have had.

This is not some pedophile fucking up someones life, this is a guy who decided he wanted to marry a girl who wanted him. And fuck anyone who decides that they know better than the participants.
Who is this "judge"? What credentials does he have? Does he know everything about this relationship? I mean fuck, if it turns out later that she doesnt want this guy, then fucking get a divorce, is there a problem? So the girl is 14. So fucking what, does that mean she doesn't know what she wants? And what is everyone who doesn't "approve" going to do if it turns out they stay together for life, not to mention him not being able to teach anymore? Say "sorry, we had no idea it was real we just thought we knew better than you"?

Fucking useless "we know better than you do's".
I do have to say that I agree with The Marquis.
How can some body come along and say that a 14 year old or even an 16 year old is not matuer enough to make thier own decison on if they are in love with some one or not I mean havent any of you been so in love with your boy friends or girl friends that you thought that you wanted to marry them I mean come on the law can't tell us if we want to be with some one or not they can not make that decison for us the only person that can make that decison for us is us we say if we are in love with some one or not we say if we want to be with some or not and for a matter of fact thier are alot of 14 and 16 year olds that are matuer enough to make the decison on if they want to get married or not.
...I bet he banged the mother of the child also...I have seen familly affairs like that on Jerry Springer. Such is life in a trashy trailer park....