Theists, motivation for aggression, non-theists and trust in matters of "God"

haha. Additionally, I think the problem we have isn't that people haven't figured things out, in the romantic era and otherwise, it is that other people are killing each other too quickly to spend enough time worrying about such insignificant things as the meaningfulness of life. The philosophy of the 20th century was pretty f*ing solid, but the killing in the 20th century eclipsed any sensibility with pragmatic fear, so the messages were mostly lost in the noise, and now here we are in the 21st century, thinking we have to figure it all out again, because our parents and grandparents were too busy trying not to be killed in wars (cold wars and otherwise) to pay enough attention to philosophers.

Of course, having a solid family foundation can immensely help the children - when parents have things straightened out in their minds and the way they go about living life, they can teach it to the children, and the children don't have to go through the whole ordeal of straightening things out themselves.

When such foundation is not present, one is left to figure things out for oneself, much like the historical romantics praised.