Theists in severe decline.

It seems theists are becoming fewer than years past

Can't see any link but noted on the Australian news today average beer consumsion down


"In 2016-17, the total alcohol consumed in Australia was equivalent to 186 million litres of pure alcohol, or 9.4 litres for every person in Australia aged 15 years and over," said Louise Gates, ABS Director of Health Statistics. "This is the lowest annual figure since 1961-62 and it continues the recent downward trend which started around 2008-09. Over three-quarters of alcohol consumed was from either beer (39%) or wine (38%). And while alcohol consumed from wine has declined recently, the drop in beer consumption has been the main driver for falling alcohol consumption with an average decline of 2.4% per year over the last ten years."

"The major categories of alcohol sold are beer, wine, spirits, Ready to Drink (pre-mixed beverages) and cider. Using the average consumption levels for each category, the 9.4 litres of pure alcohol can be expressed as the average Australian aged 15 and over consuming the equivalent of 224 stubbies (375 ml) of beer


More stats on link

Less theist less alcohol consumption

Verrrryyyy interesting

Religions are in decline, not necessarily theistic belief.
Confusing the two is common, in Western societies.
(It's common to underestimate the prevalence of atheists among the ostensibly theistic religious, in the first place - 4-12% of Catholic priests, for example).

That would have little to do with theistic belief.

Unless, say, Islam takes over. Consider the possibilities under the increasing chaos of climate change, if high-tech societies fail to protect their institutions and accumulated wealth of knowledge.

The hearings on providing a US Supreme Court majority (joining a Congressional majority and an Executive endorsement) for this agenda:
begin shortly.

Organized religion has not adjusted to technological and scientific change, or incorporated the bulk of recently acquired knowledge. It no longer fulfills its function, does its job, in maintaining good relations between complex physical reality and human society - even in the basics: even modern Tragedies of the Commons go unrecognized, go unopposed and unmoderated let alone prevented if possible, by modern religions.
Antibiotic resistance, for example, has not been addressed by any modern religion - it is a moral and ethical failure, involving self-sacrifice according to wisdom, of a kind central to organized religion in its traditional role.

had i not just read this i would think you were scare mongering.
  • Sept. 3, 2018
    HONG KONG — Two Malaysian women accused of pursuing a sexual relationship were caned in an Islamic court on Monday, setting off an outcry from rights groups that said the country’s political transformation this year had done little to ensure equal treatment of all citizens.
Wish you the best of luck encountering one. I guess if you constantly keep repeating the same rhetoric to anyone and everyone, the odds are you will eventually strike gold sooner or later. A broken clock tells the correct time twice a day, doesn't it?
A nonworking clock does not tell the correct time.

Probably the first step in discerning direction, is noting that there is one .... which obviously isn't a luxury afforded to atheism, if we take your statements on face value.
You do not take statements at any values. You do not perceive them as they are.

A nonworking clock does not tell the correct time.

Yes it does.
Twice a day to be precise.

Speaking of repeating rhetoric.
You constantly miss subtle & other differences.

So says the memester ....

You do not take statements at any values. You do not perceive them as they are.

If atheism is as you say, and has no values, its not clear why that would be a problem for you.
Yes it does.
Twice a day to be precise.
So says the memester ....
If atheism is as you say, and has no values, its not clear why that would be a problem for you.
A clock is a device which measures time. Being correct is more than chance coincidence.
Your continuing childish attempts at insult do not mean anything here in reality.
It is not clear why you say anything about something being a problem for me. It is a problem for you unless you do not care to understand what is being said.
Saying atheism has no values is like saying not playing football has no values & a plate of no fish has no bones.

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It's quite clear. Theism will continue to decline as individualism and individual rights increase, and as conservative social traditions falter.
Social conservatism does not equal religion. Certainly not in china. And not even in the states, for that matter.
Social conservatism does not equal religion.
Correct. But social conservatism encourages people to belong to a religion. As social conservatism wanes, so does the impetus for young people to adopt the religion of their parents.
Correct. But social conservatism encourages people to belong to a religion. As social conservatism wanes, so does the impetus for young people to adopt the religion of their parents.
As far as religion is concerned, it depends entirely on the society and conservatism. I mean, what do you suppose happens when/if atheism becomes mainstream (like in China or communist Russia, for example)? That rebellion against conservatism disappears? That adopting (new) religious practices never manifests because its against the (conservative) rules?
As far as religion is concerned, it depends entirely on the society and conservatism.
Not at all. There are plenty of very liberal Protestants in my area, for example - and they are raising their children in that religion.

Conservatism tends to encourage people to participate in the same religion, but it is by no means required.

I mean, what do you suppose happens when/if atheism becomes mainstream (like in China or communist Russia, for example)? That rebellion against conservatism disappears?
Nope. Very little changes, other than the loss of power of the religious wings of the political parties.
Not at all. There are plenty of very liberal Protestants in my area, for example - and they are raising their children in that religion.

Conservatism tends to encourage people to participate in the same religion, but it is by no means required.

Nope. Very little changes, other than the loss of power of the religious wings of the political parties.
So you have never heard of the children of atheist parents becoming religious?
Of communist tiers of government being shaken up by a religious constituent?
So you have never heard of the children of atheist parents becoming religious?
?? Of course. Just as the children of very religious parents sometimes become atheist. Children rebel.

What is clear is that, on the average, more religious children are becoming atheist than vice versa.
?? Of course. Just as the children of very religious parents sometimes become atheist. Children rebel.

What is clear is that, on the average, more religious children are becoming atheist than vice versa.
So what do you perceive will/would happen if atheism becomes mainstream? That it won't be "conservative" and hence will remain steadfastly impervious to rebellion or rejection by subsequent younger generations?