Theists explain somthing to me

"Humans, as a species, have a moral code that is not found in other species" Name one other species that pointlessly kill each other.
that is why I said as a species. but also, killing others of your species could be seen as a form of survival of the fittest...
Other species kill each other to become the alpha male, we kill each other in the name of a god. Relgion is responsible for most murders, you may say war is but government is based on religion.
TheHeretic said:
Relgion is responsible for most murders, you may say war is but government is based on religion.

Guns don't kill, people do. The human mind is responsible for all murders.
"Guns don't kill, people do." True "The human mind is responsible for all murders" True
Religion Influences the mind thus making it responsible. If you tell a five year old that he can fly if he jumps of the empire state building, and he goes and does it. Does that make the five year old responsible for his death? NO. Dont get me wrong religion has served its purpose throughout history, but at this present time it is unessesary, you dont need religion to control the people anymore, you dont need religion to be a good person, we dont need religion to volunteer at the soup kitchen once a month, We are living in an anciet society, goverend by the rules of unknown, but now we know what most of those rules are, the rules of physics. Without galelio newton and einstien plus countless others we may still need religion, but we are fortunate enough to have their influences.(sorry about any misspellings, the english language is a bit outdated itself)
TheHeretic said:
Religion Influences the mind thus making it responsible.

But religion is created by the mind.

In some parts, for some people, religion is still necessary, otherwise it probably wouldn't exist.
I was trying to determine the answer to the question of "what makes us human" the other day. At first I thought, 'well, we can love.' But I realized that this isn't unique. Many animals have this capability--if you watch videos of gorillas, it's obvious that they possess this emotion--it's just that animals don't have the ability to fully understand what love is, the way we can. Likewise, there are many things about love that we don't understand. It's all relative.

I have to conclude that we are not unique. Instead, we have larger, more capable brains, just as apes have more able brains than mice.
We say we feel, that we have feelings that no other creature experiences. Well, guess what? For every feeling you have there are complex chemical reactions going on in your brain; neurons and synapses are interacting; and all as a result to some stimulant. There's nothing transcendent about having feelings, just as there's nothing transcendent about shooting heroin.

We're just lucky to have better brains, and that's what puts us at the top of the food chain, not separate from it.
Humans have this built in thing going on were they are constantly playing non -zero sum games.
I personally believe that the only thing that sets us apart from animals is a whole hell of a lot of sheer processing capability. And a handfull of suitably scary instincts and adaptations gained after being an under equipped plains scavanger followed by a million years of brutal war with our own kind. Being constantly pressed to the brink made us strong.
TheHeretic said:
What makes the human species superior to everything else in the universe?
The human species does not posses the ability to break the laws of physics.
The white man and the black man are both equal. Why? because they are Humans. A man and a rock are both equal. Why? because they are both matter.
And do you know whay other humans are special. Because some of them are called by God and some of them are chosen by God for eternity.
In this argument someone invariably says "Humans are the most intelligent species on this planet" and most, if not all, on both side agree with that.

How can you be so cock sure of that?
enton: And do you know whay other humans are special. Because some of them are called by God and some of them are chosen by God for eternity.
M*W: And I suppose you think you are one of the chosen?
Medicine Woman said:
enton: And do you know whay other humans are special. Because some of them are called by God and some of them are chosen by God for eternity.
M*W: And I suppose you think you are one of the chosen?
I hope so. But I knew I was called by the faithful God unto His church to have a fellowship with his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Was that call left on your answering machine? Or did you get a spam message with the subject: V!agra $69, C!alis $89, S0ma $59?
There's a sign just down the road from my house. It says:

Jesus is Coming!

Are you ready?​

I want to spray paint across the bottom:

Only if he's wearing a condom, otherwise he's gotta pull out!​
Really? I have never seen a rock talk.

They have little need to communicate.

I have never seen a rock build a shelter for itself.

Unlike us, rocks do not get pneumonia when it's cold and wet or get painful sunburns when it's hot. As such they have no need for shelter.

I have never seen a rock compose a beautiful piece of music

What has music got to do with anything?

We as humans are an extremely highly developed species.

Not really, no. You decided to use an inanimate object as an example, but if you were to actually use a living creature, you'll see they generally do everything you mentioned above - and to a better degree.

A bird can build an intricate nest whereas you probably can't even make a tent let alone an actual home that requires a load of people and takes bloody ages.

Btw.. birds don't even have hands.

A bird sings amazing songs and communicates aswell.

We are by far the most intelligent species on the planet.

Based upon what?

We have emotional and psychological feelings that even the highest developed animals do not have.

Like what?

but scientifically, nothing on Earth even comes close to the level of advancement of the Human race.

I disagree. Give me an example.

We are clearly superior to any other life-forms on this planet.

There's this bug thing.. It's so small you can't even see it, and yet it can kill you in a day. Superiority surely comes with the ability to survive and the ability to dominate other forms of life. Mankind is nowhere near the top of those.
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