Theist. Who is your Lord and Monarch? Satan or Jesus?

I am against the predominant form of theism presented here.

I will try to answer as an outsider. I would same that my overlords include: time, gravity, the biosphere... just to pick a few.

It may be possible to finds threads of Jesus/Satan as purveyors of good or evil in these overlords, to some degree. Certainly they are intrinsically good and evil. So, metaphorically, I must serve them both.

As a metaphoric analogy, you have just described reality to a T.

As evolving creatures, we all have only two ways to live. Compete/evil or cooperate/good.

We do what is required at any given point in time.
This is why I have no problem in knowing why evil is here.
Without it in our character and natures, we would have gone extinct long ago.

I got yours, did you get mine?

You make Me cry when you praise the Ancient of days . It is kind of embarrassing though. I don't know why I still blush . I guess that be why they sacrifice a red bull

???? Make sense please. Red bull? Embarrassment? Crying?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days