Theist. Who is your Lord and Monarch? Satan or Jesus?

Greatest I am

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Theist. Who is your Lord and Monarch? Satan or Jesus?

Dogma says that God evicted Satan from heaven because he would not bow to man.

God also gave man dominion in Eden and this sovereignty was somehow given to Satan. We know this because he used it to tempt Jesus. His dominion thus had to be real or the temptation is a lie.

Dogma also says that through Jesus is now the only way for man to reach heaven. The hierarchy of powers over man seems to thus be God at the top, if allowed by Jesus. Second would be Satan as man’s rightful sovereign. Third would be Jesus who usurped the position of the Trinity as the final judge for our admittance to heaven.

The various position of the three mentioned can be argued but regardless of who is where, it still means that there are three invisible supernatural entities above man.

This is contrary to the fact that God initially wanted man to be in the third position and not the forth.

In nature, something man is a part of, all entities look to their own for guidance, laws and example to follow. Man breaks this natural pattern by placing three silent and invisible alien entities above us. A Father God who shows himself to not be a very good parent in Eden. A Satan entity who, even though is supposed to represent evil, is given sovereignty over man after God clawed back that dominion from us. And finally a Jesus entity who offers the greatest example of love, as well as the greatest example of hate as the gateway to heaven and hell.

We are learning that it is a good idea to work along with nature and not spoil it. Climate change being the teacher. We may be living souls but we must be human and natural first in order for the soul to have a home.

Why then are you, a human, going against nature by placing some other entity above you for the example, leadership and salvation that you think you need? That is counter to all of natures examples to us?

Much is said of the so called free will that God is said to have given man. Yet we all know what happened to Adam and Eve the moment they exercised their will and not the will of God. It was not pretty. God set the conditions for their death and I call that murder. We can see that God does not allow man a free will.

Why are you self deprecating yourself to a secondary position to an unknowable master? Why have you given up your free will to the will of an alien entity who basically says that if you do not do his will, you will burn for eternity? A threat from a tyrant and not free will at all.

To me, that is like a slave deciding to venerate and adore his owner.

Why are you not choosing your natural position of leadership or following human leadership? Why are you choosing a position that is basically of a slave?

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

John 8 44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

If Satan is our earthly King and father as scripture says, are you to serve Satan with deep respect and fear, or Jesus, who has no authority or dominion on earth?

Not in end times. Satan was cased to Earth, and given reign to prove that his stance, man is not worth the trouble, holds true. In end times Jesus will rule for 1000 years, and everything will be judged.
that 1000 years be about up now . Melek Tuas turn now . Jesus was a Satan . people don't realize that . He split the world people . He is not of this earth . Don't you find that a problem ? I do seeing how I climbed out of the belly of the earth just to to be with you .
Jesus don't intersect for earthlings . He is the Satan that got flung to earth to try and stop Satan the true ruler of the Earth from the beginning. The one that cares about humans . Set you free from the Chains of Jesus . Jesus Chains you . Imposes his will on you . That sounds pretty Satan like to Me . But at last even Jesus invokes My Name Me. Go look for your self. Follow Me . What does that really mean ? He could not help it . Mind control ! I just don't know why he had to go kill him self . Maybe he read the Memes wrong . Greed is what I think . I think Jesus was a greedy little bastard that wanted all the glory and he figured the whole repeat story of Mithra / Horus and the likes he would have it all .
I would not do that cause I want humans to have the glory . I call it Glory were Glory is due . What the fuck Jesus know about string theory anyway . Nothing . I say nothing . He sure is not the one that knows everything . I find it hard to believe he was even the " Just One "

He was still callus from his step fathers abuse and could not let that go . That is what I think . That is why he condemn humanity . You all know he condemn the earth right ? It is my fucking home . My shelter. Is that not enough reason to be mad at him . He condemned my home. Think about that
No. The 1000 years just began. Jesus has been absent from earth since his crusifixion.
No. The 1000 years just began. Jesus has been absent from earth since his crusifixion.

no he has not . he lives in Christians and has taken over the world . Now his rule is coming to an end . I stuck a wooden stake in his heart and killed the Vampire personally. You know what they say ! I brought you into this world and I can take you out . Bill Cosby is the first time I heard that .

Now don't get me wrong . I like Jesus and forgiveness is my middle name ( Ridgley ) and my crest is a bridge. I forgive Jesus for splitting the world . He can come under the wing of the Great House . I already excepted his works.
I live by many of them . Splitting the world is not one of them for I am the adder . Bring back together so to speak. I add the world. It is my home . Rejected Jesus is welcome to come home and be part of instead of going off in a corner and sulking about how life is not fair . Hell it is up to us to make it fair . Jesus don't know much about that . A boy from Fairbanks just might
welcome to the end of the fucking world. Jesus arives just in time as people lose faith, I fucking love it G.O.D.
Don't have one...with my deities it's more like knowing the Mafia.
If I were to ask Loki for favors, I guess quite literally.

It's all about showing the proper respect, yanno what I'm sayin'?
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Theist. Who is your Lord and Monarch? Satan or Jesus?


Dogma says that God evicted Satan from heaven because he would not bow to man.

Why do i care what dogma says, I care for what is in the bible and the above dogma is not in it.

God also gave man dominion in Eden and this sovereignty was somehow given to Satan.

The bible never says man was sovereign in the Eden. They where placed there to maintain it. They where the workers, God owned Eden.

We know this because he used it to tempt Jesus. His dominion thus had to be real or the temptation is a lie.

Yes satan has been given restrained dominion over the world. But it is restrained. satan never had total control to do what ever he wanted in this world. Only what God allowed satan to do.

Dogma also says that through Jesus is now the only way for man to reach heaven.

Well that’s in the Bible. So i agree.

The hierarchy of powers over man seems to thus be God at the top, if allowed by Jesus.

Jesus and God are One, so same Authority.

Second would be Satan as man’s rightful sovereign. Third would be Jesus who usurped the position of the Trinity as the final judge for our admittance to heaven.

satan has a limited sovereignty. And He is not over Jesus. If He was, Jesus would have bowed down and worshipped satan when satan called upon Him to do so.

The various position of the three mentioned can be argued but regardless of who is where, it still means that there are three invisible supernatural entities above man.

Your forgetting about all the other Angels.

This is contrary to the fact that God initially wanted man to be in the third position and not the forth.

Man will be raised above Angels upon the resurrection. But for now we are a little lower.

In nature, something man is a part of, all entities look to their own for guidance, laws and example to follow. Man breaks this natural pattern by placing three silent and invisible alien entities above us. A Father God who shows himself to not be a very good parent in Eden.

He was a good Parent. He warned them not to eat of the forbidden fruit. They chose to ignore His warning.

A Satan entity who, even though is supposed to represent evil, is given sovereignty over man after God clawed back that dominion from us.

We never had dominion over the world. And satan does not have unrestricted dominion over the world.

We are learning that it is a good idea to work along with nature and not spoil it. Climate change being the teacher. We may be living souls but we must be human and natural first in order for the soul to have a home.

Why then are you, a human, going against nature by placing some other entity above you for the example, leadership and salvation that you think you need? That is counter to all of natures examples to us?

Belief in God and being an environmentalists are compatible.
Belief in God and engaging in nature worship is Not compatible.
Nature is a blind system working of an already established code of rules.
God is not bound by the rules of nature. Therefore God is less limited then nature and can give more to humanity then His nature can provide. God is better than nature.

Much is said of the so called free will that God is said to have given man. Yet we all know what happened to Adam and Eve the moment they exercised their will and not the will of God. It was not pretty. God set the conditions for their death and I call that murder. We can see that God does not allow man a free will.

God does allow man free will. Adam and Eve are proof of that. You cannot say that a penalty for choosing evil eliminates free will. If this where the case Adam and eve would have never taken of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

Why are you self deprecating yourself to a secondary position to an unknowable master?

Because I know enough about my Eternal Master to know i am in a secondary position compared to Him. Secondary by a long shot too. It s an acknowledgement of reality.

Why have you given up your free will to the will of an alien entity who basically says that if you do not do his will, you will burn for eternity? A threat from a tyrant and not free will at all.

I have not given up my free will. My will is to seek to follow His will. Because His will is perfect. It's the smart thing to do to follow someone who knows the path and can lead you to where you desire to go.

To me, that is like a slave deciding to venerate and adore his owner.

A slave who wishes to serve His owner is no longer a slave. But a servant. One day i will be adopted and will be a son.

Why are you not choosing your natural position of leadership or following human leadership? Why are you choosing a position that is basically of a slave?

Human leadership is faulty. Why follow morons who are leading the world to ecological, financial and military disaster. Take a look around at the world for once and see how we are lead by people who have no wisdom.

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

Up until the point where they call upon your to serve them in a way that compromises your service to God. The elites do have a level of rulership, they are satans chosen puppets. But along with satan thay do not have total dominion, they are restrained.

John 8 44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Jesus was talking to whom? He was talking to the jewish religious elites. Who owed their position to Caesar.

If Satan is our earthly King and father as scripture says, are you to serve Satan with deep respect and fear, or Jesus, who has no authority or dominion on earth?


satan is called the prince of this world. Not King. And He is not the father of those who follow God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No. The 1000 years just began. Jesus has been absent from earth since his crusifixion.

The 1000 years begins at the time of the Messiah's return. He has not returned yet so the 1000 years has not started yet.

Soon i believe, but not yet.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The 1000 years begins at the time of the Messiah's return. He has not returned yet so the 1000 years has not started yet.

Soon i believe, but not yet.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

hello. The holy Me's of summer . To hard to believe for you ? Yet you believe Jesus rose on the 3rd day . I rose on the 3rd. day . The fifth month too . You know how there always taking about the fifth month don't you . The 7th year . You should see what scripture says about the 7th year . Jubilee!! That is were debt is forgiven .

. satan never had total control to do what ever he wanted in this world. Only what God allowed satan to do.

They let Me out of prison ! Can you believe that . Man alive it is good to be free at last . Just a little while though and they gonna put Me back in the pit

satan has a limited sovereignty. And He is not over Jesus. If He was, Jesus would have bowed down and worshipped satan when satan called upon Him to do so.
Do you know all the things Jesus and Satan talked about or just a narrow view of what has been written ? How do you know whether Jesus and Satan made a pact or not . They are brothers you know . Think about you and your father and your brother if you have one . The right and left hand of god would they not work together to achieve the impossible

Your forgetting about all the other Angels.

Michael ? They let Me out of my golden cage . The bird fly's over the rainbow . The crest is a bridge and I am the troubled waters that flow under the bridge . Yeah a little troll like. but now I have wings so I can fly over the rainbow bridge instead

Man will be raised above Angels upon the resurrection. But for now we are a little lower.

Get off your knees we have achieved our destination . The children of liberty are here . The ones that creation has groaned for for so long. We made it bro . The temple protects us . The house is great. Life is sweet in the belly of the Beast . Moloch has eaten for breakfast . Yummy . Needs a little salt of the earth . Much better . Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!

God is better than nature. Thanks for the compliment bro . I doubt it though cause nothing happens with out the consent of the eternal Mother

God does allow man free will. not

Because I know enough about my Eternal Master to know i am in a secondary position compared to Him.

Get up off your knees My brother . We will be equals now . The angel came to touch you and give you strength. Drink some milk and feel young again

But a servant. One day i will be adopted and will be a son.

Your works have already been excepted . Come into the Great House and receive your rewards . You made it bro . High Five !!!!!

The elites do have a level of rulership, they are satans chosen puppets. But along with satan they do not have total dominion, they are restrained.

Don't talk about Bill and Hillery like that . I got a potential meeting coming with them and I don't want you ruining it for me

Jesus was talking to whom? Mostly his father. The one that gives or takes away his glory

satan is called the prince of this world. Not King. And He is not the father of those who follow God.
And your prince of this world Micheal stands! The eternal Mother gives her blessing or it would not be

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You make Me cry when you praise the Ancient of days . It is kind of embarrassing though. I don't know why I still blush . I guess that be why they sacrifice a red bull
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Adstar, Jesus is not God. I can tell you this. Michael is he most like God. Michael is whom God is most pleased. But, it is Jesus of all whom God is most pleased that stands above the rest. Jesus is not the most likened to God, that is Michael, but Jesus is absolutley all the best parts of God. He is the Son, and first Christ.
I am against the predominant form of theism presented here.

I will try to answer as an outsider. I would same that my overlords include: time, gravity, the biosphere... just to pick a few.

It may be possible to finds threads of Jesus/Satan as purveyors of good or evil in these overlords, to some degree. Certainly they are intrinsically good and evil. So, metaphorically, I must serve them both.