theist what do you think of this


Atheism:is non-prophet making
Valued Senior Member
to the theist
these are some of the things that the atheistic/communistic despot, Pol Pot, aledgedly did.
what are your thoughts on a person like this.

cambodia Kampong Thum province : pol pot kills all but 8 people and 2 of each animal.
north of Phnom Penh : pol pot destroys two villages, but leaves the mayor and his daughters.
Siem Reap : pol pot kills all of the children in the province.
Kozak Ohana : pol pot orders the killing of the religious, totaling 3000.
Shintoshin : pol pot kills 14,700 people for complaining about the killing of the religious.
Hironaka : pol pot kills 24,000 for committing whoredom/fraternising with the americans.
stoeng treng : pol pot slaughters the villages of krachen province, plunders the city, burnt the homes, kills all the men and male children and any women married. takes the young girls for his men.
kaoh : Slaughter of pailin and varin, killing everyone and set fire to it.
anlong veng : pol pot kills the people of argor, and his generals pursue them to tonte sap, where they slay the rest of them and plunder this city. They do the same to the neighboring cities.

I think this is a sizable chunk to start with.

pol pot did none of these things above, I just reworded it, to seem as though it was him he was guilty of a lot of bad deeds but not those below, they are all atributed to god, the father of jesus.
I lied, aren't I a little tinker.

Genesis 6-7 God kills all but 8 people and 2 of each animal.

Genesis 19:24-25 God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah, except for Lot and his daughters.

Exodus 12:29-30 God kills all of the firstborn in Egypt, after having hardened the Pharaoh's heart so that he couldn't change his mind about letting them go.

Exodus 32:27-28 God orders 'the sons of Levi' to kill those that danced aroudn the Golden Calf. Totalling 3000.

Numbers 16:42-49 God kills 14,700 people for complaining about God striking down some Israelites that had burnt incense back in Num 16:10-35 (250 there)

Numbers 25:1-9 God slays 24,000 for 'committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab'.

Numbers 31 God the slaughter of the Midianites. The Israelites plunder the city, razed their cities, killed all the men and male children and any women that weren't virgins. They took the rest for themselves.

Judges 1: 1-8 Slaughter of Caananites and Perizzites, Israelites kill everyone in Jerusalem and set fire to it.

2nd Chronicles 14:8-14 God smites the Ethiopians, and Asa and his men pursue them to Gerar, where they slay the rest of them and plunder the city. They do the same to the neighboring cities.

Before you go and try to justify these actions because it's god, the omnipotent, omniscient creator of everything, I want you to relise how you viewed pol pot for the very same.
God ordered these things, are these actions moral, they weren't when you thought it was pol pot.
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I doubt he was ordering these things to preserve or defend atheism, but rather his own power to re-order society.
Part of the Cambodian Communist creedo was pure Atheism devoid of all religion. He specifically targetted religious people because of this.

Pol Pot was a monster. Interesting, though: He kept his identity as Pol Pot utterly away from his family.
Pol Pot was evil. So what? Was he evil because he was atheist, or for other reasons?

The Inquisitors of the Catholic Church were often evil, too. Therefore, Christianity is evil, right?
What are my thoughts on a person like that? He made bad choices. He needed help. I certaily couldn't pretend to understand what made such a man 'tick.' I hope he regretted his choices. What more can I say about someone I know so little about?
i recall a statement by imelda marcos (wife of a dictator in the asian pacific - ferdinard???) - she said that for common people the ultimate in enjoyment is sex because they have not tasted absolute power - absolute power corrupts absolutely, which is why the social paradigm that atheism has a tendency to land a political leader into (although one can still be a practical atheist inthe guise of theism, ie just give lip service to the absolute nature of god while one does what ever one god damn pleases)
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What are my thoughts on a person like that? He made bad choices. He needed help. I certaily couldn't pretend to understand what made such a man 'tick.' I hope he regretted his choices. What more can I say about someone I know so little about?
cant you say the same about god.
to the theist
these are some of the things that the atheistic/communistic despot, Pol Pot, aledgedly did.
what are your thoughts on a person like this.

cambodia Kampong Thum province : pol pot kills all but 8 people and 2 of each animal.
north of Phnom Penh : pol pot destroys two villages, but leaves the mayor and his daughters.
Siem Reap : pol pot kills all of the children in the province.
Kozak Ohana : pol pot orders the killing of the religious, totaling 3000.
Shintoshin : pol pot kills 14,700 people for complaining about the killing of the religious.
Hironaka : pol pot kills 24,000 for committing whoredom/fraternising with the americans.
stoeng treng : pol pot slaughters the villages of krachen province, plunders the city, burnt the homes, kills all the men and male children and any women married. takes the young girls for his men.
kaoh : Slaughter of pailin and varin, killing everyone and set fire to it.
anlong veng : pol pot kills the people of argor, and his generals pursue them to tonte sap, where they slay the rest of them and plunder this city. They do the same to the neighboring cities.

I think this is a sizable chunk to start with.

Well he played his part in causing much suffering. But he did not do it alone did he? He had willing followers who where ready to follow any order with gusto.

Just like Stalin, Mao, Hitler and Napoleon and many other leaders down though history. They all played the Game of power for keeps, where the ends always justify the means.

What do i think of him. I feel sorry for him and all who followed him. I hope he repented and believed Jesus before he died, but i don't hold any realistic hope that he did.

Most ruthless players of the game of world power ever regret their deeds.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
cant you say the same about god.

No. I understand you're referring to Old Testament stories such as that of Jericho. The Catholic Church consistently maintains that these stories are over-dramatizations of historic events, often accompanied by falsely attributing to God commands to do great evil. The only parts of these stories which we are to take as meaningful to ourselves and in the larger theme of Scriptures is the underlying theme that when you are faithful to God, you succeed, and when you are unfaithful, you fail.
Compared to religions Pol-Pot was small potatoes!
Killing in the name of God:,1,1489916.story?coll=chi-newsspecials-hed

So today, and in the past milliniums, comparing the minor damage done by an atheist to humanity with that of religious nut cases is small potatoes, considering that most of humanities atrocities were brought by invoking god, or their religion ideals against the other!
No... not really.

What is the point you're trying to make with this topic?
No. I understand you're referring to Old Testament stories such as that of Jericho. The Catholic Church consistently maintains that these stories are over-dramatizations of historic events, often accompanied by falsely attributing to God commands to do great evil. The only parts of these stories which we are to take as meaningful to ourselves and in the larger theme of Scriptures is the underlying theme that when you are faithful to God, you succeed, and when you are unfaithful, you fail.
well is'nt that convenient, so only the good stuff is atributed to god then, and all the bad stuff, including creating evil, must be some other omni-max god.
has he got an evil twin.
to the theist
these are some of the things that the atheistic/communistic despot, Pol Pot, aledgedly did.
what are your thoughts on a person like this.

cambodia Kampong Thum province : pol pot kills all but 8 people and 2 of each animal.
north of Phnom Penh : pol pot destroys two villages, but leaves the mayor and his daughters.
Siem Reap : pol pot kills all of the children in the province.
Kozak Ohana : pol pot orders the killing of the religious, totaling 3000.
Shintoshin : pol pot kills 14,700 people for complaining about the killing of the religious.
Hironaka : pol pot kills 24,000 for committing whoredom/fraternising with the americans.
stoeng treng : pol pot slaughters the villages of krachen province, plunders the city, burnt the homes, kills all the men and male children and any women married. takes the young girls for his men.
kaoh : Slaughter of pailin and varin, killing everyone and set fire to it.
anlong veng : pol pot kills the people of argor, and his generals pursue them to tonte sap, where they slay the rest of them and plunder this city. They do the same to the neighboring cities.

I think this is a sizable chunk to start with.

The theist can argue that because Pol Pot was atheistic he could care less how many people he killed, what difference does it make as long as you get away with it? There's no karma, no result of good and bad deeds, no punishment in hell, no consequences at all as long as you get away with it.

However, in my opinion atheism and theism have little to do with good or bad, psychology has more to do with that.
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There's no karma, no result of good and bad deeds, no punishment in hell, no consequences at all as long as you get away with it.

You can certainly believe in karma and consequences without believing in God.
You can certainly believe in karma and consequences without believing in God.
True but atheists in general do not, they think its all made up fiction, there's no karma, no rebirth, no afterlife, no result of good and bad deeds, no soul, no God, etc....this is what almost all atheists believe
True but atheists in general do not, they think its all made up fiction, there's no karma, no rebirth, no afterlife, no result of good and bad deeds, no soul, no God, etc....this is what almost all atheists believe

Maybe, but I'm not so sure.

I think that if you consider it rationally, karma sort of negates any need for a father figure God, in that it can explain how your actions can have direct consequences both on you and those around you without any need for boogey men or supernatural forces.

I suppose it depends on what you consider karma, and what you think comes with it part and parcel.

I wonder how most atheists feel about this.
Maybe I'll start a thread.
True but atheists in general do not, they think its all made up fiction, there's no karma, no rebirth, no afterlife, no result of good and bad deeds, no soul, no God, etc....this is what almost all atheists believe
No they don't.
They merely choose not to believe where there is no decent evidence.
Do not confuse "lack of belief in existence" with "belief in non-existence".

What one person calls karma, another will call the obeyance of probability.
ladies and gentlemen, please re-read the original post thank you
Maybe, but I'm not so sure.

I think that if you consider it rationally, karma sort of negates any need for a father figure God, in that it can explain how your actions can have direct consequences both on you and those around you without any need for boogey men or supernatural forces.

I suppose it depends on what you consider karma, and what you think comes with it part and parcel.

I wonder how most atheists feel about this.
Maybe I'll start a thread.

Karma does not simply imply consquences, it implies that your deeds come back to you. In other words if you do good deeds, you are essentially helping yourself, if you do bad deeds you are hurting your own self. If you kill someone, at some future time (this existence or the next) you will be killed.

As Jesus says "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven" (Luke 6:37)

Also, Krishna (a theist) teaches both karma and God as the truth.