Actually that's more of a description of the full on imperosnalists, who's way of life would probably make your eyebrows fall off if you simply heard about it
I imagine they are the ones who eat once a year, breathe through their pores, don't ever wash themselves or cut their hair and nails and spend years standing on one foot, while doing cosmically difficult mental exercises?
... generally in kali yuga we are too weak to be greatly anything, even greatly rajasic or tamasic
So much for taking pride in one's austerities ...
if you are going to say "damned forever" you are bringing an idea to the table about one's constitutional position with god that deserves scrutiny.
I am sorry to be so persistent with this, I am not sure what exactly my problem here is.
It could actually be as simple as a negative feeling fleshing itself out into a negative thought, a cognitive distortion fuelled by a physiological problem.
If you have a clear idea of one's constitutional position with god (as well as god's nature plus the phenomenal world) you wouldn't have a problem, regardless whether you went for a schismatic christian/vedic approach or a holistic henological version of either
That is self-explanatory, isn't it?
It begins with the foundation of god's nature, the constitutional nature of the jiva and the nature of the phenomenal world - that's at least how I reject the notion of eternal damnation as absurd (since the only medium for eternal anything performed out of a constant identity is medium of liberation
My own argument for considering eternal damnation absurd is because e.d. implies that God's nature and the soul's nature are fundamentally, irreconcilably different; that God's sense of good and right and the soul's sense of good and right are fundamentally, irreconcilably different. Because such difference would be necessary for something like e.d. to exist. But if such difference exists, then how come it exists, and doesn't it imply that souls are not related to God, and if they are not ...?
E.d fits well with a concept of a demigod or an alien God, but not with a Progenitor God.
.... and while one can spend an awfully long time in the phenomenal world falling for the same old stupid ideas, it is simply too alien to us by nature (birth/death/old age and disease) to permanently house anything that is sat cit and ananda
You mean ...anything that is _not_ sat cit and ananda -?
In effect, I wish to avoid taking responsibility for my choice of religious path, because I think the burden of responsibility, as it is usually presented by Christians, is absurd.
Pretending one is a mode of nature (ie something that is merely an automaton and is constitutionally incapable of making decisions or accepting responsibility for them) is also not a solution.
But what is left then?
Sometimes ideas like that even develop in bhakti, where one thinks that the decision to take to devotional service (and thus enter into the eternal realm of devotion) is effectively the last choice one ever makes as a jiva (since then one will be on auto pilot, navigated by the internal potency or whatever). Actually the opposite is true (ie, decisions in the material atmosphere practically amount to nil, due to the fickle nature of matter and the modes that govern the calls in the said atmosphere)
I have actually seen a devotee make that exact argument. She replied to a request at a forum, and when the asker thanked her, she said she isn't to be thanked, but God, and that now her will is one with God's, she has no independent will anymore, she is merely a tool in God's hands. It was spooky to read that.
I have also heard HDG speak of this as one of the KC myths.