Theist or atheist

How do you know, give me an example, please.


* The claim of 'God' has existed since any history has been recorded. Since that time, there has been zero supportive evidence of that claim.

* There are objective assertions directly and indirectly made in any scripture (i.e. 'word' of 'God'). Many have been directly proven incorrect by science.

* There contradictory statements made in any scripture. Reality does not support contradicton.

* Humans naturally anthropmorphize, that is, take human features and put it them on *something*. This gives rise to talking toasters, bugs bunny, mother nature, father time, and of course 'God' (putting human features on reality).

* Humans psychologically want infalllible authority figures giving them approval. They psychologically want to have a great relationship with themselves. They psychologically want to group together and be 'purposed'. 'God' becomes that authority figure, becomes a proxy between the consious and unconscious (for establishing a relationship with yourself), and becomes the source of a purposing.

* Humans are genetically prone to 'believe' as it is a survival requirement to make quick decisions with incomplete information or to accept what the 'group' accepts to gain their support and resources.

No I don't actually explain, please.
Jesus Christ himself was tempted by satan, and you expect to be free from it? The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to resist temptation, but we still face it daily, unless of course you live in a sealed off hole in the ground. Even then, you will be tempted by satan.

No, I obviously didn't clarify to the full extent, Once we have been judged and saved by God then we will be able to expel satan's tactics, as for now God as given us strength to seek the never ending good side, in a sense.

Jesus did not come for the religious, but for the sinners. He offered salvation and redemption to those who were otherwise religiously shunned. He took organized religion to task for misrepresenting the Father. I hope I'm not part of the anti-christ, too. I hope that you are not as well. :)

This is true, but there is all the condemned that may not realize Jesus Christ as their savior, do to the constant ego, that shallow people have.
Are you theist or atheist?
Also include one statement or so that justifies why you believe in God or not.
A Humanist, but I tend to refer to myself as a Realist. In the strictest sense of the word, but if you like you can call me a Rational, the use of Atheist implies I would be without god, but I was never with it in the first place, I was born without a concept of god. I'm not an Atheist, not in the literal sense. However technically having no concept is without. But the term Atheist is something you are referred too from a Theist, as anti. So I don't like to use it thanks.

And in regard to why I have no beliefs in god/gods. Realism, Rationality.
How does you conception differ?

The laws of physics relate to the physical results of the interraction of physical matter.

What I am referring to encpasulates that, but extends it to include what results from the interraction of conscious entities and ideas.
No, I obviously didn't clarify to the full extent, Once we have been judged and saved by God then we will be able to expel satan's tactics, as for now God as given us strength to seek the never ending good side, in a sense.

Your god is a pussy. If he really was omniscient he would already know who to pick and if he was omnipotent he already would have expelled satan's tactics.

If he was good he wouldn't have so many suffering.

This is true, but there is all the condemned that may not realize Jesus Christ as their savior, do to the constant ego, that shallow people have.

You mean shallow people who think jewish myths are real?
Are you theist or atheist?
Also include one statement or so that justifies why you believe in God or not.
There is no need for me to justify to myself being an atheist... it is merely the result of my not being able to justify being a theist.
Polytheist, solitary Wiccan. Mildly eclectic, but mostly conventional in practice.

I don't feel a need to 'justify' my beliefs as if they were something wrong that needed a justification.
My polytheism is simply an outgrowth of intuition, my pre-existing beliefs, and inductive reasoning applied to those previous beliefs.
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I am a theist.

I am a theist because I believe wholeheartedly that Baha'u'llah was in contact with a Higher Truth, and His actions and teachings show me this.
* There contradictory statements made in any scripture. Reality does not support contradicton.
Actually, it does. Just look at quantum physics. Things can be in superposition with all possibilities available at once etc. reality isn't always black and white :) and who knows what is possible?

I'm sure though, that the message and the truth of the message, is more important than the facts.
Actually, it does. Just look at quantum physics. Things can be in superposition with all possibilities available at once etc. reality isn't always black and white :) and who knows what is possible?

They most certainly can; however, how is this a contradiction? As soon as those possibilities (or more correctly wave of probability) interacts with the environment the wave collapses into the most probable outcome.

I'm sure though, that the message and the truth of the message, is more important than the facts.

This discussion had started off with a comment about contradictions within doctrine being tantamount to contradictions of fact, and therefore Spiritual Religions to be non-sensical, and Religious People worthy of the Camps or whatever. While Cyperium argued the point, much to his moral merit, I think he sort of missed the point... accepting his opponents point only to argue the small details. My point is that the Atheist Moron is wrong on every count... as follows:

The Contradictions found within Spirituality are between extremes in Doctrine, not of fact. One Extreme Doctrine is polar opposite to another Extreme Doctrine, but one Spiritual Instance is found to agree with both. So what? No Facts have been contradicted! Just Doctrine, but what is doctrine? Doctrine is a form of Generalization -- telling us what we might be lead to expect given certain prelimaries.

When we find that Extremes in Spiritual Doctrine find Common True Instances, well, this is not telling us of Conflicts in Fact, but only that Spiritual Doctrines lock in a Circle.

It also tells us that Scientists are too damned stupid to understand the first thing about Spirituality.

Actually, it does. Just look at quantum physics. Things can be in superposition with all possibilities available at once etc. reality isn't always black and white :) and who knows what is possible?

I'm sure though, that the message and the truth of the message, is more important than the facts.
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Devout agnostic. Uncertainty is the mantra, the melody and the meaning of life.

(As previously stated in at least four other posts amongst my 6,000+, in my more whimsical moments I claim to adhere to pantheistic multi-person solopsism, courtesy of Heinlein.)
This discussion had started off with a comment about contradictions within doctrine being tantamount to contradictions of fact, and therefore Spiritual Religions to be non-sensical, and Religious People worthy of the Camps or whatever. While Cyperium argued the point, much to his moral merit, I think he sort of missed the point... accepting his opponents point only to argue the small details. My point is that the Atheist Moron is wrong on every count... as follows:

The Contradictions found within Spirituality are between extremes in Doctrine, not of fact. One Extreme Doctrine is polar opposite to another Extreme Doctrine, but one Spiritual Instance is found to agree with both. So what? No Facts have been contradicted! Just Doctrine, but what is doctrine? Doctrine is a form of Generalization -- telling us what we might be lead to expect given certain prelimaries.

When we find that Extremes in Spiritual Doctrine find Common True Instances, well, this is not telling us of Conflicts in Fact, but only that Spiritual Doctrines lock in a Circle.

It also tells us that Scientists are too damned stupid to understand the first thing about Spirituality.
Yes, what I wanted to say was that when we see contradictions in experiments and in the world we accept that it must have a solution of some kind, so why not look for solutions instead of just falsifying things.

If we take on the two creation stories in the bible, it seems not to make sense because things happen in a different order in the second creation story, so there has to be some reason for that. Cause to me it's not that likely that it was a mistake. So I guess we have to look at what the stories are actually showing us, maybe it was never intended as facts, but rather that there are messages behind it - which might show the truth of what actually took place, or what was the intent - and such. The actual process, I think, was never that important - the meaning behind it is what is important.
Most people do not have a proper understanding of what theism and atheism is. Best to ask:
Does God exist?
-To my knowledge, there is a God.
-To my knowledge, there is no God.
-I have not arrived at a conclusion to whether or not God exists.
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Of course there is. I don't expect to encounter it while alive, however. If I lived for ten thousand years and the progress of human knowledge proceeded apace, I might begin to tilt one way or the other.