Theist for God


Valued Senior Member
Theists for God

I just created a group..Theists for God
it is my first group i ever created..

apparently we can have our own discussions going on within our own group..

i wanna see if it would be a good place for the theists here on this board to discuss things without any Anti-theists being able to derail the conversations..(this is in no way any guarantee that we won't do that to ourselves..;))

anyone wishing to join please do..(usercp/social groups)
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I joined.

But really the best way not to get derailed is to choose to ignore the trolls.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I just created a group..Theists for God
it is my first group i ever created..

apparently we can have our own discussions going on within our own group..

i wanna see if it would be a good place for the theists here on this board to discuss things without any Anti-theists being able to derail the conversations..(this is in no way any guarantee that we won't do that to ourselves..;))

anyone wishing to join please do..(usercp/social groups)

I am in
Which version of god

not a point of contention..(i am open to discussions on the differences though..)
I am of the opinion that God is God.
If your version of God is different than mine, that only means that God wants that for you, it does not mean God wants that for me.
not a point of contention..(i am open to discussions on the differences though..)
I am of the opinion that God is God.
If your version of God is different than mine, that only means that God wants that for you, it does not mean God wants that for me.

Both the Bible and Quran are pretty clear about what God wants. And both don't coincide which each other.
Explain to me something. Was Jesus God in flesh or the son of god? "Father" Implies being a "Son" are you sure your not getting lost in translation perhaps some deeper meaning. There are alot of consistancies with the bible and astrological events and astrology in general as well as occultist elements like rituals and spells. Tell me something... Why would god be an authoritive figure that causes misery and destroys his own people (The bible) and takes breaks for centuries and eventually ends up destroying the earth.

Why, what the hell is the cause for this narrative? Look outside there is your god it is more vast than a single entity and more vast than just earth and us humans. We cant even explore space yet imagine what will happen when we are able to explore our mind and consciousness it self... god is just idealism Jesus is the shepard your the sheeple hes the carpender mason 33 degrees Jesus died at age 33 the sun sets at 33..... The churches get to select what is shown and not shown why the hell would you take it at face value. Its just contentious thinking man.
Explain to me something.
Explanation 1) most of that post is nonsense.
Explanation 2) you're (apparently) not educated enough to realise this.
Explanation 3) you appear not to think properly about things.
Cool hopefully my spirit wolf can howl at midnight and upon hearing the vibrations in your dream-state you will come to knowledge of self.
Explanation 1) most of that post is nonsense.
Explanation 2) you're (apparently) not educated enough to realise this.
Explanation 3) you appear not to think properly about things.

read between the lines dyw..

"Why would god.."
" Why, what the hell is the cause for this narrative?"
"god is just idealism"
"face value. Its just contentious thinking man."

its the beginning of truth to question what is..
I just created a group..Theists for God
it is my first group i ever created..

apparently we can have our own discussions going on within our own group..

i wanna see if it would be a good place for the theists here on this board to discuss things without any Anti-theists being able to derail the conversations..(this is in no way any guarantee that we won't do that to ourselves..;))

anyone wishing to join please do..(usercp/social groups)

Doing that comes acroos as weak.
This is a perfect place to break out of that dogmatic thinking
that people of religion always hold on to. The kind of thinking that
stops theistic dialolgue, and creating easy targets for anti-theists to aim at.

It's time for intelligent Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc, to embrace the oneness of God and Spirituality, while keeping their own religious identity.

Real religion is like that. This division what occurrs now is idiotic, and foolish.
So if we can't function in the public eye, what's the point of some underground movement?

The only power anti-theism has, is the division within religion.

Doing that comes acroos as weak.
This is a perfect place to break out of that dogmatic thinking
that people of religion always hold on to. The kind of thinking that
stops theistic dialolgue, and creating easy targets for anti-theists to aim at.

It's time for intelligent Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc, to embrace the oneness of God and Spirituality, while keeping their own religious identity.

Real religion is like that. This division what occurrs now is idiotic, and foolish.
So if we can't function in the public eye, what's the point of some underground movement?

The only power anti-theism has, is the division within religion.

I always say that it is theists themselves who are creating atheism!!
i wanna see if it would be a good place for the theists here on this board to discuss things without any Anti-theists being able to derail the conversations

Poor you! And all those ugly, nasty, disgusting non-theists!

You are supposedly the messenger of The Truth, The Highest There Is - and yet you complain about the opposition?!

Does God complain about atheists?
It's time for intelligent Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc, to embrace the oneness of God and Spirituality, while keeping their own religious identity.

Real religion is like that. This division what occurrs now is idiotic, and foolish.

The only power anti-theism has, is the division within religion.


then this group is for you..
this represents the ideals of what i believe the group should be about.

So if we can't function in the public eye, what's the point of some underground movement?
communication without the distractions.