Theism vs Religion

One can devotedly follow ones own ethics, of course. But then it would’t be called a religion.
One more time:
re·li·gion –noun
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.
OK, if you’re going to be like that, a couple of points;

1) If all that is needed to qualify to be a religion is one’s own conscience then we have approx. 7,000,000,000 different religions in the world. Reductio ad ridiculum

2) The topic of the thread is “Theism vs Religion”, it is not called “what is the dictionary definition of Religion”. If SAM had wanted to know that I am sure she would have looked in a dictionary herself. The idea is the topic is to be discussed.

3) Are you suggesting that the remainder of this thread is discussed within the parameters of River Wind’s 6 golden definitions of religion (which, by the way have no reference). And I’ll deal with those 6 below.
OK, if you’re going to be like that, a couple of points;
1) If all that is needed to qualify to be a religion is one’s own conscience then we have approx. 7,000,000,000 different religions in the world. Reductio ad ridiculum
You missed the word "devotedly". :rolleyes:

2) The topic of the thread is “Theism vs Religion”, it is not called “what is the dictionary definition of Religion”.
And until those two words are defined then any discussion on what (if any) difference there is would be null and void, neh?

3) Are you suggesting that the remainder of this thread is discussed within the parameters of River Wind’s 6 golden definitions of religion (which, by the way have no reference). And I’ll deal with those 6 below.
No, but it might be pertinent to actually have everyone come to some sort of agreement on what constitutes each of the two terms.
3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions. .

This states “body of person” so stands in direct contradiction to statement no 6

4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion .

monk (mngk) noun
“A man who is a member of a brotherhood living in a monastery and devoted to a discipline prescribed by his order”

So by simply throwing a random definition up as river wind does, a monk doesn’t have to be religious

5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith..

Not all religions are faith based so that doesn’t qualify as a definition.

6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting make a religion of fighting prejudice.

Where does this come from I have never heard of a religion of fighting prejudice, it is certainly not in common usage and has nothing whatsoever to do with theism vs religion.

2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion .
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affair. .

OK I'll give you these last two.
No, but it might be pertinent to actually have everyone come to some sort of agreement on what constitutes each of the two terms.

Agreement yes, which would be the purpose of discussion. So just repeatedly copying someone else’s 6 definitions from some unknown source would hardly help that would it? :D
You missed the word "devotedly". :rolleyes:

So if I devotedly follow my conscience, I am a religion.

But if I only half heartedly follow my conscience, I am what? nothing..:bawl:

sorry this defintion is ridiculus.

Also for phrases such as religiously showering in the morning, yes this is common usage. Absolutely irrelevant to Theism vs Religion though.
What is the difference between theism and religion?
Not all theists are religions, and not all religions are theistic.
Theism is a theological position that claims that a deity or deities exist(s). Religion is a system of practically-applying philosophy.
This states “body of person” so stands in direct contradiction to statement no 6
Just to be clear, the items I listed were not so much random as the common definitions of the word per It seems I failed to include the attribution, which was my error.

monk (mngk) noun
“A man who is a member of a brotherhood living in a monastery and devoted to a discipline prescribed by his order”

So by simply throwing a random definition up as river wind does, a monk doesn’t have to be religious
Common usage would consider "by his order" to apply to religious orders. However, there could be atheistic (non-religious) monks (I was one for 6 years in fact, as part of the Shaolin Temple), though they seem to be less common.

Not all religions are faith based so that doesn’t qualify as a definition.
The western use of the concept of religion depends on the theism as a starting point. Elsewhere, religion does not demand theism. In western terms, Buddhism is not a religion because it rejects theism. However, there is absolutely Buddhist religious followers across the globe; both theistic and non-theistic.

Where does this come from I have never heard of a religion of fighting prejudice, it is certainly not in common usage and has nothing whatsoever to do with theism vs religion.
It is an example of word usage; per my earlier follow-up post, it has nothing to do with theism, but is a descriptor akin to "doggedly". i.e.: "I religiously shower every morning before work" means I do so regularly and with purposeful intent. I don't praise a spiritual being while doing it.

So if I devotedly follow my conscience, I am a religion.
If you define a dogma based on your conscience, then refuse to deviate from your written dogma, then yes, you are a religion.
But if I only half heartedly follow my conscience, I am what? nothing..:bawl:
In this case, you don't follow a defined dogma, so you are not a religion.
Also for phrases such as religiously showering in the morning, yes this is common usage. Absolutely irrelevant to Theism vs Religion though.
Agreed. I included it for the purposes of thoroughness.
Not all theists are religions, and not all religions are theistic.
Theism is a theological position that claims that a deity or deities exist(s). Religion is a system of practically-applying philosophy.
Interesting definition, and generally not in line with Western usage of the term religion.

However, I think I like it better, as it makes the difference between belief and the application of actions due to those beliefs clear.
Interesting definition, and generally not in line with Western usage of the term religion.
It's one of the few words where I deviate sharply from the conventional definition. I find the standard, dictionary definition of the term to be woefully inadequate.
Well peaches, why don't you take a dekko at that map above and fill in the normal distribution curve with the approximate percentage of all the nonreligious, nontheist people who are sane as per your opinion in this graph?

I could take one single color and fill in the entire map with just one word in the legend; science. Funny how that works, eh Sam? :D

Although, they do say that there is a fine line between genius and madness so it all depends on which side of the line you think you are.

A fine line? Hilarious. Yes, Muhammad and all the other so-called prophets and messengers were "geniuses" LOL!

On the other hand, you could do something truly unusual and opine on the OP instead

I did. They are both forms of mental derangement and nothing more.
I could take one single color and fill in the entire map with just one word in the legend; science. Funny how that works, eh Sam? :D

I could do the same with geography.... or rice......... or ............ sex. Whats ya point???
Oh, I see, you're trying to distinguish that there are two types of insane irrational belief systems, one is theism and the other is religion. :rolleyes:

There are many types of belief system, irrational or otherwise. These are religions.

Theism is not a belief system.
There are many types of belief system, irrational or otherwise. These are religions.

Theism is not a belief system.

Oh yes, my bad, I had no idea that semantics played such a huge part with beliefs in gods and reality. LOL!