The "Zetas" talk


Really I can't remember which mail it was I tried to make fun of your believes. I was being sincere because your ideas are so foreign to mine. But may be just because that is the case you just had to put a lot of thought in them in order to come to such a theory even if I don't agree with it.

Still the New Age people who you dispise so much are doing exactly the same thing as you, they are not content with the things they learned when they were kids and want to find their own metaphysical way in life. You follow different paths but your driving forces are the same.

What we are seeing here is a democratisation process of the metaphysical world. Because in the Western World a lot of people get a higher education, they are not satisfied any more with the rather simple believes of their mothers and fathers. Still they crave for the same mystical explanations for their existance so they go and find their answers themselves.
There is nothing wrong with that, it is just a new step in the evolution of society but it leads to a certain feeling of disorientation for the modern man. There are so many different truths out there that it gets kind of hard to find your way.

So the reason why I asked you this question, Lori is just to show you that you are certainly not alone in your search and to ask for some compassion for the others that you think are so misguided.

"If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
Isaac Newton
I bookmarked zeta talk but i dont like channeled info. I marked it just so later when i get over the nausea i can actually read the stuff lol. Channelings are too easy to be deceived by,self-important people most of the time who want to lead a group of people down a path to their heavens gate. Aliens don't channel information,from my encounters like i said before they can enter an individual and use them as a conduit,this can happen to anyone who has an open mind. Not specific individuals. People like zeta talk, Billy Meiers etc. should be shot down especially if they request money for their services. They should be exposed for the frauds they are.

Eric Cooper