The Zero degree engergy machine!!

Let's see...

On the one hand, we have a super-secret military conspiracy which has managed to keep alien technology and zero-point energy devices secret from the public for years with no leaks.

On the other hand, there are about a million web sites which give detailed descriptions of all the secret UFOs, zero-point energy devices and alien autopsies which are supposedly happening all the time.

My question is: how do so many unqualified amateur conspiracy theorists manage to continually break through the top-level Pentagon security measures to get details of all the top-secret, conspiracy-protected stuff?

Isn't it much more likely that the conspiracy theorists just have incredibly overactive imaginations?
Im sure this "Super secret / everyone knows" duality can be chalked up to psycics, which BTW the government also does not want you to know about!
Isn't it much more likely that the conspiracy theorists just have incredibly overactive imaginations?

Hey, c'mon, I dont wear my foil hat EVERY day!:p
Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
actually yes I believe they are doing nothing illegal, At least not in america, because they define law, and if its in the good will of the people they are above the law. Go get a job and quit spouting off about how intelligent and right you are when you cant even use the world "probably" over an abbreviation, get a haircut, and get a job hippy, No one gives a damn if you "fight the machine"

I'm still in high school....
Originally posted by ArcticChill2k3
I'm still in high school....

really? so am I while I also have a job and I can complete a sentence without the use of the use of abbreviations such as "U" and along with that I can spell a complete sentence, and since your in highschool im damn sure that makes either you or I qualified enough to state the existance of aliens or of our government's conspiracy against the people. Good Job
I want every one here that does not yet know any,enough, or just plain refuses to acknowledge the "Zero Point Energy"
system as being real.
Remember this statement.Rememeber who said this. Moementum7.
Do not forget.
I challenge you to challenge me on the reality of this project.
I challenge you.
We are moving forward thanks to men and women who are brave enough to stand up for themselves.
Peace Out

My eyes are open:eek:

Watch this.
Just do it dammit!

Check this out.

And listen to this:D

Checking any of this out just might make you a little more human;)
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moementum7 - welcome to the fold. Nice links, but I'm on 56k, can you summarise the movie please? :)

One build-up has produced up to 100 times more power than was input" Perpetual motion is plausible with one of these then?

Aaaargh! For f**ksake! How many times must it be said? No-one, to my knowledge, who believes in zero point tech has EVER claimed it to be perpetual motion. It is not creating energy, it is converting the latent energy of space/time into a usable form. Conservation of energy holds.

There is no aether. Virtual particle pairs don't make it one either.

From what I've heard, Einstien seemed to think there was, he just didn't consider it relevant to his theories at the time. Tesla apparently had a reasonable knowledge of its existance as well.

I may be wrong, you may be wrong, they may be wrong, but time will show where the real ignorance lies...

Belief creates reality.
I will give it a shot.
This particular conference took place in 2001.
It was titled the NCA,"National Press Conference".
There were over 20-30 media and news organizations present and dozens of reporters.
A man named Stephen Greer is heading this organization known as "the Disclosure Project."There are many sites on this forum that can link you to it.
He was a doctor who after searching for the truth part time,sat down with his wife and kids and told them,"I have been doing this part time for 7 years,I am now going tto do this full time."

He walked away from a secure income to do this.
He has been able to collaberate over 400 witnesses,all with solid credentials involved in every area of the government and military.
The video focuses on about 20 of these witnesses,men and women who were at the top,who had clearance to many of the black projects and top secret projects.

They all have concrete eveidence of cover ups,recorded conversations,documents,you name it.
And they are all willing to swear on there oath before congress that this is true.
All of these peoples carreers are at stake.
This is not to be taken lightly.
The problem so far is that congress is unwilling to acknowledge them.
Anything I say will fall short of being able to watch the program for yourself.
You must view this conference.
It is part of the catalyst of what is about to come.
If you cannot get it no matter what PM me and we can talk about sending you a copy on CD.
Peace Out
The US gov't is too powerful. It controls other countries gov't and makes them keep the secreats of thier discoveries in new tech. What was the last thing that is useful in the USA invented in the USA, tell me. A subway.
<i>The US gov't is too powerful. It controls other countries gov't and makes them keep the secreats of thier discoveries in new tech. </i>

Hehe. The US government couldn't control Iraq, to take one recent example. I think you'll find that other countries greatly value their independence from the United States.
Hehe. The US government couldn't control Iraq, to take one recent example. I think you'll find that other countries greatly value their independence from the United States.

Holy crap! Don't tell me Americans are actually starting to realise that there IS other intelligent life in the usaverse... :p
Guess who installed Saddam as dictator of Iraq.
That's right,The so called government of the good ol' U.S. of A.
On the same note,it was also the government of the good ol' U.S. of A. that trained Ossama Bin Ladden with C.I.A. training before you know what happened.
Weird, or insane?

Sorry for bringing up something as far fetched as politics in this forum.:D
Holy crap! Don't tell me Americans are actually starting to realise that there IS other intelligent life in the usaverse..

Sorry James, only just discovered you're not from USA... I withdraw my comment. He he... thought it was too insightful to be an american comment... ;)
What other intelligent life? Theirs not even any on earth! Well at lest not on here in America.
I do not make exceptions duuuuuuaaaauuuuh...