The Zero degree engergy machine!!


Registered Senior Member
Have you heard about this machine, of coarse you have if you know Steven Greer. This shows that we need that machine cuz of the major blackout. I live in NYC and i realized yesterday that without power, we are practicly in the middle ages. Nothing operates and nothing works. Except cars that run on gasoline. If they realesed the zero degree enegery machine this would never happen. Would you agree?
well, actually , maybe.. now this is just my 2 cents, Maybe if you posted something about this machine more peoplle could reply?
but first if it requires " 0 Degrees" then it cant work and is impossible, absolute zero can never be reached
if there is any energy anywhere in the universe you cant get to 0 degrees, just like if you are using energy to propell you forward you can never quite reach the speed of light (the fastest speed energy can travle) but you can frigging get close enough so no one cares about the difference. what 0 degrees are you talking about Absolute zero? I dont think we can even get close to that.

and er, yeah, im not familiar with the reference, what machine is this.
Yes links would be nice because I woudl like to know what the hell your talking about?!?!
ya gotta figure he's talking about the whole zero-point energy thing. that'd be nice if it could be demonstrated as other than imaginary.
you mean the whole “sucking energy from a vacuum” thing? I have heard those thing can’t breakeven, in fact they haven’t produces any energy at all.
ArcticChill2K3 is probably talking the speculation of being able to
"tap in" to the Zero Point Energy of the Zero Point Field. Some of
the theories think there is a kind of a cosmological constant that
all EM radiation travels in. The zero point energy is thought to be
shown to exist by the casimir (sp?) effect. I have heard of no theories
of how to extract that energy, though.
Originally posted by 2inquisitive
ArcticChill2K3 is probably talking the speculation of being able to
"tap in" to the Zero Point Energy of the Zero Point Field. Some of
the theories think there is a kind of a cosmological constant that
all EM radiation travels in. The zero point energy is thought to be
shown to exist by the casimir (sp?) effect. I have heard of no theories
of how to extract that energy, though.

Yey i'm talking about that, that it only requires like 2 AA batteries. It in physics i just forgot whats it called. I remeber Steven Greer taking about it on some radio show i just forgot where i downloaded it from.
well, if somone could suck unlimited energy from the cosmological constant with just 2 AA batteries they would be rich and lording over us like kings or killed by an energy company assasins bullet, not just talking about it on the radio. So i think its safe to say its not quite feasable yet.
its military technology, top secreat military technology which make the us able to fly there own UFOs, well i hope they realese it in my life time
Well ya I hope it released soon so I can believe you and so the world can become a utopia with infinite energy and total peace and bliss.
I thought the military "black projects" were suspected to be using
a technology based on an extension of the Biefeld-Brown effect??

fixed spelling error
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Originally posted by ArcticChill2k3
its military technology, top secreat military technology which make the us able to fly there own UFOs, well i hope they realese it in my life time
I kind of took this conversation seriosuly until just now
you should take it seriously, i just stated that the military prob has that technology, but we civiliazations are just beginning to understand it. Computers were invented in 1940s (alien technology) and no one knew about it until 1970s-1980s IBM was created. So it took 50-60 years for military technology to go to civilians, if the zero degree energy exists and it is owned my the military , it might be realesed within 40-50 years, if not then i do not know when.
aaah people knew about the computer after WWII it was not covered up, nor was its technology new or alien (vacuum tubes were quite old even then)

IBM has been around since the 1880’s making gear driven number counters.

I seriously doubt vacuum energy generators exist, take the jet engine: it only took a few years after is military implementation before it enter the consumer market. Trust me if the military had such a power source they would have used it to power everything by now and taken over the world.
Originally posted by ArcticChill2k3
you should take it seriously, i just stated that the military prob has that technology, but we civiliazations are just beginning to understand it. Computers were invented in 1940s (alien technology) and no one knew about it until 1970s-1980s IBM was created. So it took 50-60 years for military technology to go to civilians, if the zero degree energy exists and it is owned my the military , it might be realesed within 40-50 years, if not then i do not know when.

1. We are civilians not civilizations

2. The mililtary rairly has super advanced technology that we dont learn about (oooh but thats just what they want us to think!) keeping thier latest and greatest a secret isnt much of a benifit to the military because a technology wont inspire fear in enemy troops or make them less likely to want to fight against it if they dont know about it. Even the Airforces super planes (U2, SR71, F117) each only enjoyed several brief years of secrecy.

3.The moment the military began using computers in the 40s they were in news reels the world over and universitys began building thier own. this claim that we only got them in the 70's is purely fallacious. Hell consumer computers were just poping up about then, UNIX was written in 69 for godds sake and it took years of development to get to that point.

4.If the military has some sort of super efficient power source they had better NEVER reveal it because the civilian chief of the armed forces (the presedent) would be a fool not to confinscate the testicles of ever general in the pentagon for not releasing it into broader use.

and if you think that those early computers were created with alien technology then let me give you a dope slap on behalf of Alan Turing.
If those early computers were created with alien technology, then how in gods name did aliens make it to earth? Why did we have to improve on it so damn much before we could even manage to get ourselves to the moon?
I think ArcticChill2k3 is probably referring to the fact that some of
those conspiracy-type sites believe that things like the intergrated
circuit, fiber optics, and maybe even the transistor were reverse-
engineered from alien technology. I was in college in the mid to late
60's and there were no consumer computers, hell we didn't even
hand held calculators, lol. Remember the slide rule? Those early
computers were huge things using vacuum tubes. I remember
one of the first succesful personal computers was the Commador64
or something like that (don't remember the spelling). They were
normally connected to your TV. I don't remember for sure when they
came out, I think late 70's. I am not saying I believe those sites
are correct, just what ArticChill2k3 has probably read.
early computers didnt have intigrated circuts nor transisters

also transisters are so feindishly simple if we needed alien brainpower to discover them i honestly dont think we woul have stoped living like apes

also fiber optic wire is made of plastic a derivative of crude oil which i suppose aliens have on thier planet(s) too then?