The Xmas Antichrist

The fact is people need some overindulgent gluttony to provide some relief in the middle of winter. The materialism of Christmas is it's only redeeming feature.
The fact is people need some overindulgent gluttony to provide some relief in the middle of winter. The materialism of Christmas is it's only redeeming feature.

There is more truth in this than you think.

To the ancient pagans, surviving the (Mid) Winter Solstice on December 21st was a gift of God and needed to celebrated. Such celebrations existed during the beginnings of Christianity, but this new religion was much more interested in purity than debauchery, and needed to place importance on their savior rather than a pagan one (Mithras, a Roman God brought over from India, was the Son of God, offered Salvation through him, had twelve disciples, and was of a virgin birth born on December 25th).
There is more truth in this than you think.

To the ancient pagans, surviving the (Mid) Winter Solstice on December 21st was a gift of God and needed to celebrated. Such celebrations existed during the beginnings of Christianity, but this new religion was much more interested in purity than debauchery, and needed to place importance on their savior rather than a pagan one (Mithras, a Roman God brought over from India, was the Son of God, offered Salvation through him, had twelve disciples, and was of a virgin birth born on December 25th).

A good thread starter would be a comparison of Mithra with the Christ.
Exactly my point. :D

The thread would merely be a stating of the obvious.


He was a President of the United States.

He was particularly concerned with civil rights.

His wife lost a child while living in the White House.

He was shot on a Friday.

He was shot in the head.

He was assassinated by a Southerner.

He was succeeded by a Southerner named Johnson.

His assassin was known by three names.

His name was composed of fifteen letters.

Guess who?:p

PS Similar != same.
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I just saw a documentary on Saint Nicholas today on the telly - born in Turkey - died in Turkey - most of his skeleton brought to Bari in Italy as a relic .....
Here is the juicy part : Saint Nicholas was a violent person - he had quite a temper and hit bishop Arius in the face - when disputing something religious -
the skeleton bears evidence , that his nose had been broken earlier in life ...

A fistfighting Saint ?????
He probably would be banned for life here on SciFo....
I just saw a documentary on Saint Nicholas today on the telly - born in Turkey - died in Turkey - most of his skeleton brought to Bari in Italy as a relic .....Here is the juicy part : Saint Nicholas was a violent person-he had quite a temper and hit bishop Arius in the face-when disputing something religious - the skeleton bears evidence, that his nose had been broken earlier in life ...

A fistfighting Saint?????
He probably would be banned for life here on SciFo....

M*W: So what? A fist fighting saint. I guarantee there were more unscrouplous saints. Paul, the most scrupuolous of all. It's just a contaction of the name of "Apollo." You people need to get a life.

When do u suppose jesus was born then?

I do not believe that the actual date has been pinned down but mid September is an accurate time zone for it. From what i have read it would be September in 4BC

Are you a happy person Addie? From the patterns of your posts you seem to be a very angry person.

I am direct in my posts. That means i state things as i see them. If people disagree then often it is a part of human nature to project an attitude of anger upon the person you disagree with to make it easier to justify rejecting their thoughts. If someone sees me as a big bad monster or a big happy cuddly bear makes not difference to the thoughts that i give. What people perceive originates from themselves.

Santa Claus is a fun little tradition for children...I'll admit the gift giving has become quite commercialized, but why sit there and Scrooge off on Santa as what you consider to be the big Evil, when historically as sam and beyond have pointed out, Santa has nothing to do with evil.

sam and beyond are quite free to put forward their points of view to justify their stance on santa and christmas but i disagree totally. satan uses a lot of good looking packages to deliver his deception in. You see it as a fun little tradition. I see it as part of a packaged designed to divert people from the truth. santa is just another colourful pied piper leading the masses away from the way of truth to destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days