The Xmas Antichrist

Light Travelling

It's a girl O lord in a flatbed Ford
Registered Senior Member
Santa Claus is the real antichrist. He presides over the materialistic orgy that occurs each year at the same time that the arrival of Christ is celebrated by Christians, he represents commercialisation, greed, over- indulgence. He battles with Jesus for control of the people each year, forcing many into debt, depression and despair.

If you think about it, anyone who really followed Jesus’ teaching would not take part in the overindulgent gluttony that has become Christmas.

Even his name Santa is an anagram of Satan…There are other similarities; Both Satan and Santa are portrayed in red; Satan is sometimes called Old Nick and Santa is sometimes called Saint Nick; they both deceive children and lead them astray from true religion….

So there you go Santa = Satan….. now off to the shops, Old Nick is fiddling, so ya better start dancing…..ha ha:p

While I am on the subject, I was talking to an atheist friend of mine recently and asking him why he celebrated Xmas being an atheist… his reply was that Xmas is not actually a Christian festival it was overlaid on top of older pagan celebrations of the equinoxes, I then pointed out that pagans still believe in gods, spirits, the supernatural and asked him why he was celebrating a pagan festival when he wasn’t a pagan…… his only reply to this was that he enjoyed eating, drinking , presents and parties. But I am thinking that this type of celebration could be done any time of the year - a ‘shopping fest’ or ‘party weekend’. Anywhoo, the point to all this is that a thought suddenly occurred to me. The Roman Christians overlaid Christian festivals over the top of the existing pagan ones as a way to subtly convert all the pagans to the Roman / Christian way of life and therefore make them easier to manage. So why is there a capatilist / materialist celebration now overlaid on the older Christian / pagan one……. for the exact same reason, to conquer the population in a subtle way and convert them to a new way of thinking. If this celebration was in mid March it would have been much harder to get it going, so they just infiltrate xmas in the same way the early Christians infiltrated the old equinox celebration..

So beware… we are being conquered by the capitalist beast…. Old Satan Claus
Lightee #2 dude...I just participate in christmas because it's fun, and I go see family I don't see often, and eat good food. And sure people can do that anytime...they're called birthdays, valentine's, easter, divali, halloween, thanksgiving...etc etc....heck I go partying on a regular basis. Christmas though is the only glittery one :)

Who cares which religion invented it? Grab hold that stick and pull it out of your bum.
If you think about it, anyone who really followed Jesus’ teaching would not take part in the overindulgent gluttony that has become Christmas.
and Jesus said to give all your money to the poor,right?
so isnt giving gifts to others especialy those less fortunate a good thing?

dont you wish all the churches would follow that one rule,instead of always just taking your money ;)

Even his name Santa is an anagram of Satan..
anagram shmanagram..
in Latin and Italian it means :SAINT! how do you like that?
Santa means saint. He's called Saint Nik because Nik is the first part of his name: Niklaus (ie, clause, santa clause). He was a Bishop, Saint Niklaus. He wears red because that is a liturgical color that is occasionally worn by priests and bishops. His feast day in Catholocism is Dec. 12 I believe. He was known for his unconditional generosity.

Of course, all of that has been lost in the legend. Now he has a wife, lives in the north pole, has elf servants, rides a sleigh pulled by reindeer, who can fly. It is like Valentine's Day. Valentine was also a saint, St. Valentine. Prisoner for his religious beliefs, he was not deterred. He wrote letters during his imprisonment which talked about the love of Christ. It became practice in honor of him to write letters of love. Now it is nothing more than a romantic holiday.

Oh yes, ever wonder why they're called holidays? The term derives from "holy days" which were celebrations of some religious event (which was normally a day of remembrance of some past person or event). But, now, all these days have lost their meanings. Even Halloween, which is "All Hallows Eve," since the next day is All Saints Day (November 1). Well there you have it I guess.
Santa Claus is the real antichrist. He presides over the materialistic orgy that occurs each year at the same time that the arrival of Christ is celebrated by Christians, he represents commercialisation, greed, over- indulgence. He battles with Jesus for control of the people each year, forcing many into debt, depression and despair.

If you think about it, anyone who really followed Jesus’ teaching would not take part in the overindulgent gluttony that has become Christmas.

Even his name Santa is an anagram of Satan…There are other similarities; Both Satan and Santa are portrayed in red; Satan is sometimes called Old Nick and Santa is sometimes called Saint Nick; they both deceive children and lead them astray from true religion….

So there you go Santa = Satan….. now off to the shops, Old Nick is fiddling, so ya better start dancing…..ha ha:p

While I am on the subject, I was talking to an atheist friend of mine recently and asking him why he celebrated Xmas being an atheist… his reply was that Xmas is not actually a Christian festival it was overlaid on top of older pagan celebrations of the equinoxes, I then pointed out that pagans still believe in gods, spirits, the supernatural and asked him why he was celebrating a pagan festival when he wasn’t a pagan…… his only reply to this was that he enjoyed eating, drinking , presents and parties. But I am thinking that this type of celebration could be done any time of the year - a ‘shopping fest’ or ‘party weekend’. Anywhoo, the point to all this is that a thought suddenly occurred to me. The Roman Christians overlaid Christian festivals over the top of the existing pagan ones as a way to subtly convert all the pagans to the Roman / Christian way of life and therefore make them easier to manage. So why is there a capatilist / materialist celebration now overlaid on the older Christian / pagan one……. for the exact same reason, to conquer the population in a subtle way and convert them to a new way of thinking. If this celebration was in mid March it would have been much harder to get it going, so they just infiltrate xmas in the same way the early Christians infiltrated the old equinox celebration..

So beware… we are being conquered by the capitalist beast…. Old Satan Claus

I do not recognise christmas as the birth day of the Messiah Jesus, Nor do i take part in it by observing any religious happenings.

You are right that santa is Just satan dressed up in a funny suit. But even more so you have mentioned the very foundation of this day was the melding of a pagan celebration with a false Christian one. (Jesus was not born on December the 25th) So from the very start it was not a true Christian celebration but a clear example of spiritual fornication with paganism. We are told from scriptures that it is wrong to mis the Light with darkness and that is what christmas is a clear example of.

So santa or no santa. it makes no difference to me. christmas has been wrong right from the start.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Santa Claus is the real antichrist. He presides over the materialistic orgy that occurs each year at the same time that the arrival of Christ is celebrated by Christians, he represents commercialisation, greed, over- indulgence. He battles with Jesus for control of the people each year, forcing many into debt, depression and despair..............

So beware… we are being conquered by the capitalist beast…. Old Satan Claus

I'm laughing now.
Lightee #2 dude....

Actually Lightee#1… I joined in 2005 the other in 2006

Good inflammatory thread, but I doubt your seriousness.

There is some humor in there, true. But some more serious points aswell if you want to take them. ;)

and Jesus said to give all your money to the poor,right?
so isnt giving gifts to others especialy those less fortunate a good thing?

Of course, and if Xmas was only about the well off giving presents to the poor I would say you have a point.

However, it is usually about the rich giving presents to each other and f*** the poor.

He wears red because that is a liturgical color that is occasionally worn by priests and bishops. His feast day in Catholocism is Dec. 12 I believe. He was known for his unconditional generosity. .

I understood that Saint Nick and his other northern European versions always used to wear green (going back to the ancient tradition of the green man). It was the Coke Cola marketing dept that turned him red..

We all know that Coke Cola are in league with the devil , so there you are Santa is the Devil……….I mean come on who else gives a cocaine based drink to children.

Oh yes, ever wonder why they're called holidays? The term derives from "holy days" which were celebrations of some religious event (which was normally a day of remembrance of some past person or event). But, now, all these days have lost their meanings. Even Halloween, which is "All Hallows Eve," since the next day is All Saints Day (November 1). Well there you have it I guess.

Good point, and even if people aren’t Christians and want to celebrate something but not a Christian thing, one cant help feeling that the things being celebrated instead arnt particularly good things… no high ideals etc.

I mean if pagans want to worship nature spirits at the winter equinox, I am fine with that.
If Christian want to celebrate the birth of their messiah on an arbitrary date, that is fine too.
But why do all others have to celebrate over-indulgence at this same time..
Now the atheist (according to this site) is supposed to have higher moral standards than the theist. So it seems strange that they would want to participate in ‘rubbing the third worlds nose in it’ with such excessive consumerism at this, or any other time of year. The poorer areas of the third world certainly cant celebrate Xmas (or anything else) western style..
I understood that Saint Nick and his other northern European versions always used to wear green (going back to the ancient tradition of the green man). It was the Coke Cola marketing dept that turned him red..

Thats an Urban legend.

Saint Nick was born in Turkey and was a bishop of the Byzantine church and their liturgical colors are green.

Hence the original Santa wore green.

However, he was wearing red on a regular basis long before he was immortalised by the advertising of the Coca Cola company.

Saint Nicholas, alias Father Christmas, alias Santa Claus, was a real person who lived near Antalya in the warm climate of southern Turkey rather than in the icy Arctic desert. Born at Patara near Kalkan, he spent most of his life at Myra, 140 kilometers southwest of Antalya.

Saint Nicholas was elected bishop of Myra during the reign of Diocletian and died here around AD 350. The church of St. Nicholas is not where he preached, but was first built around his tomb in the 6th century, and later rebuilt by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IX in 1043. The bishop was renowned for his charitable deeds, and after his death became the most venerated saint of the Orthodox Christian world, particularly Russia.

Supposedly part of his sarcophagus is still present in Turkey

Legend has it that Nicholas, who is also known as the patron saint of students, is believed to have passed away at the age of 65 on December 6, 343. The Myrians built a church to honor his sainthood and interred him in a sarcophagus as his final resting place.

On April 20, 1087, during the First Crusade, some parts of his skeleton were stolen and taken away by merchants from Bari. The rest of his remains currently rest at the Antalya Museum.
Christ is the serpent (satan, santa, kundalini) which Moses lifted up in the desert.

Christ / Kundalini being what Moses raised in the desert....... yes, there is truth in that.

The OT is full of this type of metaphorical story.
I do not recognise christmas as the birth day of the Messiah Jesus, Nor do i take part in it by observing any religious happenings.

You are right that santa is Just satan dressed up in a funny suit. But even more so you have mentioned the very foundation of this day was the melding of a pagan celebration with a false Christian one. (Jesus was not born on December the 25th) So from the very start it was not a true Christian celebration but a clear example of spiritual fornication with paganism. We are told from scriptures that it is wrong to mis the Light with darkness and that is what christmas is a clear example of.

So santa or no santa. it makes no difference to me. christmas has been wrong right from the start.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

When do u suppose jesus was born then?

Are you a happy person Addie? From the patterns of your posts you seem to be a very angry person. Santa Claus is a fun little tradition for children...I'll admit the gift giving has become quite commercialized, but why sit there and Scrooge off on Santa as what you consider to be the big Evil, when historically as sam and beyond have pointed out, Santa has nothing to do with evil.

Actually Lightee#1… I joined in 2005 the other in 2006

Yeah I know but i started calling LG Lightee first :)

Of course, and if Xmas was only about the well off giving presents to the poor I would say you have a point.

However, it is usually about the rich giving presents to each other and f*** the poor.

I disagree. I can't speak for general world status, but corporations in our country make it duty, tradition even to spread the goods. Every major company adopts one or two (sometimes even three) different charities and employees combine time and money to these facilities. Being as I'm on an island, that kinda covers a lot.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with folks exchanging presents with loved ones. What's become tasteless is that the present becomes the most important thing; where people celebrates the loot rather than the observance of human kindness.

We all know that Coke Cola are in league with the devil , so there you are Santa is the Devil……….I mean come on who else gives a cocaine based drink to children.

Unfair's a by product, not in the drink. Plus...they're not giving it away, they're selling it. If you don't like it for you or your children, keep your dollars!

But why do all others have to celebrate over-indulgence at this same time..
Now the atheist (according to this site) is supposed to have higher moral standards than the theist. So it seems strange that they would want to participate in ‘rubbing the third worlds nose in it’ with such excessive consumerism at this, or any other time of year. The poorer areas of the third world certainly cant celebrate Xmas (or anything else) western style..

Very true...but why do you consider this a reason to NOT celebrate it at all? Like I said, I celebrate it cause it's fun...I love to see the reactions when I buy the perfect present, or sit around a table, have a meal and laugh with great friends and close family.

What we should be doing is perhaps making a more concerted effort to relieve those poorer areas. And that is not a christmas effort, it's a humanitarian effort that should be consistent.
Yeah I know but i started calling LG Lightee first :)

Fair enough.

Unfair's a by product, not in the drink. Plus...they're not giving it away, they're selling it. If you don't like it for you or your children, keep your dollars!

No, originally there was cocaine in Coke (which I am sure is not urban myth), although there is obviously none now...

"Coke was originally formulated in 1886 by one John Styth Pemberton, an Atlanta druggist and former Confederate army officer. Among other things it contained (and presumably still contains) three parts coca leaves to one part cola nut.

The new soft drink was one of many concoctions in that era containing cocaine, which was being touted as a benign substitute for alcohol. Coke, in fact, was promoted as a patent medicine, which would "cure all nervous afflictions--Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Melancholy, Etc...."

How much cocaine Coke actually contained and how much kick you got from it is not known"
I think I´ve found it ....
From this link : "There isn´t any Santa Claus - and that`s official. The Vatican Friday demoted St. Nicholas ....."

They didn't drop him, they made his commemoration optional. Why do they make him Italian?

Church authorities stressed that there was no doubt of the authenticity of St. Nicholas, a southern Italian bishop, or of another saint similarly affected-St. George, the legendary dragon slayer who has been patron saint of England since the Crusades.

Their commemoration was made an option of local authorities throughout the world simply to relieve the entire church of the obligation to honor saints not universally well-known, Vatican spokesmen said.