The Worst Argument in History

This bad ! lol
The ones that made that should be arrested ;)
This is proganda in the worst sense of the word.
Unfortunately, I can't join you.
I have known people who would agree completely with the "reasoning" in the video.

Are you serious ? Thats just sick... how can anybody in their right mind believe this stuff ?
Oh and didn't all those things happen way back in history when 'God' was still alive. Don't waste your time people.
Seriously, people – take a trip to the rural southern United States some time if you don’t think that the person in that video might be genuine. There are plenty of believers who are non-rational and borderline insane.
Seriously, people – take a trip to the rural southern United States some time if you don’t think that the person in that video might be genuine. There are plenty of believers who are non-rational and borderline insane.

Being from the rural southern United States (Alabama), I can vouch for that. I've encountered my fair share of people that would believe this rubbish without any question.
Being from the rural southern United States (Alabama), I can vouch for that. I've encountered my fair share of people that would believe this rubbish without any question.

Oh how great it is to live here in the Bible Belt...that Dawkins debate in Bham is going to be interesting to say the least, I'm a little concerned the place may be bombed!
Oh how great it is to live here in the Bible Belt...that Dawkins debate in Bham is going to be interesting to say the least, I'm a little concerned the place may be bombed!

I can't wait to go. Should be fun.
I dont bother looking at videos like this because i will not be part of this 'child in the school yard' game. There are just as many flat out lunatic atheists, that is for sure.

nanananana na....why dont you all put that at the end of your posts?
I dont bother looking at videos like this because i will not be part of this 'child in the school yard' game. There are just as many flat out lunatic atheists, that is for sure.

nanananana na....why dont you all put that at the end of your posts?

I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. *boing fwep*

nanananana na

*blows raspberry*
It was a joke. The point is that pointing out crazy people based on their beliefs is meaningless.
It was a joke. The point is that pointing out crazy people based on their beliefs is meaningless.

Only if you think rationality is meaningless. Oops there's that word again, guess I should get started on my reign of terror.
What is rational? What IS irrational is forcing people to accept someones interpretation of rational on things that are not fully proven. Many people dont like to hear this but it is a fact. So what is irrational?

One thing that is obvious is how important your beliefs are to you. Not being able to see the similarities is what confounds me.
What IS irrational is forcing people to accept someones interpretation of rational on things that are not fully proven.

It's funny you word this so similarly as I would...this is what I see as a major problem of religions and their holy books. Those who study the Bible will invariably interpret the same passage vastly differently, who is to say one is right and the other is wrong? When it comes down to it, there is no reasoning behind why one's interpretation is truer than another's because they are just that; interpretations. Opinions with no proof, nothing more.

This is where the similarities stop. Opinions are fine, I have many myself, but they are not a reliable foundation for the search for what is true, and those of us who care passionately about what is true should disregard them as candidates. This, for me, means the defenestration a holy book declaring itself to be the truth and all the subjective and ungrounded interpretations of it that have nothing supporting them except the authenticness they award themselves.
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Your protestations are about as lame and transparently bogus to many of us as the ones in the video are to you.
And I'm not even a theist.
Well well, those protestations were 20+ page threads and have been repeated ad nauseum.
Well well, those protestations were 20+ page threads and have been repeated ad nauseum.

I don't know what your point is.
Please elabirate.

The point I was trying to make is that the old hats...
Can God do something that is a paradox?
If God is omniscient, free will is impossible, because everything is pre-determined.
If God is omnipotent and omnibenevolent, then why is there suffering?

Are all just as lame, contrived, dishonest and intellectually wortless as the arguments made in the video clip.
The fact that someone accepts either is nothing more than a testament to the person's own ingrained beliefs and willingness to trumpet whatever supports them, regardless of valid reasoning, or a testament to the person's lacking sense of reason and logic and being a sucker.

What was your point?
Maybe I am really tired but the argument in the video, I though, was an ad hominem fallacy? Perhaps with a touch of ad populum sprinkled on top?

I can't really remember now.

My point was that because such logic is so weak and the reasoning so faulty that it is easy for most people regardless of beleif to come to the conclusion that the argument is invalid.

That's not the case for the omniscient omnipotent God because most people still think God can be both omniscient omnipotent while clearly that is logically impossible. I am 100% positive that every theist on this thread agrees that the video's logic is faulty while they still maintain that their God is omniscient omnipotent.

Did I mention I am so tired today? But it was a pretty good day.