The Worst Argument in History

Speaking as a theist, even I can say that this video is a horrible argument against atheists. The narrator has a very sarcastic, annoying voice, adding more to my suffering of wasting about two minutes of my life. She implies an atheistic rule would promote violence, yet ignores the fact I WON'T deny, in that religion has caused LOTS of violence.

Makes me sad that such stupid arguments could be used for theism. This is so horrible that it could possibly be atheists in disguise trying to insult our intelligence.
Speaking as a theist, even I can say that this video is a horrible argument against atheists. The narrator has a very sarcastic, annoying voice, adding more to my suffering of wasting about two minutes of my life. She implies an atheistic rule would promote violence, yet ignores the fact I WON'T deny, in that religion has caused LOTS of violence.

Makes me sad that such stupid arguments could be used for theism. This is so horrible that it could possibly be atheists in disguise trying to insult our intelligence.

It also asserts that if you use the words "reason", "rational", and/or "real", you will eventually lead a bloody reign of terror.

But I presented this for a reason; it's a horrible argument dressed up in more juvenile clothing than what it usually is seen in...the fear-ridden suggestion that "without God everything is permitted" sadly is used quite frequently around here, albeit less emaciated. The reasoning behind this suggestion however is equally as inadequate as it is in the "argument" presented here, no matter what it is dressed in.
This is so horrible that it could possibly be atheists in disguise trying to insult our intelligence.

Great way to conclude a post - showing the exact same ignorance and intolerance as the narrator of the video. :bugeye:
Great way to conclude a post - showing the exact same ignorance and intolerance as the narrator of the video. :bugeye:

It was sarcasm, as I was trying to even further criticize the ludicrous video. Please, read between the lines.
Ooh, a christian joke, no wonder I missed it.

Admittedly I did consider the possibility but thought nobody could be that unfunny.
jesus lol and thiese cristians dont rember the burning of the proterstants the holy crusades, and that had nothinkg to do with people beliving in god did it?
jesus lol and thiese cristians dont rember the burning of the proterstants the holy crusades, and that had nothinkg to do with people beliving in god did it?

I don't think it had as much to do with believing in God as people seem to think.
I think it was simple mob mentality, fear, control, politics, money...
All the ingredients of any mass hysteria and large atrocity.
Most of the people involved with such things never actually read the Bible - it was all orders coming from those in power who wanted it to stay that way.

It was corrupt humans taking advantage of people's fears.
At one point it was against the law to read anything but The Bible.
The hitch was that The Bible was only printed in Latin, and only clergy and the highly educated rich could read Latin (which were few and far between).
As one who is willing to say that the Bible is a scourge on humanity, I will also go so far as to say that video seems more the produce of a misguided atheist provocateur trying to discredit religion.

Oh, wait. I guess I have to join Celpha Fiael in pleading optimism.
As one who is willing to say that the Bible is a scourge on humanity, I will also go so far as to say that video seems more the produce of a misguided atheist provocateur trying to discredit religion.

Oh, wait. I guess I have to join Celpha Fiael in pleading optimism.

Unfortunately, I can't join you.
I have known people who would agree completely with the "reasoning" in the video.
Makes me sad that such stupid arguments could be used for theism. This is so horrible that it could possibly be atheists in disguise trying to insult our intelligence.

I think I'd much rather it be an atheist who is being mocking, this would make me feel a lot better about it.
That was amazingly awesomely hilarious. Thanks for posting that.
It's good that theists can see that the argument in the video is logically flawed. BUT, what about all the other logical arguments that are not so straightforward? We can laugh at this idiot because it's so obvious BUT.. we have gone through thread after thread demonstrating that an omniscient God cancels out freewill. Yet, we all know many theists think God is omniscient AND we have free will. Or the omnipotent God that makes round squares. The classic God, an omnipotent omniscient being who logically can not learn anything new ...

I wouldn't point too many fingers as a few are pointing right back at chya

It's good that theists can see that the argument in the video is logically flawed. BUT, what about all the other logical arguments that are not so straightforward? We can laugh at this idiot because it's so obvious BUT.. we have gone through thread after thread demonstrating that an omniscient God cancels out freewill. Yet, we all know many theists think God is omniscient AND we have free will. Or the omnipotent God that makes round squares. The classic God, an omnipotent omniscient being who logically can not learn anything new ...

I wouldn't point too many fingers as a few are pointing right back at chya


Your protestations are about as lame and transparently bogus to many of us as the ones in the video are to you.
And I'm not even a theist.
It's good that theists can see that the argument in the video is logically flawed. BUT, what about all the other logical arguments that are not so straightforward? We can laugh at this idiot because it's so obvious BUT.. we have gone through thread after thread demonstrating that an omniscient God cancels out freewill. Yet, we all know many theists think God is omniscient AND we have free will. Or the omnipotent God that makes round squares. The classic God, an omnipotent omniscient being who logically can not learn anything new ...

Yes yes I agree. Baby steps.