The word "whore" and its connotations

Whore and C**T (god I hate that word) doesn't mean the same thing to me.
I find the "C" word a real insult and quite offensive.
That's why I use that word very sparingly. She has to be acting more or less over the top for me to use that word. Otherwise 'bitch' usually suffices.
Hmmmm you may be right the women use it more frequently then men. :shrug: I am guilty myself of using it.
I have heard men refer to strippers and hookers as sluts and whores. I also have heard them refer to gold diggers as sluts and whores.

HERES A SECRET: It's cause they're not rich enough to get the gold digging girls. And frankly, the strippers and hookers ARE whores and sluts, by definition.
Connotations - What people imagine a word or phrase to mean which may or may not fit what the speaker/writer intended, more often not, & usually does not fit the definition of the words.
I believe in your OP you proved your own assertion. Whore is offensive, but it's still ok to say out of context. "Nigger" is such an offensive word that even just typing it out of context can be offensive to some. It's so offensive, we've had to create the term "n-word" just to be able to reference the term without actually having to say it. There is no contest which is more offensive. The "n-word" in my opinion, could be one of the most powerful single words in the English language right now. There are some places, where using that term out loud could literally get you killed...I know of no other term that evokes such a powerful response. Only thing close is "free money".
N-word is utterly stupid. It is ridiculous that they've created the term "n-word" just to be able to reference the term without actually having to say it. Any time it's OK to say N-word, it should be OK to say nigger. Any time it's not OK to say nigger, it shouldn't be OK to say N-word.
Probably someday idiots will consider N-word offensive.
Ok, I have a question. If the word Nigger is so highly offensive why is it used so much.
Black music artists throw it around in their songs, and address eachother as Nigger. Is it ok if a Black guy addresses another Black guy or a buddy...." Hey Nigga " Is it just more offensive if another race calls them that? Or is it just something that is cool among Rappers or Music Artists?

Personally I don't use the word.
Ok, I have a question. If the word Nigger is so highly offensive why is it used so much.

It depends on the context in which it is used. 'Whassup up my nigga!' is an instance where 'nigga' (just nigger is eubonics) is used in the context of a friendly greeting. "You dirty nigger!" is an instance where it is used as a slur.

Although sometimes, 'nigger's' acceptability is interpreted in light of the verbaliser's skin colour. Which is bullshit.
The main idea was that one of the posters claimed that "whore" was as offensive and carried as much weight as an insult as the "n-word".

Using "whore" to decribe a woman is always an insult in normal usage. Since it could reasonably expected to incite others to violence, I would say its at least comparable to "nigger" for an insult.

Personally I've always felt it is used only by the envious.

Its advantage over "cunt" as an insult is that it also insults the woman's partner and implies infidelity. "Cunt" is a more directed insult.